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360 version better then PS3, here's why.

Discussion in 'Console' started by ShinobiFist, May 6, 2007.

  1. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Sega revealed that the Xbox 360 version of Virtua Fighter 5 will have a couple of differences from the PS3 port.

    * Improved anti-aliasing
    * Support of analog control
    * Improved AI of computer opponents
    * Training Mode will likely be improved, such as counter attacks training

    Source MagicBox May 3 News.

    That's what I wanted to hear, NO WEAK A.I. Yeah Baby! Looks like I'm buying this game twice:)
  2. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    These kinds of threads should be locked from now on.

    Especially MagicBox BS.
  3. comoesa2

    comoesa2 Well-Known Member

    it proably will from a value stand point.......i just hope the ai can simulate human opponents to at least a decent degree.
  4. Inforcer

    Inforcer Well-Known Member

    all I can say is ppl taking the A.I too serious need to really find some human comp. VF5 is one of the real deal 3D fighters around and it does not show its quality unless you have decent or real human comp all the Tutorials in the world wont do anyone any good unless it can be applied in a real match.

    Why even have a thread like this all VFers shuld be united no matter what sys they have it on. Its not about the graphics its about the players and the game . The game shall bring the players even on 360

    That is all

    PS3 will have exclusive rights to VF5 evo I guess
  5. comoesa2

    comoesa2 Well-Known Member


    I know human comp is superior......it just that i like to play through the arcade mode and quest mode. This is a vs game, but still i want a decent single player expeirence.
  6. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Please, no system war threads -- we've all grown up from that...right??

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