Dragon Quest IX goes to the DS

Discussion in 'General' started by akiralove, Dec 14, 2006.

  1. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    I found this news really interesting. Since one can make a good arguement that the Japanese audience moves with FF/DQ (the most popular game in Japan), I found the move to handheld, and more specifically AWAY from the PS3, when the PS1/2 were home to many DQ games, telling.

    I got this news here:


    and they're not rumors, they're confirmed. I have a minor conspiracy theory about this: I think MAYBE this game started out as IX:


    the more fleshed out Toriyama character designs, the slick look, the next gen system... it all seems more forward-thinking, and further along in development. Perhaps early sales returns/opinions on the Wii swayed things in the last few weeks? Could the huge installed base for the DS be the reason?

    Either way, I think it's a bold move. DQIX going to either the PS3 or the Wii would have guaranteed millions of consoles in homes, and probably the success of either system. Is SE confident that FFXIII will do well enough on the PS3 that they can take advantage of all other hardware options?

    In related news, although I don't think it's going to change the picture of the 360 in Japan, Toriyama/Sakaguchi's "Blue Dragon" got a REALLY good score from Famitsu, I think 9,9,10,10?
  2. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Here is my conspiracy theory.

    There are 3 super high budget RPG's coming out for PS3.

    Two of them are by Square Enix, Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy XIII versus.

    The other RPG is White Knight Story by Level 5 (who made DQ8 nonetheless).

    Square Enix probably need some money to fund the development for the two FF13's, and also recoup the cost of the releasing them on PS3. Since the PS3 is obviously not selling big numbers in Japan due to the production problem. Even if there is 100% sell through rate for FF13 versus next year, they will not be seeing the millions of copies they usually see.

    What system in Japan are in the millions right now? The situation is desperate for Square Enix, desperate enough for them to risk alienating Japanese hardcore fan base to make DQIX an ACTION RPG, and on a HANDHELD. The reaction so far is pretty negative and there is definitely an anti DS sentiment among the DQ fans in Japan. But you gotta do what you gotta do, you need to get the money from somewhere.
  3. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    I am a DQ maniac, and I'm not talking about Dairy Queen. I have finished every DQ game to be released in the U.S.

    I am stunned by this decision. I have a DS, so I am not terribly pissed off. It means that I will get a game of very high quality on my DS. I think that this could very well be a one time thing. The installed bases for the new consoles are all pretty small. Even if the DQ fans are pissed, they are still going to buy the game.

    The price of the PS3 is such that the traditional, console-selling properties of a huge title may be diminished at this point. Making the game for DS means lower development costs and quite likely higher sales.

    Once the consoles achieve greater, uh, penetration, I am sure we will see a console DQ game. Probably PS3, but maybe Wii if it surprises everyone and becomes huge in Japan.

    Would anyone like to meet up with me and maybe we can have a DQ cosplay party? I have a badass Yangus outfit. Maybe one of you dudes can dress up like a Metal Slime or a Goldman.
  4. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    I have a badass Jessica outfit...


    But that's for special occasions only...

  5. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    She was awesome, maybe one of my all time favorite video game girls.

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