[08/05/2012]PSN Online Tournament (Russia)

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by ZBEP, Jul 25, 2012.

  1. ZBEP

    ZBEP Well-Known Member

    Noobs and masters, pros and scrubs, newcommers and old players - we're all different, but we are all gathered here because we love VF!

    On the 5th of August, at 13:15 UTC there will be held the first Russian online (PSN) VF5FS tournament!
    So if you're from Russia, Ukraine, or any CIS country - fell free to join: http://www.fighting.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&p=325921 the registration ends at 11:00 UTC, 2 hours before the start of event

    The tournament will be Full Double Elimination, ft2.

    There will be no prizes but the honor of being the best of Russia!

    <span style="font-size: 11pt">And this event will be streamed!</span> We will start streaming all matches from top 8 winners and top 4 loosers. Up until it the matches will go at the same time, so some of them, but not all, will be streamed too. Me, Lyama and probably MastikatoR will be commentating, mostly on russian, but fell free to ask questions in the chat! Hope our knowlege of english will be enough to answer them [​IMG] Don't miss it if you're interested in VF!

    The stream is provided by FightingOpera.
    Link to the stream channel: http://twitch.tv/fightingopera
  2. ZBEP

    ZBEP Well-Known Member

    The event will be streamed there: http://twitch.tv/fightingopera by FightingOpera.
    Me, Lyama and probably MastikatoR will be commentating, mostly on russian, but if you'll have any questions - feel free to ask in the chat, we will try to answer )
    It starts at 13:00-13:15 UTC, 08.05.2012.


    SUGATA Well-Known Member

    Waiting for the tournament, comrades!
  4. ZBEP

    ZBEP Well-Known Member

    2.Mars (tekken7531)

    Hanzo x Mars match, the battle of the rivals, was epic

    So, the first tourney as it is ) There were some problems, delays in the stream, we will fix them for the next event, but overall the tournament was good, there were some hype matches. I even managed to reach the third place [​IMG]
    Thank you guys for watching, we will probably do our next tourney at the end of august, so, stay hype!

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