Dragon Lance Combo

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Koenraku, Aug 15, 2003.

  1. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Just something that's been bothering me for a while, I don't know if someone's already mentioned this before.

    Anyway, it always bugs me how the damage for using a Dragon Lance combo in a float is less than say a shoulder ram and a double palm. It may just be me but I find the dragon lance a lot harder to do than those 2 moves so you'd think the pay off would be higher than it is.
  2. BMF

    BMF Well-Known Member

    You'd think.

    Stop posting crap like this. Thank you.
  3. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    Well that was helpful, I was hoping someone could provide some insight into WHY it doesn't do as much damage but nevermind, your response was more than I could have hoped for.

    That was sarcasm by the way, I don't know how intelligent you are but I'm feeling patronising and so I'll just assume you're too stupid to grasp that concept on your own.

    If you think I've posted "crap" then that's your opinion (unless of course you're the official judge of what can be posted and what cannot be posted).

    I was under the impression that this one (Junky's Jungle) was just for random stuff. If my harmless post about something I've been thinking about is so damaging to the board then I'm sure whoever is in charge will delete it for you.

    Until then if you're not going to contribute then why not go read something else?
  4. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Don't mind bmf, he's just seeing something that happens a lot on here... new posters to the board sometimes start out with like 15+ posts a day, then they level off. A lot of people have done it.

    The important thing is that you DO eventually level off, we'd expect /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    To actually add to the thread:

    When akira's DLC was new in VF3, sega knew it'd be a hard spod-like sequence so they made it incredibly damaging. Add to that the fact that float combos in VF3 didn't scale in damage, and also you couldn't TR so a ground attack was usable after many floats. Stuff like shrm + dlc was half your life.

    So they reduced it, and when people complained that it was still too much damage for a no-brainer followup, they reduced it again. When I say no-brainer, I mean it doesn't require a specific stance or weight class usually, it will always hit for free after almost any low float. If you can do it 100% (and a ton of people can) then you have easy mindless damage after any shoulder ram.

    In evoB, it was actually increased slightly in damage because sega over-nerfed it from version C. So now shrm, d+P, DLC is the best damage combo in some situations. Before, DLC was never the best for any situation.
  5. Koenraku

    Koenraku Well-Known Member

    See that's what I was looking for. Thanks for the info.

    If I'm posting alot or "too much" it's only due to the fact that there are very little VF players here so I have alot of stuff I've been wondering about.

    I guess I can post less although I don't see the harm I'm doing since it isn't like I'm creating 20 new threads of babble per day or anything.
  6. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    But you're still not exempt from the rules and regulations of this board. Please follow them. If this board weren't policed the way it is then it'd be another gamefaqs. Many of us don't want that so please respect the other people on this board by doing some research before posting a question that has probably been answered 3 generations ago. Thank you.

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