Arcadia 58

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by noodalls, Mar 3, 2005.

  1. noodalls

    noodalls Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Myke was kind enough to bring me back a copy of arcadia 58 from Japan. These are some of the articles that are in the magazine. I'll translate them when I can, but no promises on a time frame.

    First up, there was a report on SBO3 qualifications. They gave a small table showing the rankings for the various characters.

    Kage (8)

    Lau (6)
    Jacky (5)
    Akira (4)

    Lion (3)
    Aoi (2)
    Pai (2)
    Sarah (0)

    Standard characters (power type)
    Wolf (1)
    Jeffrey (0)
    Brad (0)

    Standard characters (confusion type)
    Shun (1)
    Vanessa (1)
    Lei Fei (0)

    Goh (0)

    Numbers in brackets are the number of representatives for those characters at Otenami 4.

    They also split the players up into 4 different groups
    New Generation
    Jin (kage)
    Nuki (Aoi)
    Itabashi zangief (Shun)
    Punch the Senpu (Sarah)
    Itoshun (Brad)
    ?? (Vanessa)
    Koufu megane (Aoi)
    ?tentera suizokukan (Lau)
    Critical (Lau)

    Fu~do (Lion)
    Inocchi (Akira)
    Hideo (Wolf)
    Senninkiri (Kage)
    Koedo (Kage)
    Minami (Kage)
    Chaboushu (Lei)

    ChominamiAkira (Akira)
    8 (Wolf)
    Marshmallowototo (Lion)
    Uwasa? (Vanessa)
    Bonbibon (Aoi)
    Soutaisho (Kage)
    MooMoodance (Akira)
    Reorao (Kage)
    YOU (Sarah)
    Suguru (Lion)
    Makoto (Kage)

    Chibita (Lion)
    Homestay Akira (Akira)
    Tuchikumo (pai)
    Yoroukage (Kage)
    Haijin (Jacky)
    Yanaga (Pai)
    Ohsu akira (Akira)
    Mask do Hijitetsu (Jacky)
    Sega-ru (Wolf)
    Edo (Kage)
    ChofuK.K sarah (Jacky)
    Kashin (vanessa)
    Mukki Akira (Akira)
    Arashi (jacky)
    Akuma pai (Pai)
    HanabiLei (Lei)
    Chemuru (Wolf)
    Neo tower (Jacky)


    If someone can fix up my terrible names I would be greatful.
  2. noodalls

    noodalls Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Article - Akira
    Writer - Ohsu
    Source - Arcadia 58
    Translation - Noodalls

    No matter what the situation, go for the option that will net you the most damage.

    Increasing the usefulness of the [6][6][P]
    Akira's main mid attack, [6][6][P] in closed stance on counter hit leads to the well known combo [2][K]+[G][6][K][4][6][P] as the most reliable follow-up, but the damage isn't really that much more that what other characters would get off their elbow strings on a counter hit. If the opponent fails to tech you get the follow up ground attack for reasonable damage, but, if they miss the tech-roll and then go for the fastest possible rising attack (except for akira and shun) they will avoid the ground attack and connect with their rising attack. Also, if you guess that they will use their rising attack and guard, they executed it without delay so there is no guaranteed retaliation.
    In this instance you can keep attacking to setup a guaranteed hit. Use [3][K]+[G][6][P]~[2]or[8]. This will put you largely off axis from the opponent and back turned, allowing you to dodge their rising attack and attack their back.

    The method for doing this is to connect the [2][K]+[G][6][K][4][6][P] and then to judge whether or not the opponent has succeeded in tech-rolling. If they fail, in the instant you see that, you need to input in the direction of their back (the side which has their knee slightly lifted) asap. If you succeed, you will cleanly avoid their rising attack and dodge to their back. You can connect a [3][3][P] during their recovery. You can get [6_][P] [3][3][6][P]+[K] [3][3][4][6][P] on all characters for large damage.

    - In the instant you judge them to have missed their tech roll, input [3][K]+[G][6][P]~[2]or[8]!
    - If you succeed it will be like this (photo). Buffer in a [3][3][P] to pound them!

    Using the [2_][6][P][P] more effectively
    The number of players who are avoiding the second hit and retaliating, or using atemi are increasing, and it feels like the risk of using [2_][6][P][P] has increased. So, try stopping after the first hit. Especially against higher level opponents, this will be more and more useful.
    Firstly, against opponents who evade, close the gap and pressure with a mid-throw nitaku. Against opponents who try to atemi, have the first hit [2_][6][P]guarded and then go for [3][3][P] during the recovery of their atemi motion. It is especially useful against characters who use a lot of atemi, like Pai and Aoi. From there, [6_][P] [K]+[G](release[G]) [3][3][4][6][P] as a combo against light weights will work to greatly diminish the risk in using [2_][6][P] and getting it snatched by atemi, and will do great psychological damage.

    - Against opponents who go for atemi on the second hit
    - Mix it up by stopping after the first hit, and turn the tables by attacking their counterstrategy.

    When you stuff the opponent's rising attack with [3][3][P] sometimes you will cross them up. In this instance, you can go for BT[2][P] dash[3][3][P] [3][3][4][6][P]. This combo looks brilliant.


    One thing I don't know. What is the english for tsubusu? It means to stuff or smother an attack, like in wakeup situations where you do a more damaging attack. I haven't read the english for it in such a long time that I've forgotten the appropriate word. Thanks
  3. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    for guys that don't know
    atemi = reversal
  4. noodalls

    noodalls Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Article - Lei Fei
    Writer - Hanabi Lei
    Source - Arcadia 58
    Translation - Noodalls

    Cut into your opponent's mindgames and shut them up!
    Lei Fei has powerful attacks from stance, but they can be easily yomi'ed. This time we'll introduce the ways to adapt to this.

    Integrate "attacking" by cancelling stance
    Lei Fei can go into stance from moves such as [P][P] or Hai[P][P] and attack from their, but their are opponents who will predict this and deal with it by evading or using moves that Dokuritu stance cannot sabaki as a strong reverse nitaku, or they will watch and block the options on reaction. Depending on the opponent, you might get the feeling that the risk and return are out of kilter.
    What you can do in this instance is cancel stance and evade cancel. You can evade the opponent's abare, and attack back, or you can target their evades and guarding with throws, to beat their nitaku. In addition to Lei being in an advantaged situation, there basically won't be any opponents who are hard to throw.

    - You can watch the opponent's actions during your stance cancel so if they look like they're freezing up then throw
    - If they input an evade it will fail, so you can conect [3][3][P] on their failed evade.

    Cancelling stances - Koko stance section
    After [6][K] or nehan [K]on guard on normal hit, where the opponent is expecting koko [K] or koko [P], most often they will either guard or evade. In this instance cancelling stance is beneficial, as you can attack using BT attacks allowing you to apply a strong nitaku, and for the opponent waiting for an attack the pressure will mount

    - The above mentioned attacks are useful against opponents that know Lei's attacks. A delayed koko [K] is good too, but if they counter it it's painful
    - If they start using reverse psychology, reverse reverse psychology is useful (this is fairly liberal translation). When the opponent is rushed, you can attack.

    - If you connect [3]or[9][P]+[K][P] on the opponent's back, the expected retaliatory throw from Lion will not connect. It's useful if you can read the opponent's evade direction.
  5. noodalls

    noodalls Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Article - Kage
    Writer - YoroKage
    Source - Arcadia 58
    Translation - Noodalls

    The basic arts and advanced combos of [2_][3][P](A2)
    This time, we'll try to pay attention to the basic fighting style of using [2_][3][P](A2). You should utilise the option from normal hit and the appropriate combos in real battles

    Useful strings on normal hit
    [2_][3][P](A2) on normal hit is +2. However, as it forces crouch, if you input a throw immediately it is difficult to connect. The first option you should use is [6][P]. You can beat out most of the opponent's abare attacks. Because you are pushed back a little after [2_][3][P](A2) [4][K] is useful. It can be said to be one reliable option against abare and evaders.
    Against opponents that use fuzzy guard or ETEG, you should use a catch-throw. You can throw people who have used slow moves. [4][4][K]+[G] gives advantage on normal hit, and knocks down on counter, so it's probably a powerful weapon.
    If you're just going for damage, a nitaku of [3][P] and delayed throw is something to go for, but don't let your opponent adapt.

    Master 1 frame delay inputs
    First, an explanation of how to input [6_][P] with one frame delay. Just before the [2_][3][P](A2) recovery finishes, input [3][3][6_][P]. On important point, delay slightly between pressing [6_] and pressing [P]. You have to be careful because if you input it too quickly an elbow will come out. The most reliable time to get 1 frame delayed [P] to refloat is in the following conditions
    Counter hit on Jacky in closed stance and Wolf
    Minor counter on Lau, Pai, Shun, Lion, Lei, Vanessa, Aoi in closed stance.
    On Sarah it will work in either stance.

    Use 1frame delays for situation limited combos.
    First, the guaranteed combos after refloating them with a 1 frame delayed [P]. You can get [6][K]+[G] in on some characters in closed stance.
    Against Wolf after the first [P] you can get [6][P]+[K][P] in closed stance and [4][P][K] in open stance. Against Sarah in open stance only, [P][K][G] [K]+[G][P][P] connects.
    Especially where you use [2_][3][P](A2) in guaranteed situations, you should be able to execute the 1 frame delays with accuracy.

    Photo captions
    - It is difficult until you get used to the 1frame delay [P][K][G] cancel ...
    - but if you get it it leads to a very strong combo. Practice until you can use it in matches.

    - In situations other than those mentioned in the article, you can use a 2 frame delay to get the listed combos to connect. But, there's no guaranteed way to get a 2 frame delay, so using it reliably is difficult.

    Note, I generally use [6_][P] to indicate hold the lever forward and [P], I hope this is the right notation. Can anyone clarify?
  6. noodalls

    noodalls Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Article - Brad
    Writer - Ohsu
    Additional information - Itoshun
    Source - Arcadia 58
    Translation - Noodalls

    Revise Brad's main low attack.
    Brad's [2][K]+[G] has standard execution, is full circular, when it's guarded it's very counterable, but it's difficult to see coming as he does it from a standing motion. On counter hit it knocks down, but on normal hit or minor counter it leaves him at -3, meaning he has to deal with the opponent's nitaku. Because of this, it's fair to say that the risk and return are not in line if you use it to try to beat the opponent's standing gaurd.
    But, to increase the utility of the [2][K]+[G] you have to use it by trying to go for maximum range hits. If yo udo go for maximum range hits, and your opponent goes for a throw or short-ranged mid from that situation you can backdash to avoid them. In particular, there are many short ranged mid elbows used in situations like this, so it is very beneficial. After causing the opponents attack to whiff or avoiding the opponent's throw, you can take damage by hitting [6][P]+[K] or [2][P]+[K][6][P] during the move's recovery.
    Also, you can substitute the [4][P]+[K]+[G] in some cases. It also avoids throws and short ranged mids, and you can go into the various strings from [4][P]+[K]+[G]. The recommended ones are [4][P]+[K]+[G] [P]+[K][P][P] hit or guard [3][K]. Against opponent's who are watching your moves, stop half way through and use a throw is a way to trap them.

    - The hit conditions of [2][K]+[G] are a little difficult, but if you hit it at maximum range you don't really need to think of it as a disadvantage. Use it from backdashes or when you get the right range against opponent's rising attacks.

    When your opponent is up against the wall, nitaku from sway is powerful.
    Of the strings from [4][P]+[K]+[G], there is the mid hitting [4][P]+[K]+[G] [K], and [4][P]+[K]+[G] [K]+[G]. Both hits have good range but because they can only be executed from [4][P]+[K]+[G] there are probably many people who don't utilise the reach of the move itself and forget about the use of the moves. But, when the opponent is up against a wall, these moves become useful.
    Both moves are >21 damage, so they will cause wall stun on hit, and from there you can get good damage in combos. The position you're in when you do [4][P]+[K]+[G] is the key.

    - When you have the opponent up against a wall, you don't have to worry about them retreating and avoiding your moves. This range lets you force a powerful nitaku.
    - into wall stun! [4][P]+[K]+[G] [K]+[G] is especially hard to see coming.

    - If you mix in ARE after [2][K]+[G] its usefulness will increase more. As for the move you should use, the fast executing, stringing, small whiff [3][P] is recommended. You can input it as [2][K]+[G] evade [3][3][P]
  7. nin

    nin Well-Known Member

    Re: noodalls

    Tsubusu means destroy or beat the shit out of something.....correct me if i am wrong.

    In VF trems, its like you use a certain move which have a bigger hit box or longer effective frames to beat your opponents' attack( eg. raising kick)
  8. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [ QUOTE ]

    Note, I generally use [6_][P] to indicate hold the lever forward and [P], I hope this is the right notation. Can anyone clarify?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yep this is correct.

    [ QUOTE ]
    When your opponent is up against the wall, nitaku from sway is powerful. Of the strings from [4][P]+[K]+[G], [4][P]+[K]+[G] [K] and [4][P]+[K]+[G] [K]+[G] are mid hits.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Just a minor correction, the sway back low kick ([4][P]+[K]+[G][K]+[G]) hits low, not mid.

    Glad to see you received the magazine, and a damn fine job on the translations! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  9. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [ QUOTE ]
    Tsubusu means destroy or beat the shit out of something.....correct me if i am wrong.

    In VF trems, its like you use a certain move which have a bigger hit box or longer effective frames to beat your opponents' attack( eg. raising kick)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is correct. I believe the english versions of VF4 on the PS2 describe this using the word "Crush".
  10. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Thanks alot noodalls for the Brad translation. Oshu AND Itoshun writing = toptier. Now if only Oshu were to write a document concerning Bradstepping with slips or just go full time over to Brad...

    Regarding swayback k+g does anybody know just how close the opponent has to be to wall in order to get stunned on hit (might seem like a weird question)?

    "Against opponent's who are watching your moves, stop half way through and use a throw is a way to trap them."

    Myke - Is this really valid? Seems to be such huge dissadvantages on the move when stopped which makes that tactic a bit odd to me.

  11. Broken

    Broken Member

    Would akira's elbow sabaki be fast enough to sabaki the follow up elbow in [2_][6][P][P] string? thnx
  12. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [ QUOTE ]
    Regarding swayback k+g does anybody know just how close the opponent has to be to wall in order to get stunned on hit (might seem like a weird question)?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    They have to be quite close, so whatever the standard distance is. This move does not have an unusual amuont of push-back on hit like some other attacks do.

    [ QUOTE ]
    "Against opponent's who are watching your moves, stop half way through and use a throw is a way to trap them."

    Myke - Is this really valid? Seems to be such huge dissadvantages on the move when stopped which makes that tactic a bit odd to me.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes. This combo isn't that safe on guard. Opponent's can easily evade, reversal or sabaki the second mid kick when it's being guarded. Unless you're hitting, you continue the combo at your own risk. Of course, if your opponent isn't familiar with Brad's attacks then you will get more mileage out of it. As mentioned, not doing the last kick and throwing is a good mixup, as is doing any other attack during their failed evade.

    Recently in Japan, I was trying to play some mind-games with Nin. He was doing Aoi's [4][K]+[G] sabaki against the last middle kick, so I once tried to stop at the first mid kick and reverse his sabaki instead (but without success because of my timing).

    Broken: Not sure if the timing allows it, but I would guess that you can sabaki it. Let's try it out tonight /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  13. noodalls

    noodalls Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Writer - Astro
    Source - Arcadia 58
    Translation - Noodalls

    Incorporate the [2][P]+[K][4].

    Attack with efficiency from [2][P]+[K][4].
    After [2][P]+[K][4] in normal situations, there are some characters for whom the [4][K]+[G] hit [P]+[G] follow up is not guaranteed. However, depending on the situation, it is possible to follow up with a different move.
    That situation is when you have a wall right behind you. In this instance, instead of going for the [4][K]+[G] hit [P]+[G], you can swap for the [4][K] and have it connect on all characters. Also, if it connects on there back and they go on to hit the wall, wall stun will also occur and you will be at a very advantageous situation.
    If you go for a [4][K]+[G]hit[P]+[G] from here you can expect some good damage. Or, if you do the [4][K]+[G][K] instead, they will fall and be unable to tech-roll. From there you can go for a large pounce or any of his ground throws.
    Although it is quite difficult due to the situational requirements, if you intentionally go for a [2][P]+[K][4] in those limited circumstances, it will act to broaden your attacking options a little.

    - There are characters on whom the [4][K]+[G]hit[P]+[G] will not hit
    - Limited to certain conditions, you can change your follow up attack and get some guaranteed damage.
    - And, if you have a wall you can get some big advantage from a wall stun. Use this a lot in your attacking.

    - There are not guaranteed moves after getting a wall stun from a wall hit, but you can mixup between [4][K]+[G]hit[P]+[G] and throw. Also, against opponents who are slow in recovering, [4][K]+[G]hit[P]+[G] will connect.
  14. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    There are characters on whom the [4][K]+[G]hit[P]+[G] will not hit

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I wish he noted the characters. /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif Does anyone know offhand? I'm guessing it won't work on Aoi.
  15. noodalls

    noodalls Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

  16. noodalls

    noodalls Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Writer - Yanaga
    Source - Arcadia 58
    Translation - Noodalls

    Take okizeme and ukemizeme to the limit.
    Utilising the long active frames of some moves, we introduce okizeme and ukemizeme. The damage you do directly isn't that high, but if you use it will it will limit the options your opponent has.

    Moves that are easy to pressure with that you'll want to use for ukemizeme.
    When you pressure the opponent's side tech-roll heavily, you'll take away their ability to do anything but guard. Pai has many moves that have long active frames allowing her to pressure the tech-roll, so use them according to the situation.
    The easy to use mid attacks are [9][K] and [6][6][K]+[G]. [9][K] is easy to pressure with, and its attacking frames last 3 frames. Also, if you hit with this they won't be able to duck the follow-up throw. [6][6][K]+[G] also has a long active time and is easy to pressure with. At close range their is a risk of flying over the opponent, so use it when you have a little distance.
    After hitting you can attack from a special situation. WS[P]+[K] and [4][K] are easy to use. If you pressure with the latter half of the active frames of WS+[P]+[K] you can duck-guard and then stand guard to beat out the opponent's throw/elbow nitaku on guard, or on hit you can use BT[2][P]+[K] to beat out even the light weight opponent's [P]. If you connect with [4][K] latter half of active frames on guard you are at a small disadvantage and on hit you are advantaged. If you use the stance change to bokutai well, even on guard you can do an evade cancel or [9][K] to continue attacking powerfully.
    For low attacks, according to your opponent's tech-roll direction, [2]or[8][P]+[K] works well. Judging the direction they roll in is difficult, but against opponent's who always roll in one direction, or when there is a wall or ring edge such that they will roll in one direction it's easy to pick.

    Photo captions
    - (WS[P]+[K] shown) compared to other moves the priority is a little small, but your attacking options increase so you should use it.
    - ([9][K] shown) Whether or not you hit half way through the active frames is difficult to determine, but going onto a throw anyway is a powerful choice.

    Crushing wakeup attacks.
    Long active frame, strong attacks are good for crushing wake-up attacks. If you use them well, you will limit the opponent's ability to use wakeup attacks.
    Moves that crush well are [2_][4][K]. It has 7 frames of active attack, and if you use it with about the right timing it will work. If, more than right up close you use it from a little distance, on guard or whiff it will be unpunishable and so be low risk, but you won't be able to continue the attack if you do successfully crush. Focussing on the situation after crushing them, WS[P]+[K] and [K]+[G] are recommended. Also, if you get a wall stun, BT[2][P]+[K]hit[P]+[G] will string. However,if it whiffs you will get backthrown, so be careful.
    The execution is slow, so it's hard to get it to connect, but if you connect [4][P] during the active frames, a standing [P] is guaranteed, so be comboing [P][K] you can get just short of 70 damage.

    - When [6][6][K]+[G] only connects the second hit, the situation is even to slightly disadvantaged. You can do fuzzy guard to avoid many things, but abare'ing with the fast executing BT[2][P]+[K] isn't bad.
  17. noodalls

    noodalls Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Shun Di
    Writer - Yanaga
    Source - Arcadia 58
    Translation - Noodalls

    Using a hidden change from version A
    Even though version B is now released, this month we introduce a hidden change from version A. Using it well will being very powerful.

    Revising the options from [2][P].
    After a [2][P] the normal mix up is [1][P] or throw. However, against opponent's who have a low throw or who abare [2][P] the odds aren't so good. So, from a normal hit, try integrating [6][P](A2) or [P]+[K]. Both were secretly improved in Version A and made easier to use.
    [6][P](A2) has no guaranteed retaliation on block, and will cause stagger on crouching opponents, so you can think of and use it like another character's elbow. From version A it was +4 on counter hit, so [2][3][6][P] or throw nitaku was very strong. The recovery after the move is good too, so you can keep attacking with a good tempo.
    [P]+[K] gives +2 on counter hit from version A. They can't avoid the throw by ducking, so it's quite effective against opponents who are expecting the string. It gives the same frames as [1][P] on counter hit, but it's good for when you're in close and have just crushed with [2][P].
    Be careful though, because if either moves is evaded the recovery is long.

    Photo captions
    - With just one frame different, it's a lot easier to attack with. It's difficult to split it between A1 and A2.
    - Compared with [1][P], you opponent is standing after hitting them with [2][P] so it's easy to attack.
    - Also, compared with [1][P], you'll be able to crush most elbow class attacks with [2][3][6][P].

    - The stagger from [6][P](A2) can be struggled, and the followup throw ducked. The follow up [K]+[G] from [P]+[K] on normal or counter hit can be avoided with [2][P].


    Note, I have a feeling either this article or the orange mook have confused A and B move sets.
  18. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Is anybody able to clraify that pai bit about "Take okizeme and ukemizeme to the limit" i'm trying to make sense of it but i guess it just seems way over my head.
  19. noodalls

    noodalls Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Ukemizeme means attacking their tech-roll. Okizeme means attacking their wakeup.

    That particular sentence is just a bit of hyperbole at the start of the article.

    Does that help at all?
  20. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Those words when he says were never really a problem only problem i have is the confusion between some of the moves e.g ws does he mean while standing and p+k or does h mean rising from a crouch p+k?

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