All Round Escape (ARE)

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Myke, Jul 12, 2003.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    In the August issue of Arcadia, they have an article on the ARE technique. It's derived from the ECD defensive technique, and can be used to avoid a nitaku (2-choice) situation and really turn the table around when you're at a medium disadvantage (-3 or -4 frames).

    I'll illustrate the technique with an example.

    Akira performs a dashing elbow [6][6][P] which Lau blocks. This puts Akira at a medium disadvantage (-3 frames). Lau is now in a good position to attack with a fast mid (like his elbow [6][P]) which will beat any of Akira's attacks or Throw which will catch Akira should try to dodge. Now, Akira enters the following input:

    dodge ---- [3] ---- [2] ---- [3]+[P] ---- [4][6][P]

    If Lau tried a mid attack, Akira's dodge will be successful (i.e. a fast dodge). Successful dodges can't be cancelled with a crouch dash and as such the [3]+[P] (which is just a low punch) won't come out. When Akira recovers from the successful dodge, the [4][6][P] comes out and hits Lau while he's still recovering from the mid attack that missed. Follow up with combo accordingly.

    If, instead, Lau tried a throw, Akira's dodge will be unsuccesful. However, unsuccessful dodges can be cancelled with a crouch dash, and since the low punch was entered with the crouch dash input, it will hit Lau as he's missing the throw, and the [4][6][P] doesn't come out. Akira now has a medium advantage.

    So that's how and why it works. The general input is:

    dodge ---- [3][2][3]+[P] ---- some fast knockdown attack

    If your character doesn't have a [3][3][P] attack, then you can use [3][3] for the crouch dash input. Ideally, you want a fast knockdown attack from which you can combo (e.g. Akira and Lau's [4][6][P]), but really, any fast attack can be used.

    Don't forget, like all defensive techniques beginning with an escape, they're vulnerable to circular (and half circular) attacks, as well as delayed attacks.
  2. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    I'm starting to feel like I need something more than a bachelor's to play VF.
    Tricky likes this.
  3. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    Interesting. I'm assuming this has to be done quickly. How consistently does it work against strings?
  4. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    2/8 p/k 33

    here's the city cousin of that tech. This is only of use to characters with a fast FC move so jacky and kage get some power ups.

    Same basic setup as Myke's post. You find yourself at medium disadvantage and want to avoid a guessing game of immediate attacks or throws from your opponent. In this case though you do things a little differently.

    input a dodge ([8] or [2]), hit [P] or [K] and then input [3] [3]. You have 5 frames to input after the dodge to make this work so be fast.

    What happens is that if your opponent attempts to attack you get a succesful dodge. If they try to throw you get to interrupt their attempt with a FC move. Pretty clever, eh? As odd as the sequence seems (button press before the CD to achieve a FC move) it has to be done this way or you won't get the desired results.

    Apparently its an 8 month old tech so you all have some practicing to do to catch up.

    from #vfhome
    [ QUOTE ]
    (Shou): try doing it with lau
    (Shou): it's easiest to see if you mess up
    (Shou): wrong = sidekick
    (Shou): right = slight evade, then while rising k

    [/ QUOTE ]

  5. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Re: 2/8 p/k 33

    The only thing that sucks is these moves are TOTALLY null and void for a slightly delayed attack. Jeff's knee, and Lei's [9][K]+[G] are two moves off the top of my head that will just own you all day long if you make these techs a habit.
  6. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    advanced QR TR options

    Basic idea behind this tech is that you are being pursued by the opponent as you Quick Rise or Tech Roll and want to safeguard yourself from frame specific reprisals.

    once you've inputed the QR or TR immediately hold [P]+[G]. caveat: what 'immediately' means I don't know in terms of frames and this is valid against a 50/50 situation
    1. if the opponent attacks you guard.
    2. If the opponent attempts a catch throw your [P]+[G] will nail them.
    3. If the opponent attempts a command throw (low or high) your [P]+[G] will nail them (remember that [P]+[G] throws beat command throws

    The window is very small and once it is gone you are considered a standing non-defender (because you are holding [P]+[G]) and Yomi automatically becomes the order of the game.

    If your opponent delays their options Yomi re-asserts itself. If you spend too long believing you are invincible you will be dead in short order. It is a hard tech and only really useful against people who are frame specific. After you've covered yourself for that short window you need to have the wits about you again to survive.

  7. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    Re: 2/8 p/k 33

    [ QUOTE ]
    The only thing that sucks is these moves are TOTALLY null and void for a slightly delayed attack. Jeff's knee, and Lei's + are two moves off the top of my head that will just own you all day long if you make these techs a habit.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    that's actually the good thing. What would suck is if delays didn't re-assert the need for yomi.

    and really, these techs don't suffer from the 'delay factor' any more than any other tech. E-TTE-G is similarily voided by an opponent who uses a circular attack or delays their throw or linear attack. That point is made with the use of the word "immediate Throw or attack"

  8. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Re: 2/8 p/k 33

    [ QUOTE ]

    and really, these techs don't suffer from the 'delay factor' any more than any other tech

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Agreed -- just seems like a lot more work to do to have a simple 5-6 frame delay carry you out. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  9. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: 2/8 p/k 33

    Don't ignore the fact that this ARE technique is VERY hard to do......

    It is potentially devastating given that 1) You can do this consistently, and 2) You do them in the right situations.. Which imo just makes this another advanced but very useful technique like EQTEG..

  10. alucard

    alucard Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the info Myke. I think this technique is pretty similar to ECD --> FC move, only diff is that since you are essentially throwing out a low punch and not a 16 framish FC move, its safer and somewhat just as rewarding(due to the [4][6][P] at the end).

    But I was thinking, won't the player be screwed if the opponent countered with a mere low punch? The [4][6][P] would still come out and it would whiff, leaving the player very vulnerable.

    I think this technique's effectiveness depends much on the character being played. Its not really useful for some characters(eg. Kage) since they have much better alternatives. IMO.
  11. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    You didn't understand the concept of this technique. It's not the same as throwing ECD While Standing attack. It is combining an evade with an attack. Which in effect will beat out any linear attacks and any throws at the same time, without having to guess which one the opponent will do. This means that at any situation where you are down a few frames, you can effectively become immune to any throw or any linear attack.

  12. alucard

    alucard Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Srider said:

    It's not the same as throwing ECD While Standing attack.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Errr... how can anyone "do ECD while standing attack"? I never said I could or would do it anyway.

    Why don't you read my post properly before you mouth off?
  13. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [ QUOTE ]
    alucard said:

    But I was thinking, won't the player be screwed if the opponent countered with a mere low punch? The [4][6][P] would still come out and it would whiff, leaving the player very vulnerable.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    alucard, yeah you're absolutely right.

    This defensive technique is best applied against the classic nitaku game, which involves either a mid or throw. Since most (all?) mid attacks recover standing, you're not going to have the problem of whiffing your [4][6][P].

    But like you said, and this applies with anything, this technique is highly conditional on your opponent. If they're the type that typically follow a small to medium advantage with just a [2][P], rather than going for something more like a mid or throw, then you probably should use something else instead of the [4][6][P].. maybe a fast mid perhaps.
  14. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    "Since most (all?) mid attacks recover standing..."

    What about:

    Kage - [3]+[P]
    Akira - [4][3]+[P]

    Those are just of the top of my head though, I am not sure for any of the other characters. But not all MID level attacks recover in a high position.
  15. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Yeup, you're right. Also LeiFei's (apparantly unreversable) [3][K]+[G][K] and
    Akira's [2][K][6][K][4][6][P]
  16. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Umm, yeah, so?

    I wasn't looking for answers. I'm aware that there are some mids which recover low, which is why I wrote "most", but in the context of the nitaku situation most, if not all, characters will use their fastest mid attack where most of these, if not all, will recover standing. Get it?

    I'm well aware there are mid attacks that recover low. They're even noted in the command lists which I've put together for VFDC.
  17. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    I may regret this, but, you did post (all?) making it look like a question.

    On the contrary to your 'fastest mid' attack, I use slow mids quite frequently. If people ANTICIPATE a mid, and not read one, then a slower attack can often hit. In this case, I like to use
    Aoi's [4][6][P]+[K]
    Shun's [6][P]+[K] and
    Kage's [3][P]

    And one of them finishes low. Also, they're also all un-counterable, so you won't necessarily get clobered when yer done.

    I know I don't make up the VF populace, but was worth mentioning.
  18. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    OK, I'm tired of this /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

    I don't know how else to convince you that I honestly was not asking a question. Like I already mentioned, I'm very much aware that there are mids that recover low.

    I'm describing a text book technique here which you can use to apply to a text book response. And in this context, a text book response is to use a fast mid. If you want to play theory fighter and say, "but I can do a slow mid, even one that recovers low!" to counter this technique, then I can just as easily counter that with a simple [P] or [2][P] for a counter hit on your slow attack.

    See how this works? We could be here forever countering each other.
  19. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Well, just pretend like I said something that would counter it and you come back with something else.

  20. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    I think this technique is pretty similar to ECD --> FC move, only diff is that since you are essentially throwing out a low punch and not a 16 framish FC move,

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I did read your post, and I used while standing instead of FC. You might have misunderstood that. ARE is not at all the same as what you described in your post. You are NOT always throwing out a low punch when you perform ARE, and in Lau's case, you ARE performing his FC [K] attack in the case where ARE beats a throw attempt. Sorry if I sounded weird. Myke's post is a bit misleading.. cause this technique can be used with attacks other than [P]. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

    What you described, ECD->FC move, if performed while you are behind something let say 6 frames, you will eat any kind of throw attacks being thrown at you, since you will not be able to cancel the evade fast enough. If you perform the ARE technique, you will beat any type of throw with a FC move, but if they did a linear attack, you will evade it. It's clear to see that you didn't fully understand the potential of this technique. It is much more superior to ECD->FC move. It may be hard to grasp this idea since it sounds too good to be true.


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