Dissidia: Final Fantasy - Arcade Edition

Discussion in 'General' started by GrizzlyTrollton, Apr 13, 2015.

  1. GrizzlyTrollton

    GrizzlyTrollton Well-Known Member

    For those who aren't aware, the folks over at SquareEnix have collaborated with Team Ninja to make another Dissidia game. This time, for arcade.

    It'll be a 3v3 team battle arena game rather than 1v1 like the PSP games prior. So 6 players total. Siliconera has a decent amount of articles on it already and location tests start pretty soon IIRC. Looking forward to the videos.


    Square says their goal is for ultimately a grand total of 50+ playable characters (starting out with 14 characters) with plans to update and support the game for at least an entire decade with game balancing and system additions. The game is also slated to be released for PS4 at least a year after the arcade version drops.

    I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a kinda hyped for this. I had loads of fun with the PSP titles and with Ramza being announced as playable I'm pretty damn interested. Final Fantasy Tactics is my favorite Final Fantasy game, period. FFIX being my favorite numbered game. I also welcome that team battle element since I'm getting flash backs of Anarchy Reigns' online team battle mode and that game is beyond dead at this point, unfortunately :(.

    50+ characters is a hell of a lot though and leaves room for characters besides the main hero/heroine and villian for each game. I'm assuming Zidane is coming back since he's the protag of IX but I'm also rooting for Delita from Tactics and Beatrix from IX to make the cut too somewhere down the road.
  2. Lygophilia

    Lygophilia Well-Known Member

    I do wish that I was a final fantasy fan, because dissidia was innovative from spending time with it. I liked how bp attacks and hp attacks cooperate with each other.

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