[10/27-10/28] Halloween Havoc Major - NJ

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Jaxel, Jul 25, 2007.

  1. Jaxel

    Jaxel Well-Known Member


    Team Crooked Jester is running its SECOND major tournament in just a few months! Our last major tournament attracted a surprising 60-80 players over the course of the entire weekend. Its going to be warmer this time around so it will all be better. As usual, we'll make sure to have lots of food and pleasantries. This major tournament will cover many major fighting games as well as several less well-known fighting games.


    Saturday October 27 to Sunday October 28
    8 Emerson St
    Edison, NJ 08820
    <ul>[*]Take Garden State Parkway to Exit 131[*]Make RIGHT onto Highway 27[*]Make RIGHT at FIRST light onto Wood Ave (between two gas stations)[*]Make LEFT at THIRD light onto Inman Ave[*]PASS first light (Featherbed Lane)[*]Take IMMEDIATE LEFT onto Ahmerst Ave[*]Ahmerst Ave becomes Emerson St at bend.[/list]
    We are literally 5 minutes away from the Edison Metropark Train station and players will be more than happy to pick you up if you are coming by plane or train. The train schedule is available online at: http://www.njtransit.com/pdf/rail/Current/r0070.pdf.

    Main Events:
    <ul>[*]Soul Calibur 3[*]Narutimate Accel[*]Tekken 5 Dark Ressurection[*]Virtua Fighter 5[/list]
    Possible Undercard Events:
    <ul>[*]Arcana Heart[*]Big Bang Beat[*]Bleach Blade Battlers 2[*]Guilty Gear XX Accent Core[*]Melty Blood Act Cadenza[*]Soul Calibur 2[*]Soul Calibur 3 Teams[*]Tekken Tag Tournament[/list]
    Saturday, October 27, 2007
    2:00 PM for Soul Calibur 3
    4:00 PM for Virtua Fighter 5
    6:00 PM for Narutimate Accel
    8:00 PM for Undercard Events
    10:00 PM for MYSTERY GAME

    Sunday, October 28, 2007
    4:00 PM for Tekken 5 Dark Ressurection
    6:00 PM for Undercard Events
    8:00 PM for Undercard Events

    Times for all other games are TBD. The Mystery Game got a LOT of good reviews at our last major tournament! We did Blast Factor Grudge Mode last time, and we probably wont be doing the same this time. As usual, don't ask me for hints as it will be a surprise.

    <ul>[*]Soul Calibur 3 will run standard TCJ rules.[*]Narutimate Accela will run standard SSR rules.[*]Tekken 5 DR will run nationaly accepted rules.[*]Virtua Fighter 5 will run nationaly accepted rules.[/list]
    <ul>[*]Squatting during casual play is prohibited (no calling "one more! rematch!")[*]You must take a shower before coming to our tournaments (no stinkers)[*]No smoking inside the house (thats what the garage and deck are for)[*]Be clean and courteous (clean up after yourself)[*]Don't walk in front of TVs when matches are being played.[*]Don't throw or punch the house sticks.[*]You can be banned from house stick use.[*]We reserve the right to ban people altogether.[*]We reserve the right to search anyone who is suspected of stealing.[*]Respect my house and other players in the tournament.[/list]

    Crooked Jester does have their own house sticks! However, it is recommened that you bring your own controllers or sticks because each stick has a personal feel... and personally I would rather not people keep on breaking all of my sticks. The tournament will be run on 4 big screen televisions; as well as any other televisions we can get our hands on for the weekend. One 48" RCA Proscan SDTV, two 50" Sony WEGA SXRD HDTVs and a 38" Sony WEGA SDTV. Any match recorded on the main screen will be recorded and put on the web for download. You may request to not have your videos open to the public; in which case they will be posted on a private section of this forum open only to Crooked Jester tournament regulars.


    Since the tournaments will be on console, there will be a tournament fee and house fee. The house fee is seperate from the games, so the entire entree fee for tournaments will go to the pot. I dont know the exact number of people we expect to have at this tournament; so I dont know how much space I will have to house people. Unless you have cleared it with an NJ local to stay at their place for the weekend, you should make your own accomodations for housing.
    <ul>[*]$10 Main Events[*]$5 Undercard Events[*]$10 Mandatory House Fee![/list]
    Please don't be late. If you are going to be late, call us before hand so we can hold the start till you arrive. If you have been to one of our tournaments before, you should have recieved someone's phone number in which you can contact.

  2. Jaxel

    Jaxel Well-Known Member

  3. Jaxel

    Jaxel Well-Known Member

    For the mystery game, we are considering...

    Halo 3 Two Headed Dragon rules!
  4. Jaxel

    Jaxel Well-Known Member

  5. Jaxel

    Jaxel Well-Known Member

    Hey... dont forget about this tournament guys... its gonna be off the hook!

    Mystery game has been confirmed for Blast Factor and Super Puzzle Fighter HD Remix X' Mode.
  6. Jaxel

    Jaxel Well-Known Member

    Sorry guys... but things have changed again... Super Puzzle Fighter HD Remix will NOT be the mystery game. We were kind of upset about the idea of having a game that people know, have played for years and will have practiced extensively on before the tournament... So we were searching for a new game... and we found it! Just like with Blast Factor; five minutes into the game we knew we had a golden winner!

    Very much like Blast Factor, we will not tell you what the game is until 1 week before the tournament. I will however, give hints. Anyone who doubted the last mystery game was quickly silenced when they learned how awesome Blast Factor was... this new game is even better and manages to turn the "eye strain" up even more! This game is fun, but at the same time extremely hard and unforgiving! Each player gets identical "units", making the game well balanced. The game supports up to 6 players, but we will be doing 4 player battles only.

    The mystery game tournament will follow the same rules as the last. Top two players move on, the bottom two drop out; double elimination. The game has about 10 different "stages" and about 20 different "rule sets". So in order to handle this, each group of players will keep on playing on "RANDOM". Random will randomly select a different stage with different rules each time. First player to reach 500 wins; second place is awarded to the next person's highest score. (Very much like Rummy 500, it adds your scores at the end of each round) The game controls easier than Blast Factor as well.
  7. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    VA crew will represent.

    wheres everybody else at?!? >=O
  8. ZenTou

    ZenTou Well-Known Member

    What are the rules abbout dropping a duece in your toilet?
  9. neooutlaw

    neooutlaw New Member

    as long as i don't have to plunge afterwards again it's all good
  10. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    ok so who is going to this?!?!? >=O

    TEAM VA will be there to represent...
  11. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    I'll be there. Jaxel's set-up is pretty good. I look forward to it.
  12. Jaxel

    Jaxel Well-Known Member

    Oh... I forgot to mention... I have 4 TVs and Consoles... but a lot more rooms are available.

    Anyone willing to bring consoles and tvs will be more than welcome!
  13. Low_Sweep

    Low_Sweep Well-Known Member

    Sorry i can't come. I don't have a ride.

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