does any one know HOW to...

Discussion in 'Quest, Kumite and Items' started by marto99, May 31, 2003.

  1. marto99

    marto99 Member

    ... get every item with Jacky. If not than just tell me what you know.
  2. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    This post is very general, you need to post more information before anyone can really help. But I will attmempt to anyways /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif.

    I assume you have the American version of VF4.

    For that version, there are several methods, one of them is to consult the item FAQ on, if that doesn't work, there are a few alternative methods involving Gameshark or Action Replay type devices. One of the codes in Gameshark, is have all items available for your character, all you have to do is go to the edit player costume and you will have all of the items.
  3. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    The only method to get items in kumite mode is to keep playing until you're sick of it, then play some more. You can't choose your opponents, so knowing which character gives you which item isn't useful. You just keep playing until you check your file and see that you have them all. The only exceptions are curse items which you get for fucking up too many times. That'll happen automatically if you play badly enough.
  4. Nayrb689

    Nayrb689 Member

    Since me and some others are working on an Item guide, I have documented pretty much all of jacky's items. I will post the ones not in the item FAQ I have found.

    Short Hair (Brown) is on Taichou, High King, 1P outfit
    Long Hair (Red) is on Mask du HT, High King, 2P outfit
    Short Hair (Red) is on Taichou, High King, 2P outfit
    Leather Cap is on Lead Foot, 1st Kyu, 1P outfit
    Brown Sunglasses are on Blackjack, 2nd Kyu, 1P outfit
    Goggle Sunglasses are on Jacky Jr., 5th Dan, 2P outfit
    Wing Head Necklace is on Lead Foot, 1st Kyu, 2P outfit
    Fire Skull Emblem is on Lenny, Dragonlord, 2P outfit

    Hope this helps /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  5. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    CreeD said:

    The only method to get items in kumite mode is to keep playing until you're sick of it, then play some more. You can't choose your opponents, so knowing which character gives you which item isn't useful. You just keep playing until you check your file and see that you have them all. The only exceptions are curse items which you get for fucking up too many times. That'll happen automatically if you play badly enough.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    While that is true to some extent, you can't get some items by "just playing" unfortunately.

    There are several items per character that have specific instances where you must complete them in order to obtain the item, such as win 100 times in a row (not easy), or you must pervform specific moves/techniques to obtain the items.

    An example is in order to get Akira's white headgear, instead of beating another Akira player who has it equipped, you could get hit with [P] attacks constantly, no blocking them.

    Creed, also about the opponents, it is good to know what items you get, becuase you need to have the right comtume on for it to work properly. If you fight Yamiyodare the High King Jacky player as another Jacky, but you have chosen the 2p outfit, you will not get the item, as he will not have it equipped.

    So knowing what costume to have on is important, but the odds of playing an actual "item specific" Jacky are very very low unfortunately.
  6. marto99

    marto99 Member

    You guys I know most of the items. I have gotten Jacky to HIgh King but there are a couple items I need. THe leather cap I missed. I also need one more orb item. THere are are few more I need. I will have to chek which they are then I will reply again.

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