Look here @Blitzball Champ stop taking my job OK! semi retiring retiring & unretiring is my thing OK!
Getting YOMI like a Toy Mouse by the #1 SH outside of JP. Help please...Oh Grand King Switch Nation GT.
YO @Cmoney Top 10 NAVF, there's another XBL $ Tourney! You in Son!? @adamYUKI Maverick & @Tricky A-Train are.
@Shinkuhadoken1 No one on Parsex: Zzz. + Need 2 kick kids off XBL on XMas eve: Painful. Being able to play VF = Priceless. YOLO...
@Rodnutz?DumbNutz I could be wrong but doesn't 66666p & double palm beat back dashing? & please continue the whining.
Yo @Cmoney, this PS3 finale pot is @ $300 SON! You in? Besides you can take it easy since non of them are Top Ten NA right?
@Blessy, my feelings are hurt OK. When you come to NYC, I'm buying you only 1 drink. & no offline Smurf AK for you even more weak IRL, :(.