30th Oct. Meeting in Leeds.

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Genzen, Oct 3, 2004.

  1. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Ok, I am holding a meeting in Leeds on the weekend starting 30th of Oct, I have already sent out personal invites to people who i know might be interested, but i figured i might as well throw an invite to anyone who is willing to come.
    Me and Andy (Elite) will be there, and hopefully a few of the people who i have asked will be coming. I will post a list of confirmed players as and when people let me know.
    If anyone wants to come up/down on the saturday or the sunday, the please let me know, everyone is welcome!

    I don't expect masses of famous people to be interested, but anyone who lives locally (Leeds, Bradford, Manchester) might want to come over, and if people are willing to travel from further away, you are welcome to stay the night, but there won't really be space to sleep, you might end up staying awake all night, (not that this is a problem for most hardcore VF'ers) or you vould end up sleeping in a closet, but if you want to stay then you can.
    Any questions/concerns/requests, please post here.

  2. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    I know I already let you know but I txtd Will before and he can give me a lift from my place to Leeds so that would mean I'll be able to bring my set up and Will could bring his Jap set up...so that's 2 straight away if needs be.

    Let's see how many want to get involved first...

    oh btw Ade can't get onto the internet any more at his work, it's been totally banned for good because of a virus.
  3. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    ok, tell ade to text me, (or text you and you can post up) if he needs to said anything.
    can anyone get in touch with Dan, coz i want him to come up too.

    btw, if anyone from london is reading this and wants to come up, again, then please post, i know it is shortish notice, and the other meeting has only just finished, but i really enjoyed playing you guys, so if you do happen to fancy coming up, please do!
  4. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Yeah I tell Ade to text you or get online on on internet cafe.

    The only way I can get in touch with Dan is via here as his mobile number has now changed and I don't have his new one (if he has one ).
  5. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    it's ok, i just spoke to Dan, and he seems keen on coming up, so we will have:


    this looks decent, though i still welcome anyone else who wants to come.
  6. RandomHajile

    RandomHajile Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Ev2 said:

    btw, if anyone from london is reading this and wants to come up, again, then please post, i know it is shortish notice, and the other meeting has only just finished, but i really enjoyed playing you guys, so if you do happen to fancy coming up, please do!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    respect to any london head going, but i guess id rather see londoners dressed up scary insted of scary leeds peeps
  7. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    RandomHajile said:

    respect to any london head going, but i guess id rather see londoners dressed up scary insted of scary leeds peeps

    [/ QUOTE ]

    umm, ok, i don't understand a word of this, but whatever............
  8. Tsuujin

    Tsuujin Well-Known Member

    Why are you having a meet in Leeds??? You should all come down here to London for a meet. It makes much more sense. After all, we did ALL come ALL the way from London just to hang with you guys. It's the least you can do. We could all have a tournament or something? What do you say? Couple of weeks or so?
  9. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    yeah, i was thinking of coming down to London, thing is, money is a little tight at the moment.
    also, this meeting was orginally just supposed to be a local thing, with a few of the guys from Scotland coming down, but quite a few people are interested now, so i thought i would make it an open invite.

    b.t.w. Ryan, you are more than welcome to come up if you want.
  10. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    Well knowing the organisation of Vfr's (Long!) you got plenty of time to save up for a london trip /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif ,
    btw are you guys able to capture any of the matches we saved on your cards from last time? If not we'll sort it out if you come down to london ^_^
  11. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    not to sound stupid, but i don't really know what you mean by 'capture'. i have no way of getting them onto the internet, but i will bring the card down to london with me if i come.
  12. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    A London meet would be great (provided we don't get kicked out the premises by a power mad receptionist /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif...just kidding just kidding /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif) but there's no way I personally would be able to make it down this side of christmas. I think Ade is going down in November or something tho.

    I'm sure Mye will want to make the meet too you may need to get in touch with Ade to double check tho.

    btw Shaun, how did you get in touch with Dan do you have a new number for him?
  13. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    dan came on the site, so i spoke to him through the wonders of PM.
    as for London, i think i will try an get some cash together and come down when someone is willing to organise a quite little meeting. i don't think i could manage travelling all the way down, and then having a huge tournament (my stamina sucks asses), but a small gathering with some of the london crew over a weekend some time sounds cool.

    if any of you guys are doing anything like this, and you wouldn't mind if me and andy came down, PM me and let me know, i'll see about saving the cash up.
  14. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    Yeah there's one this weekend /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif , jkes, yeah I'm sure we'll have something goin on in a few months time to give you enough notice.
    (by capturing I meant using capturing softwate on a p.c to put the matches on the net, no matter we'll get them off you next time)
  15. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    nah, sorry man, i don't have any of that fancy shmancy technology. i'll bring the card down if/when i come.
  16. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    ok, just to let people know, we have two GUARENTEED players from Scotland, LiMeng and Stroppa. they are both very good, and should prove to be a problem amongst the local boys.

    btw, does anyone know if Mye is coming?
  17. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    No idea about Mye as I haven't been in touch with Ade for a few days. I'll PM you Mye's mobile number...tho he may be able to post here from work if you tell him about the thread.
  18. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Ok, to update on the situation. Here is a list of people who have been mentioned, and whether or not there are coming:

    Faded - NO. He can't get the time off of work.
    Mye - NO. Same reason.
    Das - NO. I don't know why.
    LM_Akira - 90% YES.
    Lead - 90% YES. Should be coming with LM.
    SlimAdey - YES. Guarenteed to come.
    Stroppa - YES. Already has his ticket from Scotland.
    LiMeng - YES. again, he has his ticket.
    Rayne - ??? He wants to come, but he isn't sure if he can make it.

    Can those people who I'm still unsure about post here to let me know if they are coming. Also, anyone else who wants to come, let me know.

    Ade will be getting here on Thursday, so people can just turn up as and when they want from then on.
    People can stay if they don't mide sleeping in the livinf room, and they bring their own sleeping gear. I have already promised two people a space to sleep on the Saturday noght, but appart from that, do as you please. I will be able to buy some food for the Saturday, light refersments and what not, there is also a chippy and a shop near the house, and there are plenty of take-aways for later on in the evening if people want to stay that long.
    How do people feel about a mini league on the Saturday, where everyone plays everyone else, and the top four go into play-offs? Just a thought, I don't really know how seriously people want to take it, we can just have casual play all day if people prefer. You guys decide.
    Any questions?
  19. SlimTYME

    SlimTYME Well-Known Member

    I'm risking being fired, but here goes.

    SlimAdey-70% guaranteed. Unless I get lucky this weekend and I fall in sweet, sweet love with one lucky lady (unfortunately unlikely /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif) I SHOULD be coming on the 30th. I seriously can't see why I won't be coming, just gotta get the VF bug back in my vein's I guess.

    Das- Ain't coming cos I've not spoke to him in AGES (his phone number just ring's out). I don't think he'd be coming even if I was in contact to be honest (the age old financial problem I guess).

    Oh, and my stick is broke, so could I borrow someone's stick's for the 'tournie'?

    (I won't reply again, don't wanna risk being fired, PM me is necessary!)
  20. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Put me down for 99.9998% sure or so. I haven't been in touch with Will in the past 2 weeks or so but I'm almost certain he'll be able to make it (and bring me of course). In fact I'll text him now.

    Ok, I'll wait to hear from him but if we're coming we can bring 2 set ups and I can also bring...

    Hyper SF2
    SC2 (yeah I know almost no one will wanna play it)
    Capcom vs SNK 2 EO (on GC but I could bring that if anyone wants to play on pads)
    Burnout 3
    Pro Evo 4

    I'll also bring some of Tesco's finest snack foods as well.

    As for games, in all honesty I'm not fussed how it's done I'd just like to get a load of matches in.


    Just heard back from Will, said he hasn't got a plan worked out just yet (ie may be coming on the sat morn dunno atm) but we WILL be up for the meet.

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