a couple Aki combos etc

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by akiralove, Dec 12, 2001.

  1. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    I found a couple new combos in a magazine that I tried today:

    lightweights, middle with counter: shoulder- P- shoulder- DblPm
    this combo is really tough, I only got it 2 or 3 times. Seem slike the trick is to do the 2nd shoulder and the palm as fast as possible.

    lightweights: PIT- RBC- SDE- P- shoulder- DblPm
    this one's not so tough. You have to get the face down head away hit for it to work. The first 3 hits will connect against midweights too, and I imagine you can tack on a little something else as well instead of the palm.

    But, this thread is actually to talk about something that I wasn't sure I could just post about without betraying a friend's confidence.

    I'm going up to SF tommorow, and I'll be going to SOA to visit my friend Noah. He's informed me that they have an early PS2 version in the house, and I've got permission to see it. I'll be there tommorow or friday.

    They've also got a finished english manual (which is in color), so I should be able to check out the feature set.

    As of right now, he seems to think that the "kyu/dan" individual character ranking features are in, and he mentioned that they had to come up with 15 different default ringnames to give different CPU AI characters (?). I'm not sure what this means, but it looks like players can have several different versions of AI for each character, or that maybe several are already there? I'll try to figure it all out.

    I'm not sure if they're gonna let me play, but I'm taking my namco stick just in case. He said I can play the arcade version all I want, so that might mean I can't play the PS2, I'm not sure yet.

    At worst, I'll at least be able to check out the graphics. I've got a pretty good eye for that shit, but if there's anything anyone wants me to look out for, let me know here. Certain textures, strange poly stuff, alaising etc...?

    I'll probably have all the info I can get posted saturday afternoon.


    PS this is not BS or a hoax. And there's always a changce someone at SOA will get a bug up thier ass and not let me see it, so keep your fingers crossed.
  2. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Um, you chose to go to SF the very day I'm leaving SF... ah well =P Maybe we'll meet up in January. Have a safe drive up to the Bay Area!
  3. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

  4. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    more news from IGN! confirms/clarifies some of Naoh's info:

    Virtua Fighter 4 PS2 -- New Game Modes

    Not quite confirmed yet, but fairly reliable, details on the new game modes in console VF4.

    December 12, 2001

    The Japanese rumor mill has coughed up what we believe to be a reliable list of the game modes found in the PlayStation 2 version of Virtua Fighter 4, Sega's latest major arcade fighter. It looks as if the home version of the game is to be substantially expanded, even if this news is to be ingested with the appropriate grain of salt. This is the list as received presently:
    Arcade Mode
    Arcade mode replicates the arcade game exactly, with the default settings as found in the arcades.
    Versus Mode
    Head-to-head fights are available in the usual fashion, with options for life meter size, time limits, rounds, and so on.
    Replay Mode
    As per usual, replays follow each fight, but VF4 makes it possible to display a film of an entire fight (not just the finish) and control its display -- fast forward, slow motion, freeze-frame, and so on.
    Training Mode
    The training mode includes three different options for the structure of practice. Free Training is simple sparring with a CPU opponent, where you can set variables for damage and the like and access move displays to track your performance. Command Training guides you through the basic techniques of each character, with a greater degree of guidance. Finally, the Trial mode presents a series of fighting challenges, like chess problems.
    It's also possible to develop and customize a character in the same way as you can in the arcades, except that you can just save it to a memory card rather than using the VF.NET system employed in the arcades. Characters can be developed in versus play or in a special tournament/survival mode, wherein appear more than 200 different special "celebrity" characters. These are apparently variants of the regular characters with the names and custom accessories of famous people or famous VF4 players.
    We'll try and bring you confirmation of all this news and any more information on PS2 VF4 that we can dig up in the near future. One way or the other, we'll know plenty soon enough -- the game is due to hit Japan on January 31.

    Noah mentioned them translating the names of the top VF.net players, but as it wasn't clear why, I didn't mention it before. seems clear why now. Cool that all this stuff is surfacing on my birthday, heh.

  5. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    I notice that you have a good eye for graphical details. I'm hoping that you can comment on the ps2 version with the same attention to detail as with your first impressions of vf4 test version (i remember you going into great detail about certain textures, lighting, jagginess, etc.). It would be great if you could somewhat accurately compare how ps2 version stacks up to N2 version. This will end the debate regarding which hardware is on top graphically speaking.
  6. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Damn, nice! While I don't usually care for home extras, these are just awesome, and especially:

    Replay Mode
    As per usual, replays follow each fight, but VF4 makes it possible to display a film of an entire fight (not just the finish) and control its display -- fast forward, slow motion, freeze-frame, and so on.

    *cream* :D
  7. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    I think it's like those save files that u upload to gamefaqs.com

    maybe we can ..hmmm find a site that will hold our replay matches...we upload them, ppl go DL them..vice versa
  8. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Characters can be developed in versus play or in a special tournament/survival mode, wherein appear more than 200 different special "celebrity" characters. These are apparently variants of the regular characters with the names and custom accessories of famous people or famous VF4 players.

    Ooh, ooh, I'm gonna be in the game?! Ha ha. I need sleep. Just completed the most difficult take home exam ever written by man.
  9. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    the cover

    Regarding the cover graphic:

    Maybe it's just me, but I'm getting kinda tired of seeing the same character CGs being recycled over and over and over again. Come on AM2, give us something new!
  10. Daniel Thomas

    Daniel Thomas Well-Known Member


    Didn't see this was already posted.
  11. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    On the subject of akira combos;

    Stumbling trip, canned sgpm, m-dbpm (b,d+P+G ... d,f+P...d/f,D/F,b,f+P)
    Guard break, stpm, P, m-dbpm (d+P+G, b,f+P, P[G], /f,D/F,b,f+P)
    SDE crumple, DJK (wall), bodycheck. (f,f,f+P [MC], f,f+K,K, b,f,f+P+K)

    Have fun with 'em.
  12. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    Happy Birthday Spotlite!

    Happy Birthday Spotlite!

    you wrote:They've also got a finished english manual (which is in color), so I should be able to check out the feature set.
    I would gladly pay for a copy. Frame rate data seems sorely lacking. CD, DVD like the VF3 Japanese Famous players discussing each character and combos, including utilizing new escape, sabuki and parry in action in English would be at the top of my SOA wishlist for the Holidays. The Gotham Seven Star VF Mantis Club will arrange a visit to a private gentleman's club (like the one in Jacky Chan's recent movie) for your friend Noah whenever he next visits Gotham.
  13. ghostdog

    ghostdog Well-Known Member

    Here's a couple I saw in those new diaoh.com clips:

    Shrm-> P(G)-> df, df+P
    DbPlm (wall)-> deep bodycheck

    And one nice alternative to f, b+P+G-> u or d+P+K:

    f, b+P+G-> u-> guard break-> b, f+P

    I had been experimenting with PIT-SE and seeing what could come out of it, so it's nice to see that a decent followup is out there. I guess it's dependent on how the opponent will react.

    As usual, great info, Spotlite!/versus/images/icons/cool.gif
  14. Curse

    Curse Member

    SoA VF4

    Just a heads up, I was there early today, and there is no PS2 version there. The Ver B arcade machine is there in The Theater, on freeplay (of course) so enjoy. I asked how long it will be there, and no one knew, but if any SF gamers want to go play before the 19th of dec. let me know.
  15. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Re: SoA VF4

    what's up. just got back from SF.

    got to play it for about 15 mins. I'm not allowed to write anything here, but I'll be sending my impressions to people for private dist to everyone.

    So far, it's looking really good. I can also confirm the shots that creed pointed out are PS2 shots (notice there are no hit lighting effects yet).

    I'll get my news out in a couple hours.

  16. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Re: SoA VF4

    Can I be on your private mailing list? Pweez? /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  17. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Re: SoA VF4

    finished my little report and PM'd it to about 30 people here. If you didn't get it, sorry. Just ask one of the regular posters around here, and they should send it to you. This was the easiest way I could think to do it, sorry.

    After reading over it, I realized there wasn't all that much to it, but I tried to keep it simple, just jotting down my first thoughts I remembered from playing it.

  18. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Re: SoA VF4

    Got it. Thanks, dude!
  19. uk-guy

    uk-guy Well-Known Member

    Apparently Shrm - Shrm - AS3 - df+P doable on midweights for half bar with Akira.

    Thankfully it is quite difficult, but it's still near half bar...I hate Akira :mad:

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