Attacking a Side Turned Opponent

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by Madone, Jun 10, 2012.

  1. Madone

    Madone Well-Known Member

    So how should I attack a side turned opponent?

    There is absolutely no reason to attack when you are side turned since you can escape any throw with an easy TE.

    How should the attacker overcome this?

    EDIT: Since this ended up a new thread I might as well explain what I meant a bit more in detail.

    When opponent is side turned he can escape all your throws by entering the same direction (escape left if opponent is on your character's left side and so on).

    That means that he can hold G, press and hold P + correct direction and be safe against all high and mid striking attacks and ANY normal throw.

    There seem to be a few options

    a) If you character has a string that starts low and combos from the side (or just a generally good low move, one that knocks down on normal hit for example) you can force the opponent to guess between a mid and a low strike. This was suggested by Kiwe earlier.

    b) Delayed throw. I tried this in training, with recorded input and it seems that you can delay your throw to hit from the front, thus neutralizing the side turned position.
    Since you know which direction the opponent is escaping, you can delay your throw and throw with the opposite direction (or neutral).

    c) Moves that crush guard and gives a combo.

    On Kiwes suggestion, I also attempted to OM so that I would end up behind a side turned opponent (by attacking with P from the side and doing an OM towards the opponents back).

    This DID work, but only occasionally. Maybe the timing is very strict? Either way, the opponent can probably just low punch their way out of this on reaction.
  2. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Madone, I think you've pretty much answered your own question! The only other thing I'd add is that if they're against a wall, then a low side hit can cause a heavy wall stun (not stagger) which could lead into a guaranteed combo.
  3. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Any tips to recognize quickly which direction in sideturned?
  4. Cnul

    Cnul Well-Known Member

    Perhaps with the help of some customize items you can help yourself to know which way to throw escape. I don't have acces to items yet (plan to buy it soon) but recently my sister tell me a story about some people which cannot "understand" what is right and what is left. So when they drive in a car (for a license car) they use different items on their hand and the monitor tell them to turn on the red hand (right) or on the blue hand (left)

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