Boston Area Play - Sunday May 5th

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by DarkWalker, Apr 30, 2002.

  1. DarkWalker

    DarkWalker Member

    Anyone be interested in meeting at Good Times in Somerville on Sunday afternoon? Looking forward to having some players there that do more than pppk (lather, rinse, repeat) /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    Reply if you'd be interested!
  2. Hyun

    Hyun Well-Known Member

    Hi, I guess me and Shang want to get some VF4 session going this weekend. I could meet you there on Sunday evening if you want. But it sounds to me like you should know Shang already. Why don't you email him ( to see if we can have gathering at his place or somewhere else this weekend. (Anyone else interested in Boston area gathering for this weekend reply to this thread.)
  3. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    I'll try my best, but don't hold your breath... it's been a really rough week for me...

    I'll call you or Shang on Sunday early afternoon to see where you're all at if I can meet you.
  4. Hyun

    Hyun Well-Known Member

    I don't think Shang will be around this weekend. Can you leave an email adress where I and other can reach you? Thank you.
  5. DarkWalker

    DarkWalker Member

    Sorry about the last minute deal, but I thought I was going to have to work on Sunday - I'm clear (woo!), so if people are still up for it, I'm good.

    Hyun, I tried PMing you, you don't seem to accept them. I left one for Yupa, he has my email address. If people are still up for this, PM or email me and we'll figure out a time.
  6. Hyun

    Hyun Well-Known Member

    I guess I can drop by Goodtimes after 4pm. If anyone wants to offer a place for PS2 gathering, just post back here.(I have a PS2 and one stick borrowed from Shang.) Yupa, is Lowell too far for you? Shang will be available after 6pm.
  7. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Hey there Hyun and Dark, I've been taking a timeout from the scene but I may show.
  8. DarkWalker

    DarkWalker Member

    I've got 2 sticks (one kinda sucks though, it's a Pelican), and I don't live that far from Lowell if the arcade's going to be a problem. Either one works for me.

    Either 4 or 6 is fine - 6 would actually be better for me, 4 will be cutting it close.
  9. Hyun

    Hyun Well-Known Member

    I will be at goodtimes at 6PM then. We may talk about moving to someplace else after meeting at good times.
  10. DarkWalker

    DarkWalker Member

    Works for me, see everyone then.
  11. Hyun

    Hyun Well-Known Member

    Okay here is what happened today. . (New England folks read)

    I and DarkWalker met at GoodTimes around 6 and played there until around 6:45 or so. Then we moved to DarkWalker's place in Lowell. Sorry if anyone else showed up after we left.

    This was, AFAIK, the first ever VF gathering held at Lowell in its history. (Well, two of us, but still)

    Let me first say that he has an awesome set up at his place. He got the biggest TV I have ever seen in someone's house. He also got plenty of space and even has a second TV. He got everything needed for a sized gathering and it would be really a shame if these go waste.

    In a nutshell, now we got a very good alternate site for VF gathering. For Mason and Cody Lowell would not be necessarily farther than Boston. And for CreeD Lowell is clearly closer than Boston. And this probably is true for Shadowdean (when he is in Vermont.) We should get some gathering going here.

    And oh yeah, KC got a quite competitive Akira and Wolf too. Impressive considering how little he played VF4.
  12. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Re: Okay here is what happened today. . (New England folks read)

    Sniff* bigger than my TV? j/k that's awesome. We have to ransack his place and drink all his beer. :p
  13. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    Re: Okay here is what happened today. . (New England folks read)

    Whoa, bigger than Jerky's TV!? That is something to brag about.

    Lowell isn't too far I guess... but I'm having trouble meeting up with you guys in Boston lately... /versus/images/icons/blush.gif

    Hyun, you've been free on Monday nights over the past few weeks, right?
    Darkwalker, would you be up for hosting some Monday night VF? Say something like 7pm-11pm?
  14. DarkWalker

    DarkWalker Member

    Re: Okay here is what happened today. . (New England folks read)

    OK, I need to know now - How big IS Jerky's TV?

    And I'd be up for Mondays, depending on how many people we're talking about.
  15. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Re: Okay here is what happened today. . (New England folks read)

    dude, i'm j/k. my tv is your standard fare big screen tv. toshiba to be exact. nothing to brag about.
  16. DarkWalker

    DarkWalker Member

    Re: Okay here is what happened today. . (New England folks read)

    Damn, and here I was expecting some 120" projector. /versus/images/icons/wink.gif
  17. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    Re: Okay here is what happened today. . (New England folks read)

    Heh, Jerky's set up is sweet, but the thing that makes his TV seem so huge is the tiny room he has it in... I'm still in awe at how they got that monster down there... =)

    Darkwalker, Hyun and Shang will probably be wiped from the NYC frolic /versus/images/icons/smile.gif this weekend... Would you be interested in hosting a small group on May 20? Hmmm... the week after that is Memorial Day.
  18. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Re: Okay here is what happened today. . (New England folks read)

    Hi Guys,
    I'm totally wiped out indeed. Doing nothing but playing vf4 for 48 hours on no sleep wasn't as bad as I thought to be though. Over all the competition level is very high. I saw the best jacky, akira, lau, jeff Lion players (hey andrew too bad you weren't there, Blondie_One's Jacky is nice! He raped me like totally!). And IMF and Shou's Akiras were great too, first time I get to play good akira players, it was tough! Both Hyun and I walked out there noticeable better players. I definitely recommend all Boston players to check out the next gather.
    Anyhow, if there's a place for vf on the 20th, I'm for it. With a setup better than Andrew's is just more marrier. laters
  19. DarkWalker

    DarkWalker Member

    Re: Okay here is what happened today. . (New England folks read)

    The 20th works for me. Whoever's interested, reply so that I know how many are coming.
  20. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Re: Okay here is what happened today. . (New England folks read)

    hey all, I think I'll stop by Goodtime at 8pm today (friday).


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