english translation for movelists?

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by pallidpika, Sep 8, 2007.

  1. pallidpika

    pallidpika Member


    Sry if this is a doublepost...

    Are there any english translations out there for the VF5 movelists (not just the move descriptions, but the fanciful names/titles)? I noticed some VF4 ones, etc.

    Am awaiting 360 version myself, but doubt there'll be any translations in the manual... just a sucker for this sort of stuff :p
  2. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry


    As long as you know what the attack looks like: assign a name to it yourself.

    BYYAKKKKOOOO! = Double Palm Strike OOOOOO!
  3. pallidpika

    pallidpika Member

    I'm an ABC, and the chinese part of me can't help but be enamored with fantastic names for martial arts moves... It's such an important aspect of literature, movies, pop culture, etc. Sure, it's not necessary, but I would get a real kick out of what the developers concocted.

    Aren't there any other martial arts (fantasy and/or real) fans out there that can empathize? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif Who knows the kick out of yelling "18 Dragon-Subduing Palms!!! 降龍十八掌!!!!" when pressing /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif?


    (know you guys are out there... seen enough casual VF vids to hear some ppl horsn' around like that /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif)
  4. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Yah - that can be fun. Early translation of DLC was "Festival of the Dragon Spear" or "Dragon Spear Ceremony"

    It sounds really good for Akira stuff - "Fist crushes the mountain crumbling verbosely stepping lunging shattered sky bolted lightning death scream body rainbow attack of damning fury!" Or 66P+K,P for short.
  5. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    I like martial art very much too, in fact I'm doing martial arts myself. But I don't shout out any names of moves every time I do them -_-'
  6. ElectricLeo

    ElectricLeo Well-Known Member

    You're missing out!
  7. Gebudiah

    Gebudiah Member

    Hey pallidpika. To answer your question, here is SOME of the translations for some of the characters moves.


    Byakko Soushouda: White Tiger Double Palm Strike
    Fukko: Crouching Tiger
    Teishitsu Dantai: Stopping Knee Bullet Kick
    Yakuho Chouchu: Jump Step Elbow

    Garyu: Dragon Fang
    Rengoku: Purgatory

    Kosoushou: Tiger Spear Palm

    Of course there is more. If you want, I can probably start a thread for any particular character that has moves that can be easily translated.
  8. pallidpika

    pallidpika Member

    Hi Gebudiah!

    thanks for those names you listed- it's as tantalizingly entertaining as I hoped they would be!

    I suspect many of the names for VF5 are carried over from previous iterations, and that this site might have some of the older ones translated. I will check, but would be most interested in whatever contributions you are willing to make. Maybe this can be a project for this site? Would love to attempt compiling a list for all characters in need of translations.

    Did you translate those particular moves yourself? They sound good. I wish I could contribute more, but am not Japanese literate and my attempts at using online dictionaries have been fruitless. The best I can do is research around the internet, and look up my one and only Japanese friend and bug her to help...

    For those who don't understand my interest- I know this site mainly acts as a technical and social support system for the hardcore VF player. But, the more casual players and newbies might just become that much more interested with additional aspects. I consider myself a VF devotee, thought not an expert. Part of its allure is the fantasy yet paradoxically realistic take on martial arts (the oft-mentioned yet erroneously label "fighting simulator"). With all the complaints of poor characterizations, dull storylines, lack of "pizazz" that Tekken fanboys level at VFers, I think English speaking audiences on the fence might enjoy this extra bit. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  9. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Now these are the kind of translations that I'd like to see.
    Kinda like when Goh does his backturned throw and says:
    I think that translates to "BACDAFUKUP!"... but I could be wrong /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/confused.gif
  10. Jigohro

    Jigohro Well-Known Member

    Heh, I guess I'll bite that one /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif . Time to try proving somewhat useful to the community...

    So here's a rough translation for Goh's moves (gotta call dibs on him before someone else does, although Gebudiah here already started) - P, K and P+K attacks, more to come if needed.

    Shouda: Palm strike
    Tsuraneshouda: Palm strike combination
    Shouda~Kasumigoroshi: Palm strike~Mist killer
    Hibarauchi: Strike to the spleen
    Rengoku: Purgatory
    Abarakudaki: Rib smash
    Yomiokuri: Hell sending
    Tettei: Iron hammer
    Chiryuusatsu: Earth Dragon Murder
    Urahiji: Back elbow
    Soukyuu: Pale bow
    Sunekudaki: Shin smash
    Suneuchi: Shin strike
    Raika: Thunder and fire
    Inazuma (migihibara) geri: Thunder (Right spleen) kick
    Tsukikage: Moon shadow
    Garyuu: Dragon Fang
    Kyousengeri: Sharp kick to the chest
    Uchikurubushigeri: Kick to the inner ankle
    Ura inazuma geri: Reverse thunder kick
    Senryuugeri: Hidden dragon kick
    Kumiteharai: Grappling hand sweep
    Tsukami: Grab
    Hayabusa: Peregrine falcon
    Junyou: Peregrine falcon *yes, it's roughly the same...
    Fudousatsu: Home kill *not certain, any ideas?
    Karura: Karura
    Kotetsu: Iron tiger
    Yoroi dooshi: Pass through armor
    Yamibarai: Dark sweep
    Minamobarai: Water surface sweep
    Goukitotsu: Ox ogre piercing
    Gohou/Yuriori: Method of safeguarding/Lily break

    Note that this is based on FT move list, since I didn't have time to properly look for VF5 Japanese one (it's 2AM here, time to sleep, more tomorrow since it's actually quite fun to do /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif ).

    @Tony: He actually says "moratta!" (gotcha!) with a kiai/grunt afterwards. Not to sound like an ass here, but it IS a translation thread after all /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif ...

  11. pallidpika

    pallidpika Member

    Thanks Jigohro! Please continue contributing. If everyone participating in the thread consents, may I start compiling this information in one document (you will of course be credited)?

    Here's a question- a friend of mine is interested in helping but would like a movelist copy in kanji... any idea where a copy can be found? I sent my friend googling in Chinese (his native language)and to Japanese sites.
  12. IzunaOtoshi

    IzunaOtoshi Active Member

  13. GoDokunoDan

    GoDokunoDan Well-Known Member

    Is that a joke? its all in Kanji and katakana (or however you spell it ). A lot of people are questioning why he wants a translation. A simple "I DONT speak Japanese" would have sufficed. I havent done any Japanese translation since Shenmue 2, Originalposter. The only advice I can give you is try to break down the japnese names into syllables, andtranslate the syllables as individual words. That SOMETIMES works. Most of the names reference the Five elements( ka chi fu sui Ku) Like "water:sui "or "air:fu" if its a throw, or "fire:ka" if its a strike,or combinations of animals and elements.ANything that says "Kyaku" or "geri" is a kick, or "ken"or "te"or "to" is a handstrike. A lot of the moves reference "ki" or have "Heavenly" this or that in the name.

    A lot of those small words have several meanings so it depends on the context, you could be translating it wrong. Sometimes they lose something in the translation.
  14. GoDokunoDan

    GoDokunoDan Well-Known Member

    For those wondering "Why the hell do they scream out the nmae of the move" .. Its not for the "fun"of it. Its a cultural thing. I mean those moves were intended to break bricks/ shatter wood. A martial artist would have to focus his mind body and spirit into that move. It would require a lot of KI to deliver a powerful enough strike. Shouting out the moves name or a KIAI. is a method of acheiving that much focus. Its A method, not THE method. There are several methods.
    I mean its a cultural thing because the whole concept of Ki is mostly lost on the west and most westerners deny Ki even exist.

    It's just a little perspective , of course Ki isn't a factor in a video game, and I dont want to start sounding like Master Po.
  15. Jigohro

    Jigohro Well-Known Member

    Okay, so here are these few moves from VF5 I omitted previously (IzunaOtoshi, thanks for the list, couldn't find it yesterday... although it sucks there's no kanji reading /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif ). The rest of Goh's ground standing attacks only - for now.

    Aragami: Wild god
    Kirin: Kirin
    Fudousatsu Arata: Home kill (new)
    Kokuryuusatsu Ichi: Black Dragon Murder One
    Kokuryuusatsu Ni: Black Dragon Murder Two
    Kokuryuusatsu Todome: Black Dragon Murder Finishing strike
    Kokuryuusatsu Arata: Black Dragon Murder (new)
    Kiribarai: Mist sweep
    Ikaruga: Ikaruga (lit. Japanese grosbeak)
    Raijinsatsu: Thunder God Murder
    Onikubigari: Devil neck reap
    Murakumo: Cloud masses
    Deashibarai: Advancing foot sweep *what the heck, Sega?? This technique isn't deashibarai , it's sasae tsurikomi ashi !
    Nioudaoshi: Bringing down the Niou
    Niousatsu: Niou Murder
    Orochinagi: Calming the Orochi
    Tengusatsu: Tengu Murder
    Zenpou kaiten ukemi: Forward roll breakfall
    Suigetsu geri: Water moon kick
    Keriage: Rising kick

    More to come later.

    @GoDokunoDan... Actually I'm pretty sure shouting the name of the move is actually a comic book thing, more like a nod to the fans so that they would know what the move in question is called. Of course, kiai exists in martial arts, it helps focusing power of the move (whether someone believes in ki or not /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif ) - and that's all the "Seeeei!", "Orrryaaaaa!" and Kage's grunting that we hear playing VF. I have yet to meet a martial artist that would actually yell out the name of the technique - that would be simply too slow and too complicated to use as kiai... And nobody wants to bite off his own tongue when his move-name-uttering would be interrupted by the opponent's uppercut /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif .
  16. pallidpika

    pallidpika Member

    @IzunaOtoshi - thanks for the link/list!

    @GoDokunoDan - thanks for the advice. Your tips are most helpful! First time I ever worked with translating from Japanese. Sry if you didn't like my long-winded explanations. Not speaking/reading the language is an insufficient explanation for my motivation.

    @ Jigohro - looks like Goh will be the first with a complete list /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    The name shouting doesn't originate from comic books- it can be found in other genres. It's a fairly common trope found in Chinese literature (famous ones include older texts such as Outlaws of the Marsh and more recent ones by esteemed writers as Jin Yong/Louis Cha).
  17. Jigohro

    Jigohro Well-Known Member

    Hey there, time to do some more Goh translation for anyone interested. Today - the (in)famous Basara and Tsukami moves.

    Shinshousangou: Three of the Heavenly Generals (Wikipedia link here , Japanese only, unfortunately)

    Like many other of Goh's move names Basara, Mekira, Bikara and Indara come from Japanese mythology and/or beliefs. These four (from what I could gather) are names of four of the Twelve Heavenly Generals of Buddhist lore. Each of them corresponds to one of the 12 animals of Chinese zodiac:
    Basara - 2nd, the Ox
    Mekira - 3rd, the Tiger
    Bikara - 12th, the Boar
    Indara - 7th, the Horse
    The characters used for writing the names are used phonetically, and have no special logical meaning. I'm by no means an expert on Buddhism, so I'll just leave it at that... If anybody has more info on them, I'm listening.

    Tsukitobashi: Thurst
    Zenpou kuzushi: Forward unbalancing
    Oosotogari: Major outer reap
    Oosotoguruma: Major outer wheel
    Seoi otoshi: Shoulder drop
    Okuri ashibarai: Sliding foot sweep
    Ashibarai: Foot sweep
    Kouhou kuzushi: Backward unbalancing
    Tamanage: Sphere throw
    Oosoto Otoshi-Todome: Major outer drop-Finishing strike
    Yashaguruma: Demon wheel
    Uhoukuzushi: Unbalancing to the right
    Hiza guruma: Knee wheel
    Okuriashibarai Gou-Todome: Sliding foot sweep (strong)-Finishing strike
    Sahoukuzushi: Unbalancing to the left
    Ashibarai Gou-Todome: Foot sweep (strong)-Finishing strike

    Yay, throws at last! Most of them (these with un-flashy, un-demonic names /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif ) are unmodified, normal judo techniques, so translations for them are official as well.

    More to come later, cheers!

    @palidpika - thanks for the clarification, since I don't really know classical Chinese literature - still, that only confirms name yelling to be simply the stuff of colorul fiction, so that the reader/viewer would know what's going on /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif .
  18. Gebudiah

    Gebudiah Member

    Here is a rough translation for most of Kage-Maru's moves. This post deals with his normal stance moves.

    Danken: Bullet Fist
    Sandangeki: Shot Attack
    Sandan Urageri: Shot Reverse Side kick
    Sandan Rasen Urageri: Shot Spiral Reverse Side Kick
    Hagasane: Leaf Pile
    Hiji'uchi: Elbow Strike
    Rasen: Spiral (or Helix)
    Rasen Urageri: Spiral Reverse Side Kick
    Rakujin Gaeshi Falling Blade Return
    *Hagakure-ryu In Yougeki: Rising Attack
    Fusenjin: Wind Flash Blade
    Shippuzan: Strong Wind Slash
    Sokudan: Side Bullet
    Sokudangasane: Side Bullet Pile
    Fushin Hizageri: Floating Body Knee Kick
    Ryu'eikyaku: Flowing Shadow Kick
    Doukudaki: Torso Shatter
    Kodachinuki: Small Sword Pullout
    Ryubigeri: Dragon Tail Kick
    Tenshin Agokudaki: Spinning Jaw Shatter
    Ura Tsumujigeri: Reverse Side Spin Kick
    Kuruwageri: Turn Wheel Kick
    Nakageri: Middle Kick
    Rasen Fujin: Spiral Wind Blade
    Rasen Souryujin: Spiral Dragon Blade
    Senpugeri: Whirlwind Kick
    Tobi Maegeri: Flying Front Kick
    Rakusenjin: Falling Flash Blade
    Rakusenjin Gaeshi: Falling Flash Blade Return
    Kasumi Yaiba: Haze Blade
    Kage Yaiba: Shadow Blade
    Hishou Nichirinzan: Flying Sun Slash
    Hishou Rendan: Flying Double Bullet
    *Hagakure-ryu In Suzaku Hishoukyaku: Red Sparrow Flying Kick
    Naraku Otoshi: Hell Drop
    Senpujin: Whirlwind Blade
    Fujin Urasuisha: Wind Blade Reverse Waterwheel
    Rakuyou Senpudan: Fallen Leaves Whirlwind Bullet
    Souhajin: Double Smash Blade
    Rasengeri: Spiral Kick
    Fusen Renkyaku: Ax Wheel Kick
    Hagaryu: Dragon Leaf
    Gen'you: Phantom Leaf
    Gen'you Otoshi: Phantom Leaf Drop
    Ryubisen: Dragon Tail Flash
    Tsumujigeri: Rotation Kick
    Urasuisha: Reverse Water Wheel
    Suishageri: Water Wheel Kick
    Engetsugeri: Round Moon Kick
    Rairyu Hishoukyaku: Thunder Dragon Flying Kick
    Hagakure Senjin: Hidden Leaf Flash Blade
    Ryusuizan: Flowing Water Slash
    Ryusui Urageri: Flowing Water Reverse Kick

    *The term "Hagakure-ryu In" is a poetic phrase that roughly translates to "Leaf hiding in the flowing shadow" or something like that. So any term that is next to that phrase is the name I am actually translating.

    Expect updates to this particular post, for there are some moves that I left out on this list. The next post though will contain the moves in his Jumonji and Shippushin stance, and hopefully his throws.

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