Cheap people to death and NOW you want praise!?

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Vegbomb, Oct 7, 2002.

  1. Vegbomb

    Vegbomb Active Member


    I need to get something off my chest about VF.

    This is a game based on combination attacks, air juggles, and stlye. This game is everything Tekken/DOA/ and all those other wannabes, is not.

    So when i am approached by someone who uses 2 to 3 nice moves, but then repeats them over and over, knowing that the move will take out alot of energy.

    I just want to say, don't play the game, cause Virtua fighter isn't made for it. When someone comes onto you with the cheap tactics, it effects the combinations you're trying to pull off, thus disruppting the game flow, and an elbow, or a low kick from you will get the cheap guy or girl off your back. Then it seems like you're the cheap one.
    So its not because you're a really great virtua fighter, its just that you're taking this game as if you were stuck in the street fighter Mk, genre. How sad.
  2. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Virtua Fighter is the sum of it's components, all are valid. If you wish to press [P], [P], [P] then do so. If all you wish to do is [3][3][K], [3][P][K], <font color="pink">FL:</font color> [8][K], then that's fine too. You're free to do as you wish however, all actions have repercussions. If you wish to be so predictable then be prepared to be anticipated, and if you are not, more power to you, you're opponents are inferior.

    You can't force people to play the way you want them too. Just concentrate on your own actions. If you are dedicated and possess talent your opponents will have to rethink their own approach to how they play. Walking away is just a waste of your time. It's up to you to overcome any attack aimed against the character of your choice.
  3. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    well said.. *claps*
  4. Vegbomb

    Vegbomb Active Member

    True, you're right on the point being, the game is what it is. But to have someone play this game and do the repetition tech is ridiculous. All i'm saying is the game is more then what is provided, don't just treat it with simplicity. The game was made for higher thinging and strategy, i'm not one to motivate people to stick to basics but to expand the attacks, afterall each character has a large number of moves and combinations, this game isn't for beginners, or people have no interest in finishing an opponent with stlye.

    Correct on the point being noone can make anyone play the way they want, true in any game. Though, Virtua Fighter is not any game.
  5. redhead

    redhead Well-Known Member

    the games not for beginers,thats not a very wise thing to say i mean everone has to be a beginer at some stage

    Anyway to the point i agree with your statements dont play the game if your only going to buttom mash or use the same technique, it spoils the game for people who spend time perfecting their game just to go out and get your ass kicked by somewon who is plain shit.

    this happens to me every day /versus/images/icons/mad.gif
  6. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Every fighting game has something that people feel is unfair, and 90% of the time the game turns out to have some truly unfair stuff in it.

    VF3TB and VF4 represent the other 10% - they are truly fair fighting games. If you get hit by the same two or three moves over and over again, it's your fault, not sega's. Why should anyone stop using the move if you keep falling for it, or don't know how to stop it?

    Every single strong attack in the game, the moves that cause damage or start combos, can be blocked or dodged.
    Every time a move inflicts a ton of damage or starts a combo, it either comes out slow, so you can beat it with a faster move or dodge it... or else it has slow recovery, so you can punish the opponent for free if you block it.

    If you want to give some examples of moves or combos you think are unfair, you can get some good advice on this site on how to deal with these moves and punish them. Be sure to tell us who you're playing as and who you're playing against.
  7. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    are you SURE the person is plain shit if they kick your ass everyday?

    How do you know they're not in your league?
    No offense but maybe both statements are true - they aren't good at the game, but if they can beat you a lot they're still in the same league.
    You won't see someone beating an expert with one or two moves, and seldom by unpredictable button mashing.

    This game comes down to simple, specific situations that get repeated over and over again. It's easy to say something very vague and general like "The game's unbalanced" or "my opponent uses a stupid style". It's harder to actually look at the problem and find an exact solution for it.

    Example: someone keeps using lau's f+P,P against you, and you fail to punish them every time. Or you punish them, but only half the time, and it's usually a fluke. Is there any reason for them to stop using f+P,P over and over? Nope.
    Now let's say you learn (after maybe a long time) to duck under the second punch and counter with, let's say kage's rising knee. Your opponent loses like 20% of his life for that rising knee, so it'll take about five of them to kill him. If your opponent eats the rising knee FIVE TIMES IN A ROW, is he REALLY going to keep doing f+P,P the next round?
    You could make a good case for "there's so much to learn about VF and these specific situations that it's unfair how much time and money you have to spend to figure stuff out." ... but if figuring stuff out isn't fun for you, you might as well drop VF now.
  8. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Spoken like a true UK pro.
    *golf applause*
  9. tzgorr1

    tzgorr1 Well-Known Member

    Personally I think button mashing is a very valid way of playing a game, and I find it challenging to find ways to defeat it.
    I myself don't like to button mash, but if I do come across someone who does, then I always make sure he doesnt win.
    And you're right, it does throw off your timing and the flow of the game, but the challenge is to get around this.
    Its kinda like a real fight. Most upper level beginners and lower level Intermediates can do pretty well in a sparring situation and have learnt a least a handful of applications for different attacks. But if you throw them on the street against some wild drunk who doesn't throw any conventional punches or kicks but flails his fists around, then that martial artist is in trouble. Advanced fighters can adapt and overcome this, but the aforementioned beginners and intermediates are pretty much set for normal attacks only.
    Casting this analogy aside, and coming back to the topic at hand, it should be a good challenge and you deserve to be satisfied when you do teach a masher a good lesson in not mashing.

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