Active Youtube Channels

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by KrsJin, Jun 1, 2013.

  1. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    I was just wondering if anyone has good, active YouTube channels to subscribe to. Be it foreign or domestic, I'm just looking for anything that's current.

    I'll add a running list from replies.
  2. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    The most active channel i'm watching recently are: which is about tournaments. clips here last like 2 hours each if not more. which is about tecnical stuff and combo videos. is about random matches. that stays for "hong kong VF" which mean the owner of the channel is from China (or maybe is a trap...). Anyway he's an Eileen user but not the best one. The channel is more or less about online matches in ranked mode. a Wolf User from japan that sometimes posts matches. random matches from japan. a jacky player from japan. a Jean player from japan.

    and that's it from the feedback i get from my channel. However i wanna also suggest to go to haruex channel a lion player from japan. He wasn't really active in the last month but sometimes he posts matches and for a lion newbie can be helpfull seeing how an average lion player gets his setups.
    KrsJin likes this.
  3. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    Pretty sure you'll want to hit up NicoNico for your japanese VF fix.
    KrsJin likes this.
  4. PKGJimmy

    PKGJimmy Active Member

    Hi, I'm from Hong Kong and I have chance to play with Japanese player online and capture them to youtube. Especially some well known players like Shiwa, Chiorinho, Ike Sarah, Itabashi Zangief...etc

    They don't play too seriously online but I hope you guys can get the ideas (defense, use of wall etc) from them.

    Thank you.
    ExzetyXat1, Mister and KrsJin like this.

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