Development Cost for Shenmue

Discussion in 'General' started by ice-9, Jul 29, 2006.

  1. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Some of us were having a discussion about game development costs, and Shenmue's came up. Anyway I happened on a link that basically says the game has been cited to cost $20 mm to $70 mm.

    I'm more likely to go with the $20 mm number cited in the Guinnes Book of Records: This seems like a high enough number (astronomical for 1999 actually) but still plausible.

    I don't know where the $70 mm number came from, but I assume if true the $50 mm difference was primarily for creating the Shenmue engine, setting up office, etc.

    Shenmue shouldn't be the most expensive game any more though--speculation has it that Halo costed $40-60 mm to develop. Pretty amazing though what AM2 spent on that game. What were they thinking?!?
  2. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    It was Yu Suzuki's vanity project. He cashed in all the favors owed to him by Sega - at least that is what I would guess.
  3. Megaten

    Megaten Member

    I've just always thought that Suzuki really thought he was creating something truly revolutionary...and I guess with that in mind AM2 thought, "money be damned!" I think Shenmue (and to a lesser extent, Shenmue 2) was an amazing game...but I have really warped I think I let my Sega bias get to me back when I first picked it up.

    I bet most of the cost went to developing all those stupid tricks they pulled in the that "Magic Weather" system that wasn't even needed, really.
  4. yoomazir

    yoomazir Well-Known Member

    I'm not a Sega fan,but I consider Shemnue to be the best game I' ve ever played.

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