AOU 2008 Tourney Movies

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by Myke, Feb 24, 2008.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage


    Some media from a couple of events at the 2008 AOU show. All movies are available for streaming from the link above. The filename for each movie is shown below for reference. Please do not link directly to media.

    VF5 Tournament Media
    med_aou08_05.asx | Sexy Saitou (AK) vs Fuudo (LI) (semi-final)
    med_aou08_06.asx | Chibita (LI) vs Koedo (KA) (semi-final)
    med_aou08_07.asx | Fuudo (LI) vs Koedo (KA) (final)

    Kakutou Konseiki III
    kon3_29.asx | KAI (BR) vs Ryuu (VA) (semi-final)
    kon3_30.asx | Miakezaka (VA) vs OTU (EI) (semi-final)
    kon3_31.asx | KAI (BR) vs OTU (EI) (final)
  2. Lucky_GT

    Lucky_GT Well-Known Member

    What was up with that Akira in the first match vs. Fuudo?

    I guess now I know how to beat DM spam...
  3. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Sexy Saitou (the guy in the red shirt) is one of the commentators/compares of the event. I guess he's not a serious player and the matches were just for fun.

    There are more movie links at the bottom of that page, which are reports of Chibita Kumite events around Japan. If you watch the first one (vfburari_01.asx) you'll see Sexy Saitou and Chibita playing at the beginning... it's pretty funny!
  4. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    my crappy computer wont show these vids properly. someone youtube it.

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