Aoi's D, f+P+G throw

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by LittleWild, Jan 23, 2002.

  1. LittleWild

    LittleWild Well-Known Member

    Some of us were talking about whether the ground throw after the D,f+P+G was confirm or not. I have found a video clip that features some Japanese players which shows that the ground throw can be avoided somehow.

    The clip is at and the file name is daioh_ero1.wmv.
    Fast forward to 05:54 and then watch the ground throw miss.
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    It's escapeable 2 ways:

    1. Plain old struggling.
    2. Tech roll when you hit the floor (People question whether or not this is possible that I'm beginning to wonder whether I really saw it myself. But I'm pretty sure I did)
  3. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    I watched the clip (great one, BTW), and I think the Aoi was late in inputting the d/f+P+G throw. One thing's for sure though, I see the ground throw after Aiki connect a HELLUVA lot more than not. I'm betting there are a lot more movies out there where you won't see the d/f+P+G escaped.

    I think Morpheus can back me up when I say that I've also tried struggling like a bitch, to no avail. Also, I have never seen ANYONE TR/QR out of the Aiki, myself included. I could be wrong, but these are my observations and on-the-fly tests.

    Creed, maybe you're just confusing it with Pai's D,f+P+G.
  4. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Creed, maybe you're just confusing it with Pai's D,f+P+G.

    Nah, I know the difference between Pai and Aoi.
    But since nobody else can replicate this, I'm tempted to do the painful process of digging through movies to see if I really saw this (like maybe it was a v. A thing?).
    Of course, it's even possible I saw it in the arcade, but more likely it was a movie.
  5. Yamcha

    Yamcha Well-Known Member

    I'm inclined to agree with you. If timed correctly, I don't believe I've ever had anyone struggle out of the ground throw after the FC throw. I think it's still guaranteed like in 3.

    I'm also thinking now that this throw can't be QR/TRed after all, since if you notice, you get the dynamic camera angle during the throw, which doesn't happen with any of the other TR/QRable throws.
  6. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    In my experience, the ground throw is generally guaranteed if it's performed early enough that Aoi looks like she "glides over the opponent" when she does it (and the camera acts a bit funny when this happens). Performing the ground throw any later than that and it gets struggled out of. I cannot say I'm right or anything, but that's been my experience with at least as much struggling as myself or others I have played against can muster.

  7. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Creed: Hmm, maybe the TR/QR that you saw was from Ver. A or the test version?

    Yamcha: There's at least one exception to your rule though--Wolf's GS has a dynamic camera, but it can be QR/TRed; in Ver. B at least.
  8. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Seems to me that none of Aoi's throws that toss you flat onto your back head towards are TR'able( D,f+P+G, b+P+G, d/b+P+G).

    Now that I think about it, are any of her Throws TR'able? P+G, or the side throw?

  9. LittleWild

    LittleWild Well-Known Member

    CreeD, for your info, feii swears that he saw some one TR out of the throw before as well.

    The ground throw missed me once before as well, just like the one in the movie. Right now I think it is a combination of 2 factors: 1. The ground throw input is a little late + 2. I struggled like a dog.
  10. LAU Abuser

    LAU Abuser Well-Known Member

    I think you almost broke the <font color=red>joystick</font color=red>.
    <font color=orange>Aoi player wanted to break your legs but ended up breaking the other player's 'stick'</font color=orange> In my opinion its worth it...

    The D,f+P+G is not a combo with Aoi's ground throw... only dead ppl get a leg twist. [only statues get TKoD'ed]/versus/images/icons/tongue.gif

    Chanchai: In my experience, the ground throw is generally guaranteed if it's performed early enough that Aoi looks like she "glides over the opponent" when she does it (and the camera acts a bit funny when this happens).

    Halo Chanchai, TKoD also looks perfect in the screen... Like wat i've said, its only statues that TKod does Miracles...
  11. Nutlog

    Nutlog Well-Known Member

    One thing, I'll say...Aoi's D,f+P+G -> ground throw is a hell of a lot more reliable than Jeff's FBB -> pounce. I'll go with the majority of folks here and say that the struggling out of this is VERY difficult.

    The Aoi player may have been a tad slow on the ground throw, but if he was, it was so small that it was barely noticeable. I know most of the asian players of high skill levels have such things down like they were breathing, but everyone hiccups now and then. But whoever that Vanessa player was, that was a very impressive display of struggling.
  12. feii

    feii Well-Known Member

    yea it was like a TR.and yr ground throw will miss.ive onli seen it once.but i haf to agree tat the ground throw is "almost" guaranteed, much like the ground throw followup after her multipart throw.unless of cos the Aoi player input the command a lill slow, and/or the other guy struggled like a dog.

    must also agree wif chanchai tat the change in camera angles make it "look" like the ground throw is guaranteed.hehe must run some tests on it someday to find out how true this is.until then FC,f+P+G remains one of the best moves to use wif Aoi.
  13. LAU Abuser

    LAU Abuser Well-Known Member

    One thing, I'll say...Aoi's D,f+P+G -> ground throw is a hell of a lot more reliable than Jeff's FBB -> pounce. I'll go with the majority of folks here and say that the struggling out of this is VERY difficult.

    There are no guaranteed ground throws after a ST throw. i've just tried a test with Aoi (friend) and i was able to TR away. U can try... A normal struggle will not recover after D,b+P+G.
    <font color=orange>Your best bet is a sweep</font color=orange> after that D,f+P+G. A tip, after the sweep, f+K... its quite reliable and staggers low defenders into a guessing game.
  14. Nutlog

    Nutlog Well-Known Member

    Yes, you can struggle. It's fairly obvious in just viewing the video portion mentioned in the beginning of this thread. The fact that his Vanessa gets a rising attack makes it pretty obvious that this was a struggle recovery, not a TR.

    But now that you bring it up, you (and your friend) are now apparently about the third and fourth people on this board to see the throw TRed. Until the numbers rise and the method/timing become clear as to when your supposed to enter the TR, I'll stick with the ground throw, thanks.
  15. danny13

    danny13 Well-Known Member

    From what I know so far, when aoi performs the D,f+P+G throw, the camera zooms in. Aoi has to do the df+P+G before the camera zooms out. i.e you'll see aoi reaching down when the camera is still zoomed in. That way aoi will never be late and i guess no escape.I have never see anyone TR before to escape the df+P+G.

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