Best Video Games Ever

Discussion in 'General' started by Myke, Jul 2, 2007.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage


    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Zelda game named "greatest ever"
    The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time has topped a poll of readers of Edge magazine and industry experts to find the top 100 games of all time.</div></div>


    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Only five games for the next generation of consoles have made the top 100 - Pro Evolution Soccer 6, at number 15, Oblivion, at number 19, Virtua Fighter 5, in 38th spot, Virtua Tennis 3 at number 80, and Crackdown at 100.
  2. DarkGift

    DarkGift Well-Known Member

    GO VF!!!
  3. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Blah, VF5 before Evo?

    My list (Discounting games from before 1990, otherwise the list would be even more obscure):

    1. Fallout 1/2
    2. Myth TFL/2
    3. Deus Ex
    4. Ultima 6
    5. Ultima 7
    6. TFC (spy forever)
    7. Operation Flashpoint
    8. VF4: Evo
    9. Hitman 2
    10. Worms World Party
    11. Another World
    12. Quest for Glory
    13. Unreal
    14. Hidden and Dangerous 2
    15. Oni
    16. VF5
    17. Half-Life
    18. Starcraft
    19. Tribes! (Though the Shocklance made Tribes 2)
    20. Betrayal at Krondor

    Arcanum would top 5 if it didn't have too many issues and was completed.

    Special Mentiosn:
    Hitman 2
    Serious Sam
    Commandos 1 and 2
    AvP + Mplayer
    Return to Castle Wolfenstein's multiplayer/Enemy Territory
    Mount and Blade
    Ultima 8
    Commander Keen 4 (long live the Dope Fish!)
    Warcraft 2
    Command and Conquer
    Command and Conquer Renegade's multiplayer (though slightly imbalanced)
    Fallout Tactics (URR! You no allowed be here! BO STUFF YOU DOWN PANTS!)
    Tekken 2
    Nolf 1/2
  4. Kay

    Kay Well-Known Member

    Oh god. Fallout. Another World. Quest for Glory. QfG was one of my absolute favorite game series as a kid. What'd you think of Flashback, Sebo?
  5. Garbage

    Garbage Well-Known Member

    At the time I can't remember too many games making the impression that Mario 64 left on me.

    Deus Ex.

    Final Fantasy 7.

    VF 2 even though I couldn't play it properly and was the only person I knew that wanted to.

    SF Alpha.

    Quake because I worked at a company with a LAN and a slack boss when it was released.

    Command and Conquer for the same reason as Quake.

    Resident Evil 4.

    The first 3 levels of Half Life 2.
  6. DammyG

    DammyG Well-Known Member

    Apart from VF,
    Shining Force 3 series
    Panzer Dragoon Saga
    Guardian Heroes
    Naruto Taisen Series
  7. grynn

    grynn Well-Known Member

    Betrayal in Krondor... That was a great game.
    Hey Sebo, did you ever play Betrayal in Antara?
    I never played but was wondering how it compared to Krondor.

    A lot of good games listed here, but let's not forget Shenmue series, Planescape: Torment, Albion, and many others I can't recall at the moment /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  8. vfcypriot

    vfcypriot Well-Known Member

    THE BEST GAMES for me....
    3.METAL GEAR SOLID 1,2,3
  9. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Outside of VF

    1)Planescape: Torment
    2)Fallout 1 and 2
    3) Total Annihilation
    4) Ikari Warriors
    5) Silpheed (sp?)
    6) Falcon series
    7) Phantasy Star Series
    8) Guardian Heroes
    9) Street Fighter II
    Hrmm...I am sure I can think of a few others...
  10. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    My list of faves:

    VF series
    Guitar Freaks series
    Quake III
    Gran Turismo
    Gran Turismo 3
    Space Harrier (arcade)
    Mat Mania (arcade)
    Xybots (2-player co-op, arcade)
    Outrun (arcade)
    Gauntlet 1&2 (4-player co-op, arcade)
    Hard Driving/Race Driving (arcade)
  11. SweepTheLeg

    SweepTheLeg Well-Known Member

    I think Zelda: A Link to the Past dominates Ocarina of Time, but that's just me...
  12. tyquaius

    tyquaius Well-Known Member

    they placed FFXII in the top 10. That game was ok. I could think of 3 square titles that simply blow any RPG/Fantasy game out of the water.

    1. Final Fantasy VI
    2. Chrono Trigger
    3. Final Fantasy VIII
  13. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Flashback was okay, but I preferred Another World by a huuuuge margin. I can't think of too many games with such a bad ass ending.

    (crashing into a pool filled with naked aliens in a escape pod [from the awesome tank level], being shot at at every single angle, your budding busting through a wall cool-aid guy style, and an awesome boss battle while you're gimpy?)

    Never played or wanted to as I heard it couldn't compare. I remember a time when Sierra made worthwhile adventure games. WTF did they do to Leisure Suit Larry?!

    Even as a fan of Black Isle, I never got a chance to play Planescape: Torment. Shameful I know, but luckily my friend Amazon can sort that out.

    Character creation! Where art thou?!
  14. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    Super Fucking Mario
    Mario Kart
    Dragon Warrior/Quest
    Mario Kart
    Secret of Mana
    Resident Evil
    Final Fantasy (IV, VI, and XII)
    Street Fighter (Alpha 3 is my personal fave)
    Mega Man 2
    Romance of the Three Kingdoms

    Most Overrated:
    Metal Gear

    I would say the game that was the biggest quantum leap at the time of its release was Super Mario 64. It invented and nearly perfected the genre of 3d platforming. What other game of its genre was first and probably best despite many successors which came after it? Graphics aside, I'd say 64 is a better game than whatever new version of Ratchet and Clank is coming down the chute next...
  15. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Forgot Counter Strike, Chrono Trigger, World of Warcaft, Warcraft 3, Resident Evil 4, Duke 3d (Rise of the Triad was better), and almost everything by EA.
  16. solfizz

    solfizz Well-Known Member

    Double Dragon II
    Mario Brothers 3

    Zelda LTTP
    Donkey Kong Country 2
    Final Fantasy VI
    Chrono Trigger

    The Simpsons Arcade
    Street Fighter 2 Championship Edition
    Street Fighter Alpha 3

    City of Heroes (consumed two and a half years of my life)
    Diablo ONE
    Quake III Arena

    Superman 64
  17. tyquaius

    tyquaius Well-Known Member

    1. How exactly is Chrono Trigger overrated?
    2. And by your reply to my post, are you saying that character creation trumps everything in RPGs?
  18. SweepTheLeg

    SweepTheLeg Well-Known Member

    No way is Chrono Trigger overrated! And neither is WC3! Hero abilities were well thought out, microing was just as intense as in SC (each unit was far more valuable), and the 4 races were fairly balanced.

    Sebo you're fired!_!(!@!@#*
  19. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    I'm saying it isn't really an RPG because the Role is already made for you. Where is the intimacy between the player and his/her virtual alter-ego?

    Not saying Chrono Trigger sucks in anyway, but people really have it on a pedestal.

    Play Fallout or Ultima 6 and they'll quickly change any "fav RPG" lists.

    Actually, microing is my issue with the game (as well as being over-hyped and utterly disappointing to a fan of the series since the first episode).

    I'm biased against WC3 because I spent the better part of my life playing Myth, so another game where you gather resources (released in 2002) was already over done by this point. Squad level tactics plus physics FTW!

    Not mention what they did to the story. I remember fighting through ranks of skeletons and ogres just to put Medvih's head on a platter and he comes back?! They might as well bring back Lothar!
  20. DarkGift

    DarkGift Well-Known Member

    With what exactly are you disappointed by in terms of WC3 micro? I've never played Myth but I think it's safe to say Blizzard has created a great RTS with excellent unit/hero balance and awesome micro...
    and Medivh switches sides for good of humanity!!! how can you not love it?

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