Any Direct Feed movies of VF4 out there?

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Ruffcoconut, Nov 12, 2001.

  1. Ruffcoconut

    Ruffcoconut Active Member

    I've downloaded like 7 20MB movies from tbzone i think. But there not Direct feed. Those movies are Crazy esp the guys whos playing as Lei.

    So are there any combo vids out there.
  2. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    When you ask for a direct feed movie, do you mean something taken straight out of output? You're not likely to find anything like that for awhile.

    As for combo clips, they'll probably eventually come out (well, there is the Kage combo clip produced by "Vegemyke"--can be found at ).

    ***** End of Response--Beginning of Some Extra Talk*****
    Now I'm gonna state some things that have been on my mind and might give you some insight. The following comments are just a couple things I meant to say to you earlier (when you were talking about VF) as added background for VF, particularly because you seem to strongly come from the trend of combo-oriented focus and what some find to be "typical" of concern among the common Tekken player (not that there's anything wrong with that, mind you).

    Right now, much of the VF players seem to be focusing on guaranteed opportunities, some novelties (some people anyways), effective flowcharts (traditional as well as those based on okizeme). VF's focus tends to be on tools (guarantees including combos, counter knowledge, engine knowledge) AND tactics (flowcharts and the like).

    Combos are just an area covered under tools, many players figure them as well as what will probably work while they observe the match clips or other matches as well as play along. VF4 definitely has a lot of combos (as hard as many of them are), I just wouldn't expect a combo clip anytime soon, aside from the Vegemyke Kage Combo clip that is.

    BTW, combos are a strong aspect of VF (despite what so many would say). Basically, they have the potential to carry out three goals:
    -extend or maximize damage
    -extend or maximize range for either wall advantage, ultimate ring out advantage, or even creating machi room.
    -waste time (some combos may only be seeking a timeout victory, as rare as that happens--especially with VF's combo system usually having heavy gravity).

    Again, combos are only part of the tools though. Combos alone don't do much for you. More important than the combo itself is its starter (is it safe? is it feasable against a GOOD opponent?). The VF audience, though mixed, tends to be heavy on the "tactics-oriented" side. There are many flashy players out there, and they push for the discovery of many new things, but I think I see a lot more straight-forward fundamental gameplay gamers in VF.

    In a game like VF where you constantly have MANY options in general, but your game often restricts the options of your opponents (but they still have quite a few), the game tends to extend FAR BEYOND just spacing and catching slop. Defense must be very active, knowing when to attack and following through can help you greatly. Not knowing when to defend can get you killed. But all of this happens very rapidly and you have this strong & advanced game of paper-rock-scissors that is controlled by a constantly changing flow. In addition, the outcomes happen rather quickly (as opposed to the loser of a situation waiting 5 seconds for a big combo to finish, in VF it'll probably be resolved in no more than 2.5 seconds). All of this combine to form an explosive chemistry of rapid thinking and being very much on your toes. As a result of all this and how fast it all happens, simply going for a single combo has to be carried out carefully....

    Basically what I'm trying to say is that the tactics game can be carried out to be much stronger than a single setup of pure damage (like an infinite). It's not impossible to win or fight for a single setup, but there's a strong balance in VF between small tactics and abusive setups (which require a good deal of tactics anyhow). Part of why I think VF players tend to focus more on "guarantees" (situations as opposed to combos), flowcharts (options), and the engine itself--as opposed to combos.

    *****Chanchai's Current View:*****
    VF= Lots of up-close and ranged tactics that can override a setup. Taking advantage of "fuckups" (whiffed attacks) require a decent amount of reflexes and aren't as common as counter tactics. Understanding flow and tactics are mandatory (hence VF is not as newbie friendly as many other fighters). Aggressor uses attacks and spacing to force openings. Some players do play "wait for fuckup" tactics, but it's not that common in VF (at least compared to Tekken). Spacial pressure also plays a great role.

    T3 + TTT= Slow execution of attacks makes taking advantage of "fuckups" rather easy which pushes the combo based game as well as pushing the engine towards a spacing game. Very small amount of safe attacks pushes this aspect as well. However, blockstun is not balanced by recovery, especially on strings and because of this, you don't have as much flow unless you know weaknesses within strings and opponent insists on pushing strings to that level of unsafety. In general, a spacing game that is centered around creating "fuckups" to open up the opportunity for a heavy damage float. Lack of confined space disables a spacial pressure game.

    Tekken 4= (as much as I enjoy playing the game--though not as much as VF) Dumbed Down Tekken + Dumbed Down VF3. Characters are modified to have a set of safety pressure tools that will TRY to force an opening ala VF style. However, these are really restricted and the common case is restricted to high, mid, and special mid. Only a few characters have FAST ACCESS to low attacks. This leads to a VF-like flow game that is really dumbed down but can be worked with. Easier escapes from throws and grapples speeds up play a bit, but also further dumbs down the aggressive-tactics game. Combos are still powerful and a lot of attacks still have long execution, but this is all toned down compared to T3 or TTT. Spacial games can still exist unless opponent forces a closeup game which, again, is a dumbed down flow game (and thus eventually many players will revert to a spacial game when they realize how weak the flow game can be--depending on who they pick). However, with the addition of obstacles, the "weakened" okizeme game (compared to T3 having abusive okizeme) is pushed to be still abusive when combined with walls and slopes.


    PS In VF, counter refers to blocking and then attacking. Reversals are things like Akira's b+P+K (which reverses, "counter attacks," high attacks).
  3. Ruffcoconut

    Ruffcoconut Active Member

    Thanks for that reply, very very helpful and added to my understanding.
    Thanks for the link to those movies, but whenever i start to download any of them it aborts and a message saying i have to many conection on my IP adresss or something comes up.

    Oh, when i say combos, i mean float combos.
    Sorry if there was any misunderstandings.
    Thanks alot. G.
  4. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    No direct feed yet. Only one sort of combo movie out, Myke's Kage combo movie which is on the front page of this site.I have one strongly recommended movie... you probably should get it first and then read the this while you watch, otherwise you'll get bored.
    <a target="_blank" href=></a>

    -this is by far the best jacky movie I've ever seen, and if you want to learn Jacky, watch this movie. Some high points:

    Round 1: Akira misses a throw attempt, and Jacky counters with P+K, P - This shows that with good reflexes, you can easily use the P+K combos to punish any missed throws or attacks.
    In this case the Jacky player does P+K, P, then P,P,f+K big combo for a lot of damage. The Akira player misses another throw a second later and again you see it happen again, except this time he just does P+K,P,K - which is safe and sure to hit.

    Round 2: The Akira player knows Jacky's going to attack, so he does Akira's inashi (a no-damage reversal, the thing there he sticks one fist high and the other low) - the reversal didn't hurt, but it stunned Jacky long enough for Akira to do a SPoD, which definitely does hurt.

    Round 3: Jacky again nails the P+K, P, K combo, but this time Akira is prepared and quick rolls when he hits the floor. Because you are considered crouching when you hit the ground, you can do any (from crouch only) move. In this example akira does the from crouch b,f+P double palm. It nails Jacky while he's trying some flashy crap.
    A little later you see Akira grab Jacky's knee attempt and throw him to the ground. This is a mid reversal. The Akira didn't necessarily know that Jacky was gonna do a knee, but he DID know that Jacky would try one of his strong midlevel attacks. The whole match Jacky blocks dashing elbows and tries stuff like puntkicks, P+K combos, and elbows. The Akira knows this so he does d/b+P+K, which will reverse any of those moves.

    Round 4: Jacky does an elbow while Akira crouches, and it staggers Akira. The thing MOST Jacky players would do here is dash forward and throw Akira. THIS Jacky player knows his opponent is smart and might escape the throw, so instead he does K,P,K combo. It hits Akira while he's trying to escape the throw he was expecting. A second later Jacky does a lunging kick and then cancels it, leaving him in Jacky's flashy stance (Where he stands there with his leg hanging in the air). This scares the Akira into blocking, so Jacky is able to get close and do a throw. An elbow-heelkick wins the round.

    Three mistakes and the round is over!

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