And you guys dont like Jacky why?

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by MrNeoSandman, Mar 30, 2002.

  1. MrNeoSandman

    MrNeoSandman Member

    I've been reading threads here for a while mind you.

    I dont see why, all characters are somewhat balanced here. I've playing my Jacky/Lei fei loving friends and Jackies in the Kumite mode. I dont see what is so cheap. Worst of, not any of them can use the Pak Sao reversal efficiently. His combos are nothing special, his throws are overshadowed by many.But he his fast and agile, can do a lot of damage withhis moves and has a lot of nice jackets. Why should you ban a character like that? You might like one more than the other and then because one of them you dont comes out and surprises you or has something better, you think its cheap? (not all of you it seems) Is that balanced? Of course not, all characters have to have something better than the other, it wouldnt be fun to play with a character mush stronger than the other, plus worst, it would be the prime character for scrubs, bulldogs and turtles (Im sick of Akira, Shun, Lei Fei and Jacky scrubs). Am I missing anythin here?
  2. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Oh man....I'd run and hide if I were you..
    Release the hounds!
  3. ReCharredSigh

    ReCharredSigh Well-Known Member

    whoever said i don't like jacky?

    whoever said VF4's tactics are cheap?

    name one thing that he has that makes him cheap; i guarentee the tactic you put down will have a counter-tactic to it.

    he is really good though; not many other characters can rush the opponent down as well as he can.
  4. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    It's just fun to make fun of the characters who attract all the scrubs... which jacky does with his monster canned combos and flashy attacks and jumpsuit.
  5. Lucky_GT

    Lucky_GT Well-Known Member

    So ShinZ is a scrub
  6. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    where did you come up with that?
    are you trolling?
    trolling is forbidden in section 14 of the VFDC posting guidelines (paragraph A, line 22).
  7. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Usually it's players in the lower levels of playing that tend to hate Jacky... Otherwise, I don't know if I can say anyone decent really hates Jacky...

    However, in VF4 Version A, Jacky had some overly abusive combos... Namely a single abusive beat knuckle combo that was pretty disgusting in damage. Around the time of Version A, there certainly were a lot of complaints about Jacky on this forum and probably others. Version A was released in Japan and before the game was released in (somewhat) regular distribution in the US.

    I guess the only thing to really complain about Jacky is that he does well keeping it simple, and is generally decently effective with little effort. But my personal rule of thumb is: "As easy as it is to learn a basically decent Jacky, it's just as easy to learn how to fight against that type of Jacky." On that "decent" level, Jacky just gets pretty moderate rewards for a good mind game. On that level, you can simply work to avoid it or outplay it.

    On a higher level, I think Jacky has more interesting tools and tactics at his disposal, but I'm just not convinced he's anything of a monster in VF4 version C (or B).

  8. Vicious666

    Vicious666 Well-Known Member

    I just think he's annoying, personally. His kick combos are super unrealistic, and they just pelt you from high, mid, low even when you have a decent block/counter game going. I wouldn't say I hate him or anything, but I just find playing against him annoying and more frustrating than playing against other characters.
  9. occu

    occu Member

    The only thing I complaint Jacky in Ver C is his agility in relation to his weight
    He is the 4th heaviest among the characters but definitely his speed is definitely not among the slow ones
    And his weight is another bonus as he couped less powerful combos
  10. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    I didn't want to contribute to this stupid thread, but unfortunately, ...................I just did. Jacky is GREAT!! ALL the Characters are GREAT!!! Even though jacky is the 4th heaviest character in the game and can't be floated as high as say Pai. Jacky's game really isn't in his mixups on High levels, its all about interrupt. Interrupting other characters moves with his agile ones. A good jacky player has to master "IAGERI", and also has to mix up his throws "A LOT" due to lack of them. Now seeing that throws in VF are HUGE, Jacky doesn't seem that abusable to me. Go play Tekken 4 if you wanna bitch about characters and gameplay. There's my contribution, oh boy.
  11. alucard

    alucard Well-Known Member

    His kick combos are super unrealistic, and they just pelt you from high, mid, low even when you have a decent block/counter game going.

    Really??!! What combo is that? How do you do it? I'd like to learn it so that I can trash my opponents, teach me will ya?
  12. alucard

    alucard Well-Known Member

    I guess the only thing to really complain about Jacky is that he does well keeping it simple, and is generally decently effective with little effort. But my personal rule of thumb is: "As easy as it is to learn a basically decent Jacky, it's just as easy to learn how to fight against that type of Jacky." On that "decent" level, Jacky just gets pretty moderate rewards for a good mind game. On that level, you can simply work to avoid it or outplay it.

    Ditto...If some Jacky is consistently beating a player with only a few moves(say BKC, punch combos and elbows), then I say that player must really suck. Jacky does not have any great mid move that isn't uncounterable or anything, Beatknuckle is counterable(MC low punch for floater/throw guessing game), p,p,d+k is low throw counterable on normal hit, p,p,f+p is throw counterable, his throws are not worth a crap, the list goes on.

    IMO, the only thing that favours Jacky(in advanced match ups) are his variations and options. Most of his chains are delayable, so you can play mind games effectively(eg. b+p into elbow), heck he's even got a special mid>low bluff move(d+k,p).

    I will agree that Jacky is pretty scrub friendly, but I always say, "if a scrub(Jacky or not) can beat you easily, you are a scrub too".
  13. Freud

    Freud Well-Known Member

    I have to agree that while Jacky is not invincible...and that he isn't too hard to play against when you are familiar with his attacks.... a good Jacky who keeps G-cancelling his combos into another a real tiring character to play against.
    Once Jacky's initiative is taken with the first attack, the defendant has to concentrate on Guarding and at the same time..look out for the 10-20 frames when he can steal in an interupt...any delay in doing so, may give him a MC in turn for his retailation.
    I think the reason why so many ppl hate jacky is the fact that his damage comes pretty easily, considering the difficulty of execution. Combos like K,P,K.....K,P,d+K....beatknuckle series are very filling bread-n-butter..Not too much CDs and mutiple-directions inputs for his combo too..
    Just my 2 cents worth...
  14. MrNeoSandman

    MrNeoSandman Member

    Okay, so now we all agree you guys like Jacky, I guess those other threads I read got to my head. I ain't crazy about using him but after trying him out and all the others, I found out which I like and which i don't. I'm not crazy about Jacky but he ain't cheap, that's for sure , 'He just got strenght to compensate for his weaknesses like all the characters and keep it balanced. Yeah its easy to keep it simple, the comp and my buddy could sometimes give me a hard time, but I got experience against scrubs and turtles, so no probleme.

    Well then, is there anyone here who plaus with Jacky and doesnt keep it simple? How? I'd like to get a few tips on how to be unpredictable/not mashing combos and stuff, maybe i'd like him more. And I never told you why, well I also tought he was simple and I like complicated/unpredictable characters, like Aoi and Shun who I rediscovered.

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