Avoiding flamingo stance

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by PhoenixDth, May 24, 2003.

  1. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    My friend uses flamingo stance a lot, and it is hard to break the stances strings. Watching japanese videos, sarah players dont abuse the flamingo that much, therefore there should be multiple ways out of it. The obvious solutions i use are sidestep attack towards open side and low jab, that can be beaten by the lowjab parry sarah has.

    multiple strats from different characters would be appreciated.
  2. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Fuzzy block it is the best option imo. Most sarah's will flip away if the initial attack is blocked or whiffs. That's when you do a catch throw or time an attack to hit her out of her back flip. If you blocked her attack going into FL, throw one lp and see if you hit her out of it. Although there are ways of going into FL without frame penalties. But my experiences playing Sarah is that I hate players who crouch guard and waits when I go into FL. Since I like to do [K], or [2]+[K] hit throw, or catch throws out of FL. Being crouched will avoid all those options. FL is nasty, but I believe it's fairly easy to deal with as long as you didn't get hit by Sarah as she's going into FL stance.
  3. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    flamingo usually is a kinda shitty guessing game for you.

    If sarah opens with a standing kick, it beats any attack you try (with some exceptions of course), and can only be dodged one way.

    If you duck without attacking the kick whiffs, and you'll be fine if you react right away and punish it. Ducking also avoids the [FL] throws and you can block the slow mids on reflex. But if sarah predicts you're going to just crouch, you will eat a [FL] P - sidekick stagger.

    My advice is duck. If she opens with one or more [FL] kicks, you can at least score a low punch and at best a minor counter attack/throw while her leg is retracting. If you guessed wrong and ate a p-sidekick stagger, at least there's no guaranteed followups and you can try to struggle and guess correctly.

    The worst thing you can do is low punch, since that leasts to guaranteed combo rapeage if she inashi's it and it'll lose to [FL] kick anyway. If you're going to attack, go for broke with a dodge attack to her front or something like that.

    Also, some characters have attacks well suited to stuffing flamingo patterns. For example pai's db+P will avoid that typical opening kick of sarah's and come back for a float combo. Goh could maybe use a b,f+K to sabaki and beat anything but punch strings.
  4. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    wouldnt goh's B-F, k execution be a bit slow for flamingo? So basically what im hearing is there is no way to punish flamingo, only to poke out of it? /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif
  5. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    The idea behind goh's b,f+K (which I shoulda mentioned) is it sabakis high and mid kicks. Since that's 90% of sarah's flamingo arsenal, he'll eat right through her usual crap for a nice crumple combo. That's the theory. I'm not sure if all the moves in FL qualify as the kind of kicks goh can sabaki. She has one sort of hook kick that turns you around that I'm worried about.

    Anyway, there are ways to punish flamingo, you just have to know what sarah's going to do next. With the exception of stuff like pai's db+P, there's no single answer that beats everything. Remember though that sarah cannot guard from FL (at least not right away) so if she does

    A: A high kick - you predict it, crouch, and do something like jeffry's knee or kage's FC upper or akira's shrm. Sarah cannot recover from her kick, exit flamingo, and guard before you 16 frame shrm or 17 frame knee comes out. Also remember it's that high kick that's so killer and that's the move sarah wants to use right away in many cases.

    if she does

    B: a mid kick ... well you eat it if you crouched, but if you guarded it, an immediate knee may catch her out of anything except her backflip. Also, they fixed the backflip so if she does backflip away you can get a free throw on her when she finishes it.

    So you have options, but again it's pretty much a 50/50 guessing game. The least risky and most rewarding option is for you to crouch (which kinda feels unnatural). The natural reaction, to low punch, is the most risky and least rewarding option.
  6. 3of19

    3of19 Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    CreeD said:

    The idea behind goh's b,f+K (which I shoulda mentioned) is it sabakis high and mid kicks. Since that's 90% of sarah's flamingo arsenal, he'll eat right through her usual crap for a nice crumple combo.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually the [4][6][K] only crumbles on non-sabaki counter. A VERY annoying property, but it would propably be too strong if it crumbled after sabaki.
  7. Zealot

    Zealot Member

    Personallky, I've found Kage's [2]+[K] move to be best, especially since you can follow up with a stagger or high kick.
  8. GoatCheeseBlues

    GoatCheeseBlues Well-Known Member

    I think the advice of ducking the k, and doing a quick mid launcher sounds best. I'd say once I get in flamingo, I do k 60% of the time,and, p dk or p throw 39% of the time. So in most cases ducking is the best answer. That goh thing sounds like it would work too, because that lion sabaki move always screws me up.
  9. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    Once you gain advantage while sarah is in flamingo by either guarding or ducking a fl attack, a quick mid launcher is nice, but sometimes she is at such a small disadvantage that if you don't react fast enough, she will MC you with P. So I use P when I get advantage while she's in fl. With Kage that means ppb+p, so that even if she backflips I'm still close to her.

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