A VF history? Tetsujins, big tournaments etc...

Discussion in 'General' started by Franz, Nov 22, 2007.

  1. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member


    Are there any sort of resources that provide some sort of systematic information about famous (former)players, about the winners of the major Japanese tournaments and such?

    I think it would be quite interesting to build up some sort of hall of fame of VF players.

    As far as I know, the following can be considered the most famous VF players, feel free to add anyone:

    Bunbunmaru (WO)
    Ikebukuro Sarah (SA)
    T.S (KA)
    Shinjuku Jacky (JA)
    Kyasao (KA)
    Homestay Akira (AK)
    Ohsu Akira (AK)
    Chibita (LI)
    Daimon Lau (LA)
    Jon Tanaka (LI)
    Akira Yeh (Taiwan #4) (AK)
    ShinZ (Akirakid) (AK)
    Joji Suzuki (AK)
  2. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: A VF history? Tetsujins, big tournaments etc..

    That's one of the great things about a VF Wiki is that we'll probably be able to tap into the VF Culture Knowledgebase.

    Shinz used to be known as Akira Kid.

    There are many stories to be told about the players and the tournaments, and even the scenes outside of Japan. Would be great to document them... even the eternal western VF flamewars that go on in IRC :p

    I hope it happens...

    Kurita (VA) is another famous player. Played Taka in VF3 days, Vanessa since VF4.
    Fuudo (LI)
    Shu (SHU)

  3. DarkGift

    DarkGift Well-Known Member

    Re: A VF history? Tetsujins, big tournaments etc..

    Heruru (LE)
    Itabashi Zangief (SH)
  4. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    Re: A VF history? Tetsujins, big tournaments etc..

    Some of the people versed in the japanese language should do the starving children of the world a favor and do subtitles for the VF 10th anniversary DVD.
  5. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Re: A VF history? Tetsujins, big tournaments etc..

    Someone from here should do work on the history of western VF! I love hearing about the older players from Plague and Goatcheeseblues!

    Read the stuff in the vault from waayy back when, so many interesting topics.
  6. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

    Re: A VF history? Tetsujins, big tournaments etc..

    Here's my VF2 youtube playlist. Apart from a lot of footage on senbon punches, the last videos have very interesting (and somehow funny) interviews/exhibitions with the tetsujins of the VF 2 days


    If only we could have translations...
  7. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Re: A VF history? Tetsujins, big tournaments etc..

    Oh I tried.
  8. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

    Re: A VF history? Tetsujins, big tournaments etc..

    Och du skulle översätta den här websidan!


  9. Neobeast

    Neobeast Well-Known Member

    Re: A VF history? Tetsujins, big tournaments etc..

    I would love to do a History of Virtua Fighter feature for PG3 someday. We already did "Virtua Fighter 5: The Real Competitive Video Game" in our first issue, but that was before I was even on the team there. That would be a perfect companion piece.
  10. Spanky

    Spanky Well-Known Member

    Re: A VF history? Tetsujins, big tournaments etc..

    Are you serious? I've done some fansubbing before, where can I get a copy?
  11. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

  12. THE_WALL

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    Re: A VF history? Tetsujins, big tournaments etc..

    A VF Hall of Fame sounds pretty awesome. I think the qualifications should be tourneys won, or people with an overall high win record. the X-Box live will help us to see who is good in US minus the cable pullers.
  13. DarkGift

    DarkGift Well-Known Member

    Re: A VF history? Tetsujins, big tournaments etc..

    no way... i disagreeeeeeeeeee. win records online do not reflect skill

    i bet i could stagger > 4P crumple > low throw my way through alot alot of matches before i meet someone "good" enough to not get caught by it.. and before that "good" person beat me, i'd have x amount of wins with only 1 loss (the "good" person beating me)
  14. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Re: A VF history? Tetsujins, big tournaments etc..

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Jerky

    •Derogatory name for Jacky • Origin: Jirawat Uttayaya</div></div>

    The origin of my nickname for anyone who was ever wondering.
  15. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Re: A VF history? Tetsujins, big tournaments etc..

    Well, we could have weekly ranbats or something online, VFDC-only type events.
  16. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Re: A VF history? Tetsujins, big tournaments etc..

    The worst thing with online is that you may get even good players with bullshit stuff like that since lag throws all timing thru the window..

    I feel a sting of nostalgy... I grew up reading on tetsujins, mother of all tournaments, the magic of nr.4, early Chibita days and of course my futile attempts at mastering Akira in VF2 and VF3..
  17. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

    Re: A VF history? Tetsujins, big tournaments etc..

    Same here. Although I can't really say I grew up reading those things, all the stories about tetsujins, MoATs and old you tube videos VF2 got me interested again in the whole VF thing again.

    Does anybody know how the first 6 tetsujins were "elected"? Or who was the winner of the various Otenami Haiken? Myke?
  18. MassJeff

    MassJeff New Member

    Re: A VF history? Tetsujins, big tournaments etc..

    I'll tell you one thing, the MoATs were so much fun it's hard to even describe. The first MoAT was in a house with one stand-up VF2 machine and nothing else. No furniture, no nothing, except a TV and VCR on a stand was wheeled in at some point so we could watch some VF tapes from Japan. We played for three days, and I think I slept a total of 5 hours. Playing against all the Toronto guys as well as #4, whose Akira was doing things we had just started to read about online.

    The second MoAT was just as fun, with Colin from Singapore coming to visit us. He was phenomenal, kicked our asses bigtime, and he was a great guy to boot. My Jeff did fairly well against others, but I was never in the top tier. Didn't matter though, it was stuff I remember like it was yesterday, and it was what...twelve years ago?

    I hope the younger generation gets to experience that kind of thing.

  19. Spanky

    Spanky Well-Known Member

    Re: A VF history? Tetsujins, big tournaments etc..

    For anyone who's interested, I've taken up fansubbing the VF 10th anniversary DVD. I'll make a separate thread for that.

    I'm also looking at options for making a sort of VF History wiki, covering at least players and tournaments. I'd want to be able to link and host matches of note, and also have users upload their own, so I'm investigating what kind of options mediawiki and dokuwiki offer.
  20. dbro

    dbro New Member

    Re: A VF history? Tetsujins, big tournaments etc..

    The first six tesujins were just guys who became famous in their various areas for being good... there'd be talk of some guy in Shinjuku with an amazing Jacky.

    Sega grabbed onto it and made the guys kind of icons, I remember they made a special leather jacket for Shinjuku Jacky based on Jacky's in the game. So the election was kind of based on Sega's marketing department.

    Jon Tanaka was one of the most talented video game players I had encountered, he was way over my head. I started out schooling him but he developed very quickly, tricks didn't work twice on him and he had crazy reactions. I think he was better than #4 but remember he could get emotional and rattled and #4 was pretty robotic. Lost touch with him but I still have visions of his Lion in my head. I was not much of a reaction player but tried to be unconventional, only way I could play with these guys who were all extremely good.

    I wouldn't worry about the Jargon page I probably have a copy kicking around in my archives somewhere still :).

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