challenge training mode

Discussion in 'Console' started by alantan, Mar 14, 2003.

  1. alantan

    alantan Well-Known Member

    can anyone do these training modes???

    I mean the first one has Akira randomly throwing out throw, double palm and d/f+p+k (low) after you block his high P. I mean it is possible to tell the low P and block but how you differentiate the throw and double palm?????
  2. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    my friend

    fuzzy guarding is the best solution i can come up with

    bn yeah...this game has lotsa mad insane challenges

    so fun /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  3. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    I've done all the blocking, TR, and stagger struggle ones. I've finished some of the evade one, gonna get back into doing these challenges when I'm done playing friends. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  4. Mike90210

    Mike90210 Well-Known Member

    I beat it today. The last fuzzy guard challenge is pretty hard. The only other hard sections are the TE's. You have to do quadruple TE, E-quad.TE, E-TripleTEG. Those are probably the hardest ones. Everything else just takes a little practice.
  5. sontawila

    sontawila Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    I beat it today. The last fuzzy guard challenge is pretty hard. The only other hard sections are the TE's. You have to do quadruple TE, E-quad.TE, E-TripleTEG. Those are probably the hardest ones. Everything else just takes a little practice

    [/ QUOTE ]

    with which character did you finish it with?and what did you get?
  6. OffBrandNinja

    OffBrandNinja Well-Known Member

    Good ol' search button. Jesus, these are hard, how in the hell do you fuzzy guard your way out of the throw but stand up in time to keep from getting the double palm? I can block the low back fist on reaction, but a throw is 8 frames, and double palm is what, 12 frames? That means that I have ~4 frames to fuzzy and see that either no throw came and stand up or stay ducking to avoid standing up into the throw animation. How long does it take to stand up/crouch? Isn't that a couple of frames in itself? I can't see any way around this except being really lucky. It's akin to winning at rock-paper-scissors 10 times in a row. Would appreciate any help, thanks.
  7. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    It's mental. I've tried pretty much everything. The closest I came was 8 times and that was just from picking a height and sticking with it, and guessing right. Until I got nailed with the double palm /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif

    Maybe they just expect you to have insane reflexes or something....
  8. Ogi

    Ogi Well-Known Member

    I know is hard.
    But don't give up.
    More practice
    I did the first one(G Akira attacks), about 2 hours.

    check this out:(the last one Akira)=1-D
    when Akira hit you
    You Do: [1][1][G] then hold[1_] [G], now you can escap his throw and law punch.
    If Akria does this(use 2 hands, mid), You can do [1][1], than use [G] to cancel [1][1].

    good luck
  9. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Sweet, I'm at work so I can't try it yet. Will do when I get home. Hope it works.

  10. Shirtless

    Shirtless Member

    I've pretty much passed them all except for the 4 throw escapes one. Hell, I have my hands full making three TE's.

    The way I passed the Akira mission (challenge, 1-D) was to, according to the tutorial, buffer a [3][3] and if I didn't hear the swisch-sound of Akiras grab-attack I got up fast as hell to guard against his mid attack. Don't worry to much about his low attack since it's so slow that you'll see it coming from miles away.

    And don't give up to easy, you need to be persistent. I'm sure it took me 1.5 - 2 hours to pass that one.

    That's with a pad and Brad btw.

    Oh, if someone knows what's in it for Brad if I pass the challenge trial, then please let me know!
  11. GTO

    GTO Well-Known Member

    arrrgh i've been trying this forever now, and i still cant seem to get it, Ogi i tried your method of the crouching backdash thing buh i still cant seem to react fast enough to differenciate between the throw and the high attack /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif any more advice u guys can dish out?
  12. Ogi

    Ogi Well-Known Member

    [1][1][G] and hold[1_][G], must be happened very quick, so you can escape the throw.(use joystick)
  13. gazza

    gazza Well-Known Member

    The way I did it (which is basically the same as Ogi's method):
    After you get hit by Akira's PK do a quick (forward) crouch dash, if he tries the throw, you'll duck under it. If he doesn't go for the throw cancel the CD immediately by pressing (and holding) G, you should be able to block the DbPm this way. Then, if the DbPm doesn't come switch to low guard and block the LBF.
    Sure it can be frustrating at times and will take some time to pass the challenge, but it is definately doable.
  14. gazza

    gazza Well-Known Member

    After all this hassle in challenge mode, all you get is one measly wallpaper.. seems like a waste of time, doesn't it? But it's extremely beneficial for your game..
  15. GTO

    GTO Well-Known Member

    ughh its takin up a lot of my playing time.. well thx i'll keep at it
  16. LGND

    LGND Member

    Guyz.. regarding the evade and escape throws 4 times challenge,

    To evade I tap [2] .. if at the same time I press [P]+[G] wil it register as evade and escape of throws that end with a [2] [P]+[G] ? Is it even possible? I have been trying to do it, but maybe my timing is off. The only reason I am trying to see of this works is because I can't input 4 different throw escapes after evade if I do each input alone.

  17. gazza

    gazza Well-Known Member

    Nope, I don't think that's possible. In the E-QTE challenge you have a lot of time to do the Throw Escapes if Jeffry comes at you with something slow like the Knee. I literally did this by first tapping up, then going [P]+[G], [4][P]+[G], [6][P]+[G], [2][P]+[G]. That's not even the shortest route, but the time is there. For me this was a lot easier than the normal 4TE thingy, because when the Evade is successful there's so much more time..
  18. GTO

    GTO Well-Known Member

    i agree with gazza the EQTE is much easier than the normal 4 throw escapes, evading jeff's knee leaves a long space to carefully input 4 throw escapes, neutral f, d, and b, work for me

    anyways im still having HECKA trouble with blocking akira's attacks -_- grrr

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