
Discussion in 'Console' started by IrratioNal, Mar 15, 2003.

  1. IrratioNal

    IrratioNal Member

    Is Dural immediately available in Evo, or what? Just curious, 'cuz one of the reasons I played through that Kumite mode was so that I could plug in my mem card into friends' PS2s and watch their faces in horror as I opened a can of Dural on them-- kinda the ShinAkuma approach to things, I guess.

    Cheap? Of course.
    but utterly priceless.

    And as a followup, if anyone HAS found Dural in Evo, is she only still playable in Vs?
  2. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    First of all, Dural is not immediately playable.
    Second of all, you can't bring your custom characters to a friend's house and load it into their game.


  3. IrratioNal

    IrratioNal Member

    Well, I guess. But then again, the previous PS2 VF4, you couldn't make Dural a custom char anyway (unless anyone knows differently, which is the point of this post). You could, however, load just YOUR card, I'd assume.
  4. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    The Japanese Evo only allows 1 memory card for loading characters. If your character isn't on that card, then you are SOL currently unless someone figures something different out. You also cannot save just a character over to a card as it will overwrite the entire save.
  5. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    No, you can't. Read the thread about the memcard issue in this same section.
  6. IrratioNal

    IrratioNal Member

    Right. okay, ninjin... maybe you should READ my question before you respond. But, FYI, I'm pretty sure that when I took my memory card down to the testers' pit on the first floor of SCEA we were able to load Dural off of my memory card fine--- using the one memory card that had her unlocked, like I had asked.

    Anyway, if anyone's interested and don't know, Dural becomes purchasable when you win a cup in the fifth arena. She costs 20000g, and is apparently only playable in Vs (again).

    Does anyone who got farther know anything different? Has anyone unlocked the stage that is shown at the end of the arcade mode?

    Oh, and before you make some sort of condescending remark about testers, I'm NOT a tester.
  7. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    relax dude
    no need to get so touchy over a tiny issue aye~

    What is so degrading abt being a tester anway?

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