
Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by marcel, Dec 25, 2001.

  1. marcel

    marcel Well-Known Member

    I have yet to play virtua fighter 4, but I have seen many screen shots and seen many videos. In some of the screen shots I see the walls breaking. I know that on some stages (colesum, temple) the walls can be broken, I was wondering how do you break them and do fighters automatically fly through them or, well I have lot of questions so freely e-mail me if you could explain the arenas: )
  2. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    You use certain moves to hit the opponent and if the opponent happens to hit the wall as a result of being hit with any of those certain moves, the wall breaks.

    Example, if Lion hits an opponent with f+K+G and the opponent gets flung against the breakable wall, the wall will break.

    Some wall stages have breakable walls. Some wall stages have unbreakable walls. Some stages have no walls.

  3. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    And to the second part... nope, they don't automatically fly through them, the wall breaks and the opponent rebounds off of it just like if they'd hit a wall normally. Then the next time someone is near that broken section, they can be knocked out (the walls stay broken from round to round).
  4. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    Yeah, chk out the general faq. You can get it from this site. Go to the home page, click on VF4 on the left hand side and scroll down to the bottom of the page. At the beginning of each character section is a description of their "home" arena/stage, with ring dimensions and type of walls. In general, the high walls are all unbreakable and surround 10x10m rings. IIRC, all the low walls are breakable except for the castle/snow stage and surround 12x12m rings. And all the stages with no walls are 14x14m rings. If ring selection is available on your game, the high wall rings are on the left, the low walls in the middle, and the rings with no walls are on the right.

    Hmm, I'm not sure now, but Jacky's stage might also have unbreakable low walls... I hate that stage, so I don't play on it too much.
  5. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Jacky stage rules! Especially when you throw and the separate shadows look funky!/versus/images/icons/tongue.gif

    Overall, you're correct in how you broke down the groupings, but here's my wording on it:
    -The leftmost 3 stages (forming a backwards 'L') in the stage select are unbreakable walls that measure 10x10.
    -The top middle 3 stages are unbreakable and measure 12x12, only the first of these (Cave) has a high wall.
    -The bottom middle 3 stages are breakable low walls and all measure 12x12.
    -The four stages on the right of the screen are all without walls and measure 14x14.

    Thus the exceptional stage is Shun's Cave stage which has high and unbreakable walls while the stage measures 12x12. All other high & unbreakable wall stages are 10x10.


    Thanks for pointing out the typo, Yupa!/versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  6. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    Jacky stage rules! Especially when you throw and the separate shadows look funky!

    That's exactly why I don't like that stage. On a subconscious level the 2 shadows going in different directions is disturbing to me. Are Jacky's walls breakable or not?

    Overall, you're correct in how you broke down the groupings, but here's my wording on it:

    Cool, I hadn't noticed that pattern. Thanks =)

    -The leftmost 3 stages (forming a backwards 'L') in the stage select are unbreakable walls that measure 14x14.

    Thats a typo, right? The high wall stages on the left hand side of the selection screen are the smallest rings (10x10) That's the reason why I usually opt for the low wall rings as a compromise, but I hadn't realized that Shun's stage was 12x12. I think I'll be choosing that stage more often now.
  7. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Jacky's stage walls are not breakable. :)


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