An interesting thought

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by CrewTW, Jul 6, 2004.

  1. CrewTW

    CrewTW Well-Known Member

    Here is a chat between myself and Jedi of FL:

    <Akebono> yO
    <Akebono> this is pablo
    <Akebono> whats up
    <CNYC> jedi fei?
    <Akebono> Yeah bro
    <Akebono> Whats up
    <CNYC> hahaha
    <CNYC> wassup
    <Akebono> Depressed
    <Akebono> No one plays in florida
    <CNYC> i'm entertaining myself on VFDC
    <Akebono> everyone quit
    <CNYC> haha man you should post up
    <CNYC> and help me out
    <CNYC> point it out that everyone quit
    <Akebono> I need to move to new york
    <CNYC> when FL and NYC were flaming each other
    <CNYC> you guys all had a purpose
    <CNYC> it got lost
    <CNYC> u know?
    <CNYC> I feel bad for you
    <Akebono> Im the only one who still has the drive to play
    <Akebono> But with no comp
    <Akebono> theres no chance of me getting skilled
    <CNYC> what happened? VFDC has alot of people on it
    <CNYC> dude when was the last time you played?

    [End Chat]

    Do you see a problem here? Part of the reason I posted the IMF/B1 thread was to gloat and the other part was to point out this glaring problem.

    The quit because the various players either had a lack of competition or interest. I wanted to give them a purpose a rival so to speak and unite them in a common purpose. You see IMF openly admitted he quit cause he couldn't be #1 without players and practice.

    Its just so sad that MORE people play vf4 than 3 yet there is less compeition for people to play with. This is just sad.

    It's also sad that SHOU and others who echo his sentiments feel like once you get too good or lets use the word proficent in the game it no longer becomes fun.

    Dont you see the irony in this and it is something the VFDC community should work to change. I left VFDC to see if things would change on its own through Spot and Zero's approach to things but obviously based on the chat above they never did.


    Note the comments above are MY opinion and are not associated with TeamNYC, CrewNYC, CTFCrew.
  2. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    Did you need a whole new thread for this?

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