Dealing with a delayed throw or attack after a big move gets blocked

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by maddy, Mar 31, 2004.

  1. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    What do you do to deal with a delayed throw or attack after your big move gets blocked? By big move, I mean some move that's throw counterable + in recovery when it's blocked, such as Yoho or Knee.

    ATE can be an option, but I found it not so useful with Akira's case as with an exception of his Knee, every big move is worse than P counterable on block. If my opponent took garanteed P,K or similar, ATE'd become a no factor.

    I wonder what other Akira players do after big moves get blocked. I alternate between DTEG, ETTE, and a little bit of ATE, but still not so clear against what to do against delay attacks or throws.
  2. BMF

    BMF Well-Known Member

    "ATE can be an option, but I found it not so useful with Akira's case as with an exception of his Knee, every big move is worse than P counterable on block. If my opponent took garanteed P,K or similar, ATE'd become a no factor."

    But so do DTEG, ETEG etc...I think ATE is the best option if you predict a delayed throw or attack. I guess it also depends on what your opponent does when he waits.
  3. Hamme

    Hamme Well-Known Member

    Re: Dealing with a delayed throw or attack after a big move gets block

    I would like to hear what the veterans would do myself. Here's my answer, I hope you don't mind that I answer this one base on theory tho.

    At -8 to -10 do MTEG (Multi throw escapes and guard) then quickly:

    1) go into dodge attack will beats all linear attacks and throws. Make sure to do it quickly to attack from the evade. Akira should not abuse it since his dodge attack is shorter in range.

    2) d+p, defeat slow attacks (like circular moves) and throws and most type of non-evasive delay attack.

    3) Sabaki or sabaki double throw escapes and guard depend on the sabaki type (attacking or non-attacking). In akira's case, he has both; his df+p+k+g defeats high p or low p, and his b+p+k+g sabaki only low p, high p and high k. Since his b+p+k+g is non+attacking, throw escapes are a must for delay throws.

    4) do mid-RTEG (mid-Reversal milti-Throw Escapes Guard) usually mid, depend on character. Not really recommended, but if akira use no. 4 above a lot, this will cover the mid guessing game his. This defeat delay mid-attack, but caution as the reversal is strict in timing.

    5) Evasive property moves

    6) DTEG. This will lost to circulars, so use no.2 against those.

    At -11 to -13 is mostly same as above. Because that it doesn't have the option of ETEG in the beginning against delay linear attacks and throws like situation of -8 to -10, you have to see if opponent use any fast p to hit first before react to it accordingly.

    d+p after MTEG is your best friend against circulars. Must not be over-abuse b/c it's as easy to punish for big damage of a low risk move at large disadvantage as big risk moves.

    So watch the opponent's reaction is most important at this type of disadvantage. If the opponent does delay for 11f to 13f, I would recommend MTEG to ETEG. If the oppenent is not precise of delaying attacks and throws, I would recommend throwing them back at -8 to -10 situation since it is the fastest offense in the game. So if they delay too much, they'll eat it.

    I would like to see how others respond to delays.
  4. danny13

    danny13 Well-Known Member

    Well Maddy, personally I like to do evade, double throw escapes, p+k+g for Dodge attack. This would stop players who do short delay after they block akira's bad recovery's moves. Remember not to accidentally press guard after the throw escapes or else when u press p+k+g, evade attack will not execute.

    Alternatively, u can do evade, single throw escape, crouch dash and hold guard to cancel the crouch dash. This will allow u to escape one major throw of your opponent and the crouch dash will cancel the lousy evade.

    AND, if you want to be defensive, do double throw escapes guard backdash. Super safe against delayed throwers and attackers.

    Also, numerous players like to punch, throw akira after they block his shoulder ram, yoho etc etc. So after your big move is blocked, u can do EDTEG twice. The first EDTEG will guard u against any immediate throws or attack, after u eat the guaranteed punch, the 2nd EDTEG comes in. Sometimes I jus do single throw escapes as I dun want make my hands tired.

    PS: The techniques mentioned are vs delayers only.

    Get What I'm Trying to say? /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
  5. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    The replys are what I wanted to know exactly. Thx!
  6. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    I think the best move to use against delayers is simply to continue to attack.....
  7. danny13

    danny13 Well-Known Member

    Very true. Sometimes we see the top players doing low punch after a big move is being guard. I have yet see any of them doing eg, shoulder ram(guarded)-> shoulder ram again. Too much disadvantage I guess.
  8. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Using a big move after when you have too much disadvantage is not a good idea because you can get throw interrupted. Low punch, jab and such are good ideas though, if you catch people always delaying.

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