A study in contribution

Discussion in 'General' started by Ladon, Dec 26, 2006.

  1. Ladon

    Ladon Well-Known Member

    Can information from the VF5 Black Book be put here on the forums? If it does get uploaded, should we check this thread, the VF5 Character Movelist thread, or individual character threads? How does the DVD look so far? Does anyone who actually owns the Black Book know if it's accessible to people who have no knowledge Japanese whatsoever, or does one need a basic knowledge? If neither, is fluent Japanese required to get anything out of the book?

    Just curious. Thanks.

    Edit: this post and replies have been extracted from the main VF5 Black Book thread in the Media Store forum
  2. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 Black Book

    Please do NOT post materials from the book here on VFDC or anywhere else for the time being, and do NOT post the videos from the DVD or ways to get it.

    Usually, the Japanese mooks require a very good understanding of Japanese to get the most out of it. The only things that will be of use if you do not understand Japanese will be the pictures and command list.
  3. Ladon

    Ladon Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 Black Book

    [ QUOTE ]
    Srider said:

    Please do NOT post materials from the book here on VFDC or anywhere else for the time being, and do NOT post the videos from the DVD or ways to get it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I believe I understand why this is necessary, but I'm just curious as to when we'll have access to the info from this mook. The White Book was released months ago and I've never seen any of the strategies written there translated and made accessible anywhere here on vfdc.

    I understand that books don't translate themselves, and no doubt there are probably extensive documents on each of the characters (especially if one factors in this new mook). Definitely no easy task. I'd just like a ballpark guess as to when we can see at least some of this stuff posted on the site. I'd also like to know because I'm highly considering purchasing the book and working on translation with friends of mine (who have a better understanding of the language than I), and it would be nice to know when I could possibly post the things we translated on here (if ever).
  4. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 Black Book

    Please be patient until VF5 comes out in the US. Don't worry, it will be clear why I'm asking for thing to be on hold for now by that time. Sorry about this right now.
  5. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 Black Book

    Can you do anything better than cryptic replies? WTF, this is NOT a matter of national security or anything.
  6. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 Black Book

    umm.. obviously, those contents are being worked on.
  7. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 Black Book

    and does the yellow moon fly at midnight?
  8. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 Black Book

  9. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 Black Book

    hay Srider did you get THAT THING I sent you
  10. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 Black Book

    Yes zero-chan, I got THAT THING you sent. It's important that we avoid being specific about what THAT THING is in this thread.
  11. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 Black Book

    remember guys, we're not supposed to refer to THAT THING in public!!!!!!!
  12. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 Black Book

    w/ regards to what's in the white book being posted up, I think Noodals worked pretty hard to translate materials that are either straight from the book or are very similar to what's there. The strategy in that book is basically one page per character, and is pretty simple.

    As far as what's in the black book, I'd say post it up. The more time people have to digest and talk about the info relating to VF5's system, the better everyone will be for it while we wait for the game to hit. The more heads we have thinking about the info we have on the game, the faster people will figure out the important details.

    Srider, as a MOD, do you realize that you're asking people to NOT SHARE INFO about VF5 on a PUBLIC, NON COMMERCIAL FORUM who's PURPOSE IS TO SHARE INFO ABOUT VF?

    I can't see any good reason for this. the only reason I can imagine is if someone were commited to bringing this book out in English through a deal with Enterbrain. Sega has never cared about any Japanese materials being translated or re-printed on this site. Anything could be scanned and hosted somewhere else, like Putfile, and merely be linked to here.

    If you're worried about info getting out now for free that would somehow hamper the attractiveness of some future publication (like a strategy guide) that people would have to pay for, I'd call that a conflict of interest. This is a free web site for sharing info about VF PUBLICLY. It's not any one member's place to stifle the spread of that info.

    The info in the book doesn't even belong to Sega, it belongs to Enterbrain. Myself, You, Myke, Nin, Noodals and others have been translating this info from Enterbrain and putting it up here for years, I don't see why it should stop now.

    there was a strategy guide written for DOA4 by members of the DOAC community for the game's release. the whole thing was made public, and an effort to get all the best players together to help write it was made, publicly. The person in charge, Dr. Dogg, was public about the fact that he'd been contracted to write it, had the game, and talked about the whole thing openly. I have no idea if you or others are working on such a book, but I can't think of any other reason why you'd ask people not to share info.

    You've been dropping many hints lately about the fact that you've been communicating with SOA regarding VF5. I'm not sure if this is true, but that's what your hints would seem to suggest. Why not fill the rest of us in, and open this discussion to the public? Or, is this just for your own ends?

    Aside from cases where people who PROVIDE or CREATE info or media have asked for it not to be re-printed here (like HK-VF.tv links), this is the first time I've seen someone ask that info NOT be posted that I can remember since I've been a member here, 1998.

    If you're going to do so, you should say why, and let the members here decide whether or not they'd like to comply with your wishes.

  13. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 Black Book

    Ok, I guess I have to talk about this now.

    Aside from stuff with Sega, VFDC is going through some changes. With new organization and the introduction of a VF Wiki among other new features. Posting stuff now will only make things harder for us to transfer the information over to the new design. That's why I wanted people to wait FOR THE TIME BEING.

    I didn't want to be explicit about this for several reasons, and most of all, it is NOT to stop people from sharing information. In fact, me and a couple of other people like Myke, have been working hard to ensure that the information sharing will be more rampant and much more ORGANIZED in the future for VF5. I didn't want to break it out since we current have no estimate on when these new features can go online except sometime before the game is released.

    I didn't want to put pressure on all the people who have been dedicating their time to bring the VF community a better environment just to appease a few people's curiosities. Most of all, I don't want people wasting their time translating stuff that will probably already done by one of us anyways. Anyways, I'm mildly offended that I'm accused of doing such things when others and I have basically worked throughout the holidays just to give a surprise of sorts to VFDC. I thought long and hard whether I should make this post, and I've gotten flak already for my reply to Ladon and Shadowdean. Oh well... guess the cat is out of the bag now. I hope you guys are satisfied now.
  14. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 Black Book

    Hmm, let me go on the record as saying that any VF5 information that already has been translated is greatly appreciated by me, and I'm sure many others. The same holds true for any information that has yet to be translated, and I wholeheartedly welcome it here.

    I had no idea that Srider's wish was to somehow ease the migration of information once the site has been updated. I will have to disagree with Srider here and say that if you're able to translate any information right now, do it. The presentation or storage of this information is trivial, IMO, compared to the effort required to actually translate it. So long as it's in some electronic format, we can do anything with it.

    What I found frustrating in this thread is when people discuss what appears to be a private matter, openly and even flauntingly. It really isn't necessary to be going on about such things in public, and the public perception of you becomes rather low. You're seen as someone who will purposefully withold information from others, and even go out of your way to let them know, indirectly, that you're in on something they're not. If one is curious as to whether or not Srider received something, I recommend use of the Private Message function.

    Otherwise, in response to Ladon's initial question, information from any Japanese guide will be available as soon as someone is bothered enough to translate it. We don't sit around and plan the release of translations /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif Nobody is getting paid to do this, so if you're in a position to help out, you'll be gratefully received.
  15. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 Black Book

    LOL Myke,

    you were the one who didn't think it was a good idea to roll out features as we go along. I said it on irc that we should update certain features so we can get stuff rolling and posted, but you wanted to wait until everything is done. Ok I'm through, I guess I just did everything wrong from the beginning. Nothing was received from zero-chan, she did that because she knows the kind of crap I'm going through for vfdc, and she felt like making a joke out of SD's remarks. Summah and I played along with it.

    You guys can handle how things go from here.

    The presentation or storage of this information is trivial, IMO
    The whole point of upgrading and doing the wiki is to improve that, isn't it?
  16. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 Black Book

    and Bryan,

    I'm not getting paid 1 cent for any of this.
  17. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 Black Book

    [ QUOTE ]
    Srider said:

    The presentation or storage of this information is trivial, IMO
    The whole point of upgrading and doing the wiki is to improve that, isn't it?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, partly. My statement, which you quoted out of context, was to say that I felt that doing the actual translation work took much more effort than it would to, say, copy the content from a forum post and move it to an article/wiki/whatever.

    I mean, if you look at all the documents that currently exist under VF4 System and Characters, the amount of time it took for me to "publish" someone's work was literally a few minutes. And it didn't matter if the document was a text files, html file, or forum posts (look at any one of noodalls' documents for e.g.).

    So again, I don't think there'll be anything saved by telling people not to contribute anything they can right now.

    Forgive me for not getting "the joke", but I really did think you were working on something private. My mistake then. But again, it's not the first time some of you from IRC decide to have an in-joke on the forums, so don't be surprised when non-IRCers respond to you, just like akiralove did.
  18. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 Black Book

    Lovely thread! AAA+++

    akiralove: Insinuating that srider is blocking information about VF5 for his own profit is ... simply incredible. If you only knew the amount of time and energy he's been putting into promoting VF5 and promoting the interests of this forums fans....
  19. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 Black Book

    thanks for comming out with the truth. I agree with what others have said:
    1) either stop being cock teases and use PM
    2) or just share the info...which I am personally in favor of.
  20. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter 5 Black Book

    What am I cock teasing about?

    I don't even have the black book. Why do you guys expect someone to translate the whole book and put it up on the net for free overnight? Like I said, I didn't even receive anything from zero-chan, it was all just made up to give you a hard time.

    Bryan is perfectly capable of obtaining the black book from japan through one of his many contacts in the scene, and he is perfectly capable of translating the book. Why is he not doing this? Why doesn't he support the scene by buying the book? or a PS3? or VF5 for PS3? Why don't you guys all donate some money so people who can translate and get the book quickly? It only takes 20 people to donate $1 each, or are you guys too cheap to even contribute $1 for VF?

    Yeah, now I told you the truth. Have fun with it. I've already posted stuff for VF5 before, and what did you guys do with those info? Maybe you forgot already? Do you even have a PS3? How about you guys actually doing something for a change and contribute? Instead of just whining all the time. VFDC needs all the help it can get already without all these stupid distractions. How about you guys sharing sometimes for a change?

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