Arcadia 147 Article - defensive techniques @ home

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by noodalls, Jul 6, 2012.

  1. noodalls

    noodalls Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Defensive Technique Training at Home
    Arcadia 147
    Author - Yanaga
    Translation - noodalls

    Improve your technique! Sharpen your teeth with the home version training mode!

    With the commencement of the downloadable home version, there is a new excitement for this game. This month we'll provide something that should help with the SBO qualifiers. Of course, you can use it in normal matches too.

    How to improve your defence with any character in training mode
    Other than the just-techroll option in training mode, you can change the position in the stage, and investigating combos has never been easier. Beyond this, there is the command recording. This month, we'll introduce two techniques, the "Fuzzy easy throw escape" and the "ETE Cancel".

    The first is useful when you get counter hit by a full circular, and are at -9 to -11 and sideturned. The latter is invaluable in many situations. Both are difficult tecniques, but with practice they should have a big effect on your play. Using these descriptions as a reference, you should be able to improve many other defensive techniques as well.

    Since the CPU can be set to "Counter or guard", you can work on your hit confirming!

    Easy Fuzzy Throw Escape when Side Turned
    Home Version Training Mode Technique 1

    This is a defensive technique you can rely upon when you're in sideturned state unable to guard a standing [P]. With regards to throw escape directions, whether you're 1P or 2P side, if your character is facing the (front of the) screen press [4] to escape, if they are facing the back of the screen press [6]. It's difficult to apply everything all at once, so just work with options 1. and 2. recorded initially, practice getting the timing down to avoid standing [P] as well as [3][K] with fuzzy. Also, if you press [3_] > [6_] (or [1_] > [4_]) then it will make the subsequent throw escape easier. If you get in the habit of holding [P] with [G] then you just need to add the throw direction and you've escaped the side throw as well. The timing for the sidethrow escape window is quite late, so you don't have to rush to input this.

    1. You need a character who after a move that forces you side turned won't allow you to guard a standing [P]. We use Blaze for this example. Go to free training and then command recording.
    2. Record the following three actions:
      1. [P] > [K][+][G] > [P]
      2. [P] > [K][+][G] > [3][K]
      3. [P] > [K][+][G] > [P][+][G]
    3. The initial [P] is just there to make landing the subsequent [K][+][G] on counter easier, so you can omit it if you want.
    4. Set it to random playback, and get counter hit by [K][+][G], then go from crouching guard, to standing guard to throw escape to practice. If your timing is good, you can escape all three options.
    This application is equally good for real matches where you get hit on the side, and have to defend against options like [P], [2][P] and elbow. You can change the [P] > [K][+][G] portion to OM [2][P]. Also if you change the mid hit to an elbow, the timing for the fuzzy guard will get tighter. Don't forget about guard crushes and delayed throws, and abare'ing or ducking to overcome these.

    The execution is difficult, but if you can get these down, you'll be amongst the top players.

    Evade Throw Escape Cancel
    Home Version Training Mode Technique 2

    Currently this is amongst the top tier of defensive techniques. In any event, entering the commands quickly and accurately is essential.
    *- skipped a bit here, was going over my head -*
    1. Choose an opponent other than Brad or Jacky who has a low full circular attack (Lion is used in this example). Go to free training and command record.
    2. Record the following three actions:
      1. [6][P] > [6][P][+][G]
      2. [6][P] > [2_][3][P]
      3. [6][P] > [2][K][+][G]
    3. You can swap [3][K] for number 2 and [4][1][2][3][6][P] for number 3, but you will have to evade to Lion's back side.
    4. Choose playback and eat the [6][P] crouching. Then input the following:
      • Evade > [6][P][+][G] > release [P] (still holding [G]) > [6] > [2][G] asap.
    5. If you do this correctly, you will cancel your failed evade in time to block the low [2][K][+][G].
    In reality, after a cancelled evade you can also guard mid to avoid a delayed mid attack. If you record number 3. as [6][P] then delayed [3][3][P][+][K], then you can also practice applying mixup after guarding a mid move or guaranteed punishments with successful evades.

    Further, you can leave options 1-3 as they are, and use [K][G] cancel into [2][G] crouch guard as a way to practice avoiding the mixups.

    Taking full advantage after your evade is the most important thing.
    SUGATA, oneida, R_Panda and 1 other person like this.
  2. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I love this man. I hope to see more of it. Question about that last technique. I don't see any input for an evade for which to cancel in your post, is that just an error or am I missing something?
  3. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Thanks noodalls!

    Tricky, in step 3 it says: "Then input evade --> "
  4. noodalls

    noodalls Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    That's an edit though. It wasn't there when tricky posted.
  5. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    My bad then!

    BTW, I've updated the format/layout of the original post.

    Noodalls, can you check in step 1 in the 2nd technique when you say, "Choose an opponent other than Brad or Jacky who has a low full circular attack"? Because both Brad and Jacky have a low full circular.
  6. noodalls

    noodalls Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    I think their lows won't work for this exercise, for reasons that aren't specified.

    The Japanese is

    Jacky,Brad igai no gedan zenkaiten kougeki wo motsu kyara (koko de ha tai raion wo sentaku) wo aite soba ni sentaku shite
  7. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    OMG this makes evade throw escape so much easier than I thought. I just have to let go of P in time and can keep holding G. That's madness I tell you. Thanks a ton for this man. I wonder if anybody else has some nice defensive tech training tips.

    BTW I don't get this part.

    Further, you can leave options 1-3 as they are, and use cancel into crouch guard as a way to practice avoiding the mixups.

    Where are you doing the KG cancel? after the 6P or before? Testing it with eileen and I can't block the 2_3P from lion in time with KG cancel.

    About technique 2 just noticed that you can't block all circular attacks with this tech. So far anything 17 frames or faster can't be blocked with the evade cancel in time. I guess this gives you good reason to use the faster circulars, and the fast half circulars. Lion's 2K+G is 20 frames so I don't know where the line is for the evade cancel guard working.
  8. Chibitox

    Chibitox Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    I'm also a sceptical about this one, but haven't tried anything in the lab yet.
    Did you try with another char than Eileen, may be there are different K g cancel speed ?
  9. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I have a feeling the Arcadia article may be in error.

    Firstly, when you eat an elbow in a crouch position, you're generally at -6f disadvantage.

    According to Cnul's post on KG (fake kick) to avoid some throw situations, you won't be able to guard any attacks faster than 19f when you're at -6, so this might explain why a [K][G] cancel fails to defend Lion's Upper at 15f exe.

    But another way to look at this is that it might be specifically in reference to Lion. If you use the [K][G] cancel technique at -6, then the reward for the 2/3 options is massive: if you guard his sweep or make a throw whiff, then it's free damage, and the risk is relatively low for the 1/3 option in comparison: his upper will normal hit you (i.e. no float) and only give him small advantage (+1).

    Maybe noodalls can shed some light on whether that last bit of text was specific to Lion or not.
  10. Cnul

    Cnul Well-Known Member

    Good job noodals. I learn a new trick :

    Buffering the throw escape during the input of the dash cancel. I never thought about it !

    [6][P][+][G] > release [P] (still holding [G]) > [6]

    I always thought you should do the throw escape before or after the dash


    About those examples, we assume we have to make the record the fastest possible. But does that represent the reality. With the hitconfirm factor can we really do [6][P] then the followup with no delay ?
  11. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    This only works for 6 direction throw. With the 4 direction and 5 you'll have to still dash forward separately from the escape. Maybe with neutral you could do 6 > 5P+G > release P still hold G > 6
  12. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    The answer to this really depends on the skill level of your opponents. If you're playing people who are adept at hit checking, then they'll have no problem buffering their next attack without delay.
  13. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Anyone get example #2 to work? I can't figure it out for the life of me. Very frustrating and seems absolutely impossible.

    Anyone got any tips?
  14. Chill

    Chill +40 DP Content Manager Shun Gold Supporter

    If you mean the Evade Throw Escape Cancel, I found it helped to compress the inputs down. So enter it as:

    Evade > [6][P][+][G] > release [P] (still holding [G]) > [6]

    You're effectively entering the first [6] of the dash input at the same time as the throw escape. Then you have to make sure to release [P] before doing the second [6] input.

    I found that the timing to react to a low attack after that is really tight though.
  15. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member


    I'll try it again based on your explanation, but this makes no sense because your character cannot move forward to complete the dash since you are holding [G] . This tech just seems impossible. There has to be a key step missing somewhere. Anyone have a vid of this?
  16. Lucky_GT

    Lucky_GT Well-Known Member

    Ok fine I'll spill the beans.

    It's Evade > Forward Dash > Guard > Lazy TE.

    8,66,G,P(for lazy TE).

    EDIT -

    For forward TE it would be 8,66,G,6P.


    You can also do this with Crouch Dash instead of forward dash.
  17. Chill

    Chill +40 DP Content Manager Shun Gold Supporter

    It may not make any sense, but it does work in FS ;)

    This video (have to go to the 39 second mark) shows the same principal but with a crouch dash instead of a forward dash. Guard is held for the entirety of the crouch dash motion, but still cancels the evade to block Wolf's full-circular. The beauty of it is the dash is essentially being cancelled as soon as it's inputted.

    Huh, trying it this way, it's actually not too difficult to escape a [4] direction throw. For some reason I thought the timing was too tight to go back to [4].
    Tricky likes this.
  18. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Now this makes more sense than the explanation in the original article. I'll give it a shot and let you know my results. Thanks!
  19. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the vid. Although the command inputs do not match the article it does help to actually see it in motion. I got a lot of methods to try out and see which one works best for me.
    Tricky likes this.
  20. Drift

    Drift Well-Known Member

    This is very similar to FADC in SF4. The fastest FADC is not "MP+MK, 66", but rather "6MP+MK, 6". I assume the reason why this works is because FS separates the TE(G) and the dash during evades (lenient inputs).

    Edit: After a few hours in dojo, I've realized what I'm sure is obvious to everyone else. The best way to practice this technique (for me) is to do ETEG in the 6 direction with one extra forward. Don't think of it as an evade-cancel with a TE, but rather an ETEG with one more input. Once you have that down, there is one more level to this technique: There is enough time to roll the stick to 3_ after the extra 6. This will allow you to evade linears, escape forward throws, duck high circulars and guard low circulars.
    Tricky likes this.

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