Best Looking Stages In VF4

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Temjin, Jan 20, 2002.

  1. Temjin

    Temjin Well-Known Member

    Just curious to see what everyones favorite three or four stages are in VF4. Here are mine

    4. Aoi's Garden
    3. Jacky's Skyscraper
    2. Pai's Aquarium
    1. Wolf's Cage(My favorite one)
  2. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    1. Sarah's Coliseum.
    2. Jacky's Skyscraper.
    3. Lion's Castle.
    4. Pai's Aquarium.
  3. feii

    feii Well-Known Member

    1.Aoi's Garden.
    2.Wolf's Cage
    3.Jeffery's Island
  4. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    This would be interesting as an official VFDC poll.
  5. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    For gameplay, any stage without walls (heh heh).

    For purely aesthetic reasons:
    1. Wolf's Cage
    2. Lion's Castle
    3. Akira's Dojo
    4. Kage's Autumn (just ignore the yellow water)
  6. LAU Abuser

    LAU Abuser Well-Known Member

    Hey Creed,
    'To those who love the beautiful sunshine in your face... ' Did you notice in Lei Fei's stage that during the excution of one of Lei Fei's throw, you'll get a sun 'glaring' effect in your eyes? Pretty cool huh? Didn't know that Sega was so good at incorporating nature's beauty into entertainment systems.
    Oso, if u break the walls, try ringout your opponent in Lei Fei's stage and do an u+P n u'll yourself descending the mountain...
    That's why i voted for Lei Fei's mountain...
  7. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Did you notice in Lei Fei's stage that during the excution of one of Lei Fei's throw, you'll get a sun 'glaring' effect in your eyes? Pretty cool huh? Didn't know that Sega was so good at incorporating nature's beauty into entertainment systems.

    Heh, the natural beauty of the sun refracting off the theoretical camera lens...
    I didn't like lei's stage much, it had potential. I think it's the color scheme.
    Something greyer or just less yellow would have been nice. Or maybe if the stage were nestled deeper in the mountains, and not so far up that you mostly don't notice anything.
  8. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    Did you notice in Lei Fei's stage that during the excution of one of Lei Fei's throw, you'll get a sun 'glaring' effect in your eyes?

    I've had the same thing occur while doing Sarah's kick tornado throw... It is a really cool affect, but I agree with Creed--the colors are off in some way that I can't really describe.
  9. LAU Abuser

    LAU Abuser Well-Known Member

    1. Why didn't u include Dural's stage in the a/m Vote?

    2. I love the mysterious dim effects of Dural's stage with one of her 'almost invinsible' body... If u put up a vote on Characters in terms of costume, hey don't forget to count 'Invisible Dural' in yeah? (N count me automatically in as ! voter)

    3. If i'm not mistaken, Dural's stage looks similiar to those of VF3 Sarah? Not in terms of design rather the dim'ness. Reply yeah?
  10. LAU Abuser

    LAU Abuser Well-Known Member

    Or maybe if the stage were nestled deeper in the mountains, and not so far up that you mostly don't notice anything.

    Good idea! Something like VF3 Kage's Stage yes? Maybe Sega can put up a stage like Back Alley (with trash cans, dim lightings, Stagment puddles of water on the ground and Sprayed painted wordings on the walls) for Vanessa huh? She has the look of a Street fight... Like a she-hooligan>
  11. UnCauzi

    UnCauzi Well-Known Member

    Vanessa looks like a hooligan? wha? in what way?
  12. LAU Abuser

    LAU Abuser Well-Known Member

    Hey relax buddy (,")
    I was meaning her crude attacking moves... esp the 'charged' ones...
  13. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    1. I didn't include dural's stage because it didn't occur to me.. I personally think it's the worst stage also, but that could just be me. I liked VF3's idea for dural stage a lot better... almost a dozen different Dural stages. I wish they'd kept that, or at least made VF4's dural stage memorable. It looks like a tekken stage.

    2. Is that really a 'costume' though?
    3. Well, it is dim, but it's just a big metal moving platform with metal walls in the distance to the left and right. No details to look at, and the walls in the background repeat over and over, nothing neat there. Maybe for variety they could have done something like XMen vs. Street Fighter's moving platform stage...the background keeps changing.
  14. MrWhite

    MrWhite Well-Known Member

    I like 2 stages :

    - Akira's Dojo
    - Wolf's cage

    Would of liked to see a moving background stage. It would've been nice to have a train level where you fight on a wagon's roof and get rung out and left behind in the dust, or inside one of the train cars with 2 exits where you could R.O.. And what about a boat stage? I miss that falling in the water R.O.s from previous vfs. Just basically anything where the stage moves...present exception being Dural's stage, but it looks like D.O.A. instead of vf.
  15. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    !? Didn't it say in Vanessa's profile that she's a member of some kind of secret police going to help the Bryant's out or some such nonsense? I thought that explained her overalls outfit, which looks like a military outfit to me.
  16. sansan

    sansan Active Member

    Secret police definately shouldn't dress like military... She is "revealing" too much IMO /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  17. Robyrt

    Robyrt Well-Known Member

    I always thought her costume was a fine explanation for why she's fighting... J6 has stolen her clothes of course. :)
  18. vfbum

    vfbum Well-Known Member

    In no particular order...

    Wolf's Ring: for the many spectators, the fires, the big screen televisions,
    and its about time he got to fight in a wrasslin' ring.

    Pai's aquarium: its the fish

    Aoi's garden: for the foliage
  19. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    i think i like aoi and jeffs stages. i have to admit though, i did like the uneven stages from 3tb, but not the huge disadvantages on them, even though it was realistic, the disadvantage that is.

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