a Newbie question (don't crucify me)

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by LyTeFei, Nov 6, 2002.

  1. LyTeFei

    LyTeFei Member

    hey y'all.
    now, i know this is kind of a newbie question (Ok, a major one), but seeing as I am looking to improve my skills, i felt the need to register and participate in the discussions here. the thing is, i can't seem to understand some of the terminology used here, even using the glossary you put here in the site, since some users seem to have their own terms for moves, techniques etc,.
    what I am hoping is you can assist me, by either telling me the how's and what's, or by reffering me to a specific thread concerening the subject, respectfully.

    my stats are:
    ring name: LyTe
    Dan: 10
    wins: 223
    loss: 43
    winrate: 83%
    I don't count items, i don't think it's a thing to pride yourself on...

    much obliged in any case.
  2. Calvin

    Calvin Well-Known Member

    Use the "search" feature.( I forget to search too)
    Their's an abbreviations guide on this site, but that's probably what you meant by glossary.
  3. LtTitan

    LtTitan Well-Known Member

    I've had problems understanding stuff people say too. I dont usually ask what the terms and such mean, I just struggle through them. I just read through it, and try to figure out what it means from what the person said entirely. Such as giving a combo, etc.

    But just spend some time here and read through a few posts and such to get the hang of things. I have gotten familiar with stuff by being here for a month or so.
  4. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the board.

    Sometimes terms are abbreviations: SDE = Akira's Super Dashing Elbow. Sometimes terms are the Japanese names for the moves. Sometimes I don't know what the hell they are /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    If it's in context to a thread you're reading, run a search first - but if you're unsuccesful just come out and ask "excuse me, but what does TKoD stand for?"

    Avoid asking like this: "hEY FCUCKwerds wut iz dat TKwoDD shite U kep talk abowt?"

    Also, try this. It's kind of old but may help you out.

    Enjoy learning to play VF4.

    P.S. this is even better.
  5. LyTeFei

    LyTeFei Member

    thank you all for the kind replies. you can be certain i won't be writing any of that N00bie stuff, since im only a newbie in VF4, not in webforums.
    I guess what im looking for is a Plain-English guide here. say i am about to hit the oponent while he's on the floor, without using elaborate initials
  6. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    I guess what im looking for is a Plain-English guide here. say i am about to hit the oponent while he's on the floor, without using elaborate initials

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If I read you correctly - you're asking what to call this action. I would call it a down attack.
  7. LyTeFei

    LyTeFei Member

    Yeah, but that was just a specific example. i guess i should dig harder... especially after my shamefull demotion from hero back to dan 10.. dissapointing, really (I HATE Jacky bryant /versus/images/icons/wink.gif )
  8. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Just an unsolicited comment here...

    If you're unsure of a move name, you can communicate effectively by using the command notation... [P]+[K]+[G], [4][3][P]+[G], [2][6][P].

    Also, I agree with LtTitan method of struggling through it. You'll learn the "language" better that way. If you're persistant and interested, I don't think it will take you long at all. I don't know of any pervasive knowledge contests or terminology arrogance that occur here. It seems to me that if your posts are clearly understood and either politely inquisitive or remotely contributional you won't get flamed or crucified based on their content or ideas.

    VFDC is a cool place.

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