Command information number

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by Han, Dec 8, 2002.

  1. Han

    Han Member

    When in command training you can opt for showing command information in graph or in number.
    What are these for? Has it to do with the number of frames?
  2. BMF

    BMF Well-Known Member

    Yes, it has to do with frames. I think the graph version is easier to shows what's been pressed and for how many frames. Each bar represents one if you hold P for three frames it should show P and then two bars. It's useful if your practicing combos or moves as it shows you where you went wrong...most of the time.

    I think this is more approporiate for the console forum...
  3. Han

    Han Member

    Thank you for the info. Thought it was more clear watching the numbers, but the way you explained the graphs makes me rethink. You are right /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
    Why do you think this belongs in the console forum? Is this feature only in the playstation version?

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