DOA Has Stunted My Growth

Discussion in 'Console' started by Justice, Nov 1, 2007.

  1. Justice

    Justice Member

    Obviously DoA's system borrows heavily from the VF series. Low punch interrupts, G,P,K interface, rising attacks etc... Now, I was very competent at DOA, but that seems to have only hurt my development in VF. DOA allows you to cancel, and buffer new strings within each other. This gave you a pretty big window for command imputs. In other words, you didn't have to be very precise.

    VF has been kicking my ass right now because a few of the characters I've been practicing because just executing the commands doesn't seem to be enough. Its very picky about the timing of the inputs. Is anyone else coming from DOA experiencing this?
  2. Psimon

    Psimon Active Member

    Can't say I have mate. I've played a lot of beat-em-ups over the years and always seem to be able to treat each one as new. Having said that, I have caught myself button-mashing a few times (so maybe it's an unconscious thing with me). /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  3. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    I think you will see that VF is far more advanced then any other fighter out there. Its what makes this game so great. Input timing is just one of many features that take this game far above the rest.....And button smashing will not get you far /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  4. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    VF has a much bigger buffer for storing command inputs (i.e. timing is SLACKER) than most fighting games . . .

    To the OP, what commands are you having trouble with?
  5. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    DoA stunts your growth in a lot of fighters I'm afraid. But it can actually help you a little in VF if you just take the time to do the research. Good luck bro! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  6. Onslaught

    Onslaught Well-Known Member

    You turned out fine.
  7. Justice

    Justice Member

    In particular, I was practicing with Sarah. And she has a few strings from her Flamingo stance that require you to press the kick button again a split second after the original one lands. So far I have only been able to produce this string randomly in practice.

    I'm leaning towards either her, Jacky, or Akira as my character(s)
  8. ViperExcess

    ViperExcess Well-Known Member

    DOA's play is not what is holding you back. Just practice your inputs in Dojo. Only way to fix the problem really.
  9. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Onslaught: Clearly you haven't been here in a long time. A year of offline only REAL competition can change anyone.

    Justice: I assume you are talking about Sarah's JF low kick combo. I love that thing even though it's really not necessary for Sarah. The key to pulling it off 100% is to understand the rythm of the inputs. In many ways, take your eyes of the screen and listen to sarah's grunts, they help you out a lot. Good luck.
  10. Naudin3D

    Naudin3D Well-Known Member

    Anyone notice how new player will hit u on knock down and go for a high jump attack like it will win. Then I look at the compared games screen and I notice there DOA players with impressive acheivements. However some DOA players turned out fine. escaping jail is a solid player I heard of in the DOA community, I played him a few times.
  11. JuliusRage

    JuliusRage Member

    DOA sucks.

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