Castlevania: Lament of Innocence

Discussion in 'General' started by replicant, May 13, 2003.

  1. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

  2. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

  3. Bu_Jessoom

    Bu_Jessoom Well-Known Member

    This looks more like Devil May Cry for me than Castlevania. Why not a 2D one? The GBA advance Castlevanias are nice /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif.
  4. Jacky_San

    Jacky_San Well-Known Member

    It looks ok, their feed looks like crap though. Is all their direct feed for subscribers?
  5. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    A 2D game doesn't really showcase a game or console in the mind of newer gamers. While games like Guilty Gear XX certainly show how beautiful 2D can look it's 3D games that get the most respect now. I personally don't think it looks like DMC, but I am sure it will draw similarities. I will dismiss most of them since Castlevania was around before DMC was even a conceptual pencil sketch from a bored junior high school kid. From the rough footage we have seen o far it looks a bit more realistic in color usage than DMC, uses a less cinematic camera styling, and nicely conveys the gothic atmoshpere that was sought after in the early Castlevania titles. I'm just happy it's not *another* cel-shaded game.
  6. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    I think almost all direct feed stuff is for subscribers. You can try Gamespy or Gamespot for more direct stuff.
  7. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    I got to see this game at E3 today, and I have to say that it looks really cool. The one boss I saw was actually scary, like this medusa head with a creepy voice.

    While it does look like DMC, I actually think this game's atmosphere seems cooler somehow, like pretty true to the old horror movie genre.

    One of the cooler games at the show, IMO. Probably be playing this one.

  8. sixtwo

    sixtwo Well-Known Member

    I didn't get to play the game today, because I had to work the stupid show all day, but I did get a chance to stop and watch it for a while. Most of my friends drew a strong comparison to DMC, and I'm definately disappointed that alot of the gameplay elements that I enjoy Castlevania for don't appear to translate into 3d very well.

    At the same time, I realize how important a 3d game is for the series (considering Harmony of Dissonance for the GBA is hovering around 150k copies), so I'll give it the benefit of the doubt. Whatever it takes to make sure the series keeps going, I say.
  9. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Somehow I doubt they could top Aria of Sorrow. Holy crap, is this game good. Probably the best thing that's been in my GBA yet, and better (yes, BETTER) than SotN. Still, the quality of Aria gives me at least SOME hope that Konami still knows what they are doing.
  10. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    I haven't had a chance to play Aria of Sorrow, but after I get my PS2 fixed it'll probably be my next purchase. Seeing the LoI movie made me break out my N64 and play some LoD. Camera is still a stinker sometimes, but it's still fun. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  11. Bu_Jessoom

    Bu_Jessoom Well-Known Member

    That's what happened to me when I first fired-up Aria of Sorrow, I just played and played and played and played..... In the first session alone I got to meet quite a few non-playable characters that help drive the story. While many of the souls you get can prove to be useless, the others are fun to mess with. I like the music too, but Circle of the Moon's is a tiny little bit better. AoS's still stays in the mind though /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

    Overall a nice product, and it was nice having to repeat some of the bosses rather than just sprint through everything from the first go /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif. I don't know if it's better than SoTN though ( I am about %80 in AoS). If we got to say gameplay is equally fun in both, the music in SoTN is just unbeatable /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif.
  12. sixtwo

    sixtwo Well-Known Member

    AoS has a "gotta catch 'em all" vibe to it that certainly for me, made it more addicting than SotN; I'll refrain from a true ranking, but suffice to say SotN, HoD, and AoS are my three favorite Castlevania's. HoD's bosses were certainly the weaksauce, and to see some difficulty is a welcome return (I wasn't exactly popping potions on them this time around either, but at least I was sweating a bit). Also, the path to acquire the true ending is 100 times more rewarding here than in HoD.

    My friends and I are coming off of such an emotional high after having all just completed AoS, and I think that was a factor in our collective repulsion with regard to LoI.
  13. Locke

    Locke Well-Known Member

    I have played SoTN and HoD, and now I’m only about 25% thru AoS.

    I love SoTN, think I must have played thru that game like 6 – 7 times. HoD is cool too. AoS is, well guess I’m still too early in the game to comment on anything.

    But glad to say that konami has finally decided that you should be allowed to sell the weapons and accessories you picked up thru out the game in AoS.

    IMO, AoS is more like SoTN than HoD. But gone are those castlevania’s conventional special weapons like the cross, bible and holy water etc. Miss those.
  14. Daniel Thomas

    Daniel Thomas Well-Known Member

    Aria of Sorrow is a good game, certainly. I really enjoyed the idea of collecting souls and using your enemies against them ala Mega Man. I just wish the game itself wasn't so damned easy. When you can complete a game twice (in normal and, uh, "hard" modes) in one weekend, you have a serious problem. Pretty much the only time it takes you to finish the game is the time taken to walk through the whole castle. Why can't anyone come up with a harder game anymore?

    Other than that, I'd say it was good fun. I am, also, getting VERY tired of the whole Symphony thing -- can we please do something different now?
  15. Locke

    Locke Well-Known Member

    Aria of Sorrow

    I’ve finished Aria of Sorrow but only covered about 90% of the castle. I have to agree with most of the game critics that this game is really short. An excellent one though /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

    Since SoTN, all Castlevania games has that ‘RPG’ element in their genes; building up your character, collecting / buying weapons, magic, accessories, blah blah blah... And like most RPG games, the level of difficulty in AoS is mainly dependent on the amount of time you invested in leveling up your character. I think this is what makes Castlevania games so damn addictive.

    While I cannot disagree that Aria of Sorrow is not a hard game to beat but it’s neither easy too. I have no problem beating all the bosses on the first attempt but getting through some of the areas in the game got me ‘slaughtered’ and restart from the save room.

    After all, AoS is still Castlevania and if konami were to make this game really hard, it will turned it into a Megaman or Ghouls ‘N Ghosts clone. That is a definite NO.

    I want to play enjoy playing through a Castlevania game without having to pull my hair out of frustration every now and then. And the reason why my hair is 'thining' out is b'cause I played too much Super GnG..Just kidding.

  16. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Anyone else think the life bar looks really crappy?
  17. tragic

    tragic Well-Known Member

    Dracula May Cry!

    Basically that's the first thing I thought when I saw the clips. I'm sure it's different, but just like Tomb Raider spawned a bunch of clones and similar style games, DMC has spawned its own brand of knock-offs. Like a friend of mine recently said, "DMC-type" is almost it's own genre now. I can only hope LOI is quality Konami. Castlevania. We all know that the series doesn't need 3D to be good... I mean, it's actually been bad in the past. This new incarnation actually looks hopeful though. Can't wait.

  18. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member


    *Raises the long decayed thread from the dust*

    Ok now that the games released and I got a chance to play it I must say I personally like it better than Devil May Shoot Your Ass. It feels classical (as do all Castlevania games) but at the same time it has a dark and charming feel to it that metal packed DMC does. One thing that I have noticed is that after playing 2 or 4 ours of it I only got to meet one speeking character, not counting the dude in the beggining. But alas this character was quickly manhandled from the mortal coil by my whip. I always enjoy Castlevania's characters (the succubus from SotN) and I hope there will be more in this installment.

    Right now though I would say the game is a 7 out of 10, As I play more that number might go down or up though. *hopes up*
  19. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    I played SOTN like mad for over two years, it´s an absolute contender for the best game ever in my book, seriously. It´s big like hell and there are enough secrets and pure gameplay value to make nearly anything else look like boring fusion food by comparison (please, remember I´m a fanatic).

    Aria of sorrow is an excellent package, I collected all souls, then played the game through with all of them on hard mode. Now I´m stuck with Death on hard mode without any cheesy souls. A tough game and a very good one too, but SOTN is totally in the class of it´s own, partly because Alucard is more natural and easier character to play, you don´t have to whore with those souls to have tons of fun. SOTN also has the best soundtrack "ever", the greatest time attack mode around and some of the coolest weapons and movement techniques I´ve ever seen. It is arguably THE classic videogame of our time, no question. No poke-those-souls GBA game can seriously challenge it, I believe. I´m really looking forward to playing Lament by next month, because those thugs of Konami still seems to ignore us european players. Oh, the name of the game will also be just plain "Castlevania".
  20. Neonomide

    Neonomide Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Zero-chan said:

    Somehow I doubt they could top Aria of Sorrow. Holy crap, is this game good. Probably the best thing that's been in my GBA yet, and better (yes, BETTER) than SotN. Still, the quality of Aria gives me at least SOME hope that Konami still knows what they are doing.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, after 60 hours of Aria of sorrow I´d say it´s one of the best GBA games ever, but not by a mile as good as SOTN, which is totally holy! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    Actually, I am now playing Aria for a third time through. Death is really tough on hard difficulty (not new game +...) I got all souls on my first game, must say it was tons of fun. /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif

    SOTN is holy (and a better game, because Alucard could do so much more IMHO than Soma, when it comes to overall movement. Speaking audiovisually SOTN is an artform itself and 2D-gameplay wise, nothing but Aria can really touch SOTN...

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