Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Tsuujin, May 14, 2003.

  1. Tsuujin

    Tsuujin Well-Known Member

    Hello everyone, this is Ryan Hart, I just want to ask, does anyone know the contact details for DERRICK LYNCH as he hasn't given out ANY of the expected prizes for the last Virtua Fighter Evolution tournament to anyone. People want to know where their things are. I didn't even get my trophy (let alone the prize money).

    This concerns me as since the finals of the tournament his mobile telephone number suddenly doesn't work and no one has seen or heard from him. All the vfers put in a lot of money to come somewhere in that competition(which lasted a period of 5 months) and it's not right that he takes all the money and does a runner. I want to know his whereabouts and contact details. It's like the more people I ask about him, the more bad news I hear about him. Anyway I won't go into any of those things cos it's not relevant at present. If anyone has even an eyelash of info about this guy I request it please be posted here.


    P.S. I'm really sorry if this issue appears irrelevant to be on this site but it's been a little while now, Derrick hasn't tried to contact me in anyway and I just don't know what else to do. I don't feel he should be allowed to get away with this.

    P.P.S. All you other UK vfers who know exactly what Im talking about dont stay quiet, say something too so people know I'm not just making it up.
    PaulMartinKPG likes this.
  2. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    it may not belong in this particular forum (perhaps general) but it certainly is relevant.

    who would have thought Mr. Lynch was all mouth. I am in shock.

    Pai~Chun likes this.
  3. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    sorry man, i have to laugh at the picture in my head of "gangster derrik" for a while.. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    *walks out of room holding mouth*

    whey, i'm back... anywayz, there are possible some ways of contacting him:

    1> PM his account from here
    2> search dynamic-league's website for his contact number or any details.
    3> use the DL forum, and protest with other UK peeps, or PM him like mad.
    4> turn up at the next Burger King event (if that thing is still going on)

    lol, i did'nt even know there was much to be won, but meh, his word should matter. Mabye u should get other players together who came in second and third etc who should have also won cash.... and hey, can you film some footage of when you find him, tear him apart, etc. that would be sweet.. /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif

    "derrik on the run" LMAO hillarous!!

    P.S are you going to the NYC 3-4 day event? good luck if you do. peace out.

    P.P.S, to everyone else, yah, ryan is telling the truth about the event. i was there getting beat down as i do^^
  4. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Good luck finding him. The next time you call his cell do it from an anonymous phone number so he doesn't know who's calling... then you can figure out whether or not he's intentionally ignoring you or not.

    Also if you know where he works... he has to show up there, right?
  5. Tsuujin

    Tsuujin Well-Known Member

    Just want to mention two things:

    1. The Burger King event appears to not be operating anymore

    2. When I say I can't reach him on his mobile I didn't mean cos no one answers, I mean cos ITS BEEN DISCONNECTED. The lady says "The number you have called is not recognized, please check the number..." But this is a saved number in my mobile that I have always contacted him on before. It just stopped working after that tournament. He's dissapeared for real this time. If not, how come he hasn't been posting here recently or how come no one has come to his aid about his whereabouts??? Cos no one has a clue! He's prolly in the bahamas :p
  6. Electro_Jacky

    Electro_Jacky Well-Known Member

    electro lex
    Another person added to the I.O.U list that Derrick has built up. *sigh*
    PaulMartinKPG likes this.
  7. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    I think your best bet would be to contact Steve Tu He's usually on msn im sure he knows whats what.
  8. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    whoa, this is pretty bad...

    not that winning a trophy for DL would really boost a reputation /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif, but i'd sure could use a free extra £100 prize money n stuff. nobody at all knows his whererabouts?

    i'd have to go with archangel's methods at this point, steven tu would seem to know more than anyone else at the DL organization.
  9. uk-guy

    uk-guy Well-Known Member

    He's working at either M&S or House of Fraser on Oxford ST, I think, remember seeing him at one of their customer service counters, I hid behind the ladieswear to avoid him. Err did I say ladieswear? I meant the err...trainers and laptops...yeah...
  10. J_Chuang

    J_Chuang Well-Known Member

    sorry to hear about this... but seriously shouldn't you guys be exchanging infos vie private messages? he could still check back here to read about it you know...
  11. Electro_Jacky

    Electro_Jacky Well-Known Member

    electro lex
    We want him to read about it, there's cash missing which was promised also if we could find him we would've asked him to his face but where is he? Also the post has his name on it in capitals so he can't miss it, do you see?
  12. Neo

    Neo Well-Known Member

    Just wanna add to this......... Derrick still owes me £30 for working for Dynamic League and always says he doesn't have money......this is from almost a year ago.....mysteriously he still has money to buy TV's ,consoles and games for his lame BurgerKing events.
  13. RagingSilver

    RagingSilver Well-Known Member

    rarrcheeze! lmao

    Derrick is on some hit and run scheme, lol. And From Working for Namco to M&S!!! whats up with that!!!

    Well, jeezus, I wouldn't like to be im right now. And yea I'll back Mr.Heart here for I too was at the tourny getting my candy ass whooped, lol

    Derrick, u owe some Cash to these winners man!
  14. RandomHajile

    RandomHajile Well-Known Member

    if this was last month ida thought this was an april fool, sorry but this has given me bair joke, anyways last i heard was when steve told me at the atei arcade show in jan, that he had family problems, but the final has been an gone after that? i got a email a few days ago from the dynamicleague/steve saying that things will start up again, an for requests, anyways nxt time i see him ima tell him ur after him Ryan, infact i think i'll take a trip up london 2 check out this M an S, is it the one near nike town or the one near selfridges??? haha
  15. steve_dynamic

    steve_dynamic Well-Known Member

  16. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    good ol' steve to save the day.. /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
  17. Neo

    Neo Well-Known Member

    What about my Dynamic League IOU`s I have about 30 pounds worth......
  18. Zakuta

    Zakuta Well-Known Member

    ...Derrick owes people a lot of money; lol - home everything gets sorted and everyone gets thier stuff to them and whatever else is necessary.
  19. RandomHajile

    RandomHajile Well-Known Member

    hey steve, u starting ur own tourny or u gonna be working with derrick again?
    saw phillip today, he seams interested in what u said b4:)

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