Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by akira2001, Dec 5, 2001.

  1. akira2001

    akira2001 Well-Known Member

    I am still learning....

    1) What moves does Akira have that will crumble or stagger
    the opponent other than b, d+P+G?
    2) What is the modified version of Lau's FC, d\f+P, d\f+P+K?
    3) What is the timing on Akira's sabaki? (I have not yet tried it)
    4) Do any of Aoi's ground reversal's hit, or do they only parry?
    5) With Akira is it possible to yoho or shoulder ram, then do the first two parts of DLC, then the full DLC as a combo?
    6) When is Pai going to get a cool outfit?

    Thanks for any input!!
  2. Robyrt

    Robyrt Well-Known Member

    1. The stumble throw (b,d+P+G) creates a nice long stagger; the guard break (f+P+G or d+P+G) creates a short, low-risk stagger; the SDE (f,f,f+P) on MC creates some massively useful crumple stun. While df+K will also stagger a croucher, it's generally not too useful except to regain the initiative.

    5. Even if you could, the second DLC could in all probability be TRed.

    6. Just as soon as Wolf gets one :)
  3. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    1. Throws that cause stumble animations:
    f,b+P+G (pulls them close, try a bodycheck here)
    --canned followup to this throw: u, P+K (looks like reverse bodycheck, stuns and leaves them backturned)
    b,d/f+P+G (reverse bodycheck, looks very similar to the whole f,b+P+G, u, P+K sequence. Guaranteed sidekick afterwards.)
    d/b+P+G (no stun, but the opponent ends up with their back turned to you)
    2/3 SPoD - do the first two parts of this hit throw instead of the whole 3 hit combo.
    (opponent ends up with their back turned to you, but you don't have any intitiative to attack them).

    attacks that cause crumple animation: QCB+P (no counter needed, follow with a bodycheck)
    f,f,f+P (MC needed, follow with SPoD or DLC)
    d/f+P+K (MC needed, follow with ??? AS3 I think).

    Other stumbles/staggers: Akira's f,f+P and FC, f+P cause stumbles vs. crouching opponents. His elbow or sidekick also does, although they don't have great recovery speed.

    2. Modified moves are just moves that are done more quickly by doing a crouch dash. In other words, you need to be crouching to do lau's D/F+P, d/f+P+K combo correct? Let's say you want to try it after his b,f+P. If you do b,f+P, then hold down on the stick to get lau to crouch, and then do D/F+P, you'll get the upknife, but it will be slow.
    If you enter a crouch dash motion (d/f, D/F) right after the b,f+P, you will instantly be in a crouch, then you can do D/F+P, d/f+P+K.

    So the motion would be d/f, D/F+P, d/f+P+K. (the capitalization there is to show the difference between tapping d/f and holding D/F for a split second).

    3. What most people call the sabaki is just an inashi (no damage) reversal followed by a special punch. You can probably press b+P+K+G for the reversal and then repeatedly tap f+P for the canned special punch (just a guess). Or, since this is yet another move that makes the opponent stagger, you can skip the special punch and do one of akira's other moves instead... for example a SPoD.

    4. Try and see if it's listed with any damage.
    5. Not without a wall, 2/3rds DLC recovers very slowly. Even with a wall, the full DLC at the end probably wouldn't hit until right after they hit the floor. At that point they could get away from it by using a tech roll.
    6. I'm sure she's got some on, too bad we don't get to see them. Ever been to AM2's website? They have all the costume colors shown, and some of pai's are nice looking (like the purple and black).
    If you want to download all these small costume color pix, I have them in a 7 meg zip file here:

    <a target="_blank" href=></a>
  4. Morpheus

    Morpheus Well-Known Member

    4) Aoi's ground reversal's only parry as to my knowledge. If the opponent is doing a d/f P or d/f K. She will grab the opponent's hand or leg to pick herself up and push her opponet some distance away from her.
  5. ghostdog

    ghostdog Well-Known Member

    Just to add on to CreeD's post:

    2. After Lau does b, f+P, follow that with d+P. That way you get in a hit, and that can be followed with D/F+P. A nice little combo would be b, f+P-> d+P-> D/F+P, d/f+P+K

    3. What most people call the sabaki is just an inashi (no damage) reversal followed by a special punch. You can probably press b+P+K+G for the reversal and then repeatedly tap f+P for the canned special punch (just a guess).

    Now I may be wrong on this, but I wouldn't his inashi like I would his reversal, because it executes a lot slower. I tried several times to interrupt a punch string with it and got killed every time. You have to anticipate, so try it when you see that a punch is coming (when the opponent is getting predictable). It works against high and low punches and high kicks.
  6. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

    2. After Lau does b, f+P, follow that with d+P. That way you get in a hit, and that can be followed with D/F+P. A nice little combo would be b, f+P-> d+P-> D/F+P, d/f+P+K

    In addition, on the cheezy side of things... Here's another combo you can do against light-->mid weight opponents:
    b,f+P --> d+P --> n+K (heelkick)

    On Akira's b+P+K+G, I had a harder time using this than I have using reversals, but it was at least fun to do imo... at least if I nailed it (which was like 9% in the three days I played the game). Portland players weren't abusing high or low punches all that much, hehe...

  7. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    "f,f,f+P (MC needed, follow with SPoD or DLC) "

    can't spod on SDE (MC), i think...
  8. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Godeater says you can.
  9. ghostdog

    ghostdog Well-Known Member

    Maybe you're not doing the command fast enough. At best, I'm able to connect with the Stun Palm.
  10. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    ok, this has got to be my number one, most wanted question.

    CAN ANYONE, ONCE AND FOR ALL, CONFIRM THAT SDE (MC), SPOD WORKS!!?? make a movie showing it hehehe /versus/images/icons/wink.gif

    i must know...
  11. MrWhite

    MrWhite Well-Known Member

    Pulled a fake grasping mind/reverse bodycheck | SDE | DLC on pretty good guy that was playing with pai yesterday. I proceeded to try the same sequence but with an SPoD instead of the DLC : the SDE hit but the stun palm afterwards made her float...
    Im thinking new combo potential here or that stun palm floats lightweights. Well I hope someone pulls something off, cuz my shit didnt work.. (Should've got a camera down there, sorry Piccolo)

    ill try the FGM/RBC | SDE | float stun palm | DLC tonight ..heh...not gonna work
  12. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    ok, this has got to be my number one, most wanted question.

    CAN ANYONE, ONCE AND FOR ALL, CONFIRM THAT SDE (MC), SPOD WORKS!!?? make a movie showing it hehehe

    i must know...

    OK, what do we know about the system?

    - SDE (MC) causes a stomach crumble
    - Any hit on a crumbling opponent causes a knock down

    Put the two together, and what do you get?

    But I'll humour you, and just to be 100% positively and absolutely sure, I'll try it out tonight with Vansen, and/or whoever else happens to be there, and I'll put this matter to rest once and for all.

    /me suffers from high/mid reversal deja vu....
  13. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    i tried it last night
    didn't work for me...
  14. jackybrothas

    jackybrothas Well-Known Member

    i really don't think it works....... tried for the billionth time today....... well anyway it could be just me
  15. LittleWild

    LittleWild Well-Known Member

    You cannot connect with a SPoD after a SDE.
  16. MrWhite

    MrWhite Well-Known Member

    stun palm float

    Well I got to be the only white guy at the machine again yesterday ! As far as | SDE (MC) | stun palm float | DLC, it didnt work..heh. Though | SDE (MC) | knee | and fucked up by doing only 2/3 of Fujin hehe, does connect. I must mention the absolute fluke I pulled by getting the knee out ! I also must mention the ring out on Lei with Kage I pulled on Sarah's stage ;| TFT | kickflip | then Lei proceeds to fall onto the top part of the high wall and get dragged by his own weight over the wall into a ring out. The wall broke after he fell out and ring out was called (meaning without anything hitting it). Is there any way to pull a R.O. without braking a wall? Cuz it seems automatic.
  17. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    Re: ring out over low wall

    I haven't seen it yet, but the low wall on the castle/snow stage is unbreakable... can Kage RO an opponent over that wall?
  18. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Re: ring out over low wall

    Yes. TFT ~ d+P+K ~ b+P,K
  19. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    Re: stun palm float

    SPoD cannot connect anytime if the pkg knocks down. in a crumble situation you will fall to the ground once pkg connects, therefore RBC will not connect. It's the same case when u are KOed standing.
    After a MC SDE, the most damaging combo so far I've found is d/f,d/f+p > AS3. The best follow-up though I hate to say it is f,f+kk, it's easy and it does as much damage as d/f,d/f+p, AS2. But for no brainer like self d+P, double palm, d/f+p is the way to go, as the d+p will beat many attacks if fff+p is blocked.
  20. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: ring out over low wall

    Kage can RO over any low wall. The combo Feixaq mentioned works from some distance away. If you're close to a low wall then, TFT - Knee (or anything that hits high enough) will RO.

    If Kage's back is to a low wall, then the TFT alone (no followup) will RO. Also, TFT-izuna drop will RO (opponent hits the ground first).

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