Evade quest PS2:EVO, HELP

Discussion in 'Quest, Kumite and Items' started by Shirtless, Jul 6, 2003.

  1. Shirtless

    Shirtless Member

    Hi all!

    New to this forum but things look friendly enough around here!

    I'm having a really hard time with the "Evade 5 times with an escape throw escape, with at least 3 succesful throw escapes" and the "break the wall 20 times" - quests. But the thing is that while I occasionally do break a wall or two, I still have to complete one single evasive move.

    I found this here on the forum and it seems easy enough, but I guess I don't get my timing right cause I allways end up slapping the guy once and don't get the credit for it.

    Could someone please talk me through this, maybe I got the whole thing wrong? I'm playing as Brad btw.

    Crap, had the game running while typing this, guess I took to many losses against lesser ranked players or so because when I got back I had the Tutankhaman head /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif.
  2. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shirtless said:
    Crap, had the game running while typing this, guess I took to many losses against lesser ranked players or so because when I got back I had the Tutankhaman head .

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Rofl, that must have been quite a laught for you as well..... /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  3. Liquid_MAX

    Liquid_MAX Well-Known Member

    Hey. I'm Liquid-X (or MAX ).

    Brad is my secondary character (Jacky's the one I'm mastering right now), and I think that slipping, ducking, shifting backwards (when he makes his sshhh, sshhh noises) doesn't count (please someone correct me if I'm wrong). You've gotta double tap [8][8] or [2][2]. By pressing [G][P][K] as well, you can move around a bit further and smack 'em one. You have to remember, though, that the opponent has to be attacking when you do this, and you should (I think) be close enough that you physically move around the attack. You mentioned you had a problem timing it...well this should come with practice, for example, if you do a move with a lot of recovery time, like Brad's spinning elbow ([4][P] I believe), and it get's blocked, you're open for a split second...the oppononet now has a choice - they can either do a striking attack or a throw. Now, you can either try and predict what your opponent will do (it's a 50-50 affair), or, if your fingers are fast enough, you can cover all of the options and smash [8] or [2], [P][G], [4][P][G], [6][P][G] one after the other while you recover from your blocked attack.

    I'd just like to ask (if don't mind, of course) what rank you've reached with Brad and how you're getting on with him. How are those slips working into your fighting style, cos I always seemed vulnerable during those slips.
  4. Player_1

    Player_1 Well-Known Member

    Same problem over here. Strange thing is that the computer says my evading throws are OK in the 'tutorial' section, but never counts them in that quest order or neither in the 'challenge' section of evading throws against Jeffry-even while I'm pulling off the exact same thing and actually escape his throw????????
    btw I'm 6th dan 4 da moment with Brad-but once a High King with Jacky-but that was mostly due to
    [P]+[K] [P] [K] [1_]+[K][K] [3_] [K] and resets now and then /versus/images/graemlins/blush.gif
    Don't worry-I've seen the holy light now and am bettering /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif my life
  5. HiddenEvil

    HiddenEvil Well-Known Member

    Yeah, this is one of the only quests that I haven't been able to do. The other is just normal throw escapes. I can never manage them. The only time I do them in matches is by accident, when I go for the throw at the same time as my opponent.

    Does anyone have any techniques to make life easier? Any particular moves were the opponent is likely to go in for a throw? I play with Pai and Sarah.
  6. HiddenEvil

    HiddenEvil Well-Known Member

    Ok, I finally managed to complete the task, and it was fairly easy, although I had to resort to button bashing.

    When you dodge, simply bash the throw button and and the directions, and most times you'll get the triple through. The prizes from this are fairly good. For Sarah I got her Devil Wings, and for Pai I got a sword that she keeps across her back.
  7. Player_1

    Player_1 Well-Known Member

    /versus/images/graemlins/blush.gif I interpreted this order totally wrong-I thought that they meant with '3 succesfull escapes' to actually escape the throw 3 times-but they just meant to input multiple commands
    thanx anyway man-your buttonbash explanation made it all clear to me /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
    phew I allready thought I wasn't good enough /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif
  8. HiddenEvil

    HiddenEvil Well-Known Member

    That's exactly what I thought. That you needed to get the escapes, which is near on impossible. You do however need to execute three successful throws, and the final two can just be inputs.

    The button bashing technique may not be technical, but so long as it works heh, lol.
  9. Shirtless

    Shirtless Member

    First of all, thanks for your replys and sorry for taking so long to respond. The thing is that such boring things as work, and more pleasent things such as summer vacation, has kept me offline for a while.

    I haven't played EVO since I started this thread but I really feel like going back now. It really annoyed me not to have completed that arcade.

    My Brad is currently at 9th dan and I think that I'll have a hard time climbing up the ranks after 10th dan. High ranked Wolfs and Lions are my true enemies, Sarah's also a tough cookie. I seem to have not as much problem with higher ranked Akira and Vanessa in this version as I had in VF4 though, wierd.

    Anyway, thank you all! This quest drove me insane for a while, hopefully I'll get it right now. Otherwise, I guess I'll be back!
  10. Shirtless

    Shirtless Member

    Well, thank you all!

    I'm not proud of it, but button bashing did the trick!
  11. HiddenEvil

    HiddenEvil Well-Known Member

    lol, bet you're relieved though. I know I was when I finally completed it. The normal throw escape challenges are another story however. I really can't be bothered with them. Does anyone know if you get good items for completing them.
  12. SenseiSD

    SenseiSD Active Member

    Hi Shirtless,

    I`ll give ya a tipp 4 the breaking walls quest, because I don`t have readed s.th. about here( sorry if I am wrong... /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif ) :

    1. Bring ya enemy near a wall
    1.1 Forward: [6][6][K], [P][P][P] works 4 this
    1.2 Backward: just retreat and let him follow till youre with ya back on a wall, than enter the [4][6][G][P] throw, and ya have the desired situation as well. Now 4 breacking the walls:

    2: [6][G][P][K] followed by [6][G][K] and voilá the enemy crashes against the wall and they will break...

    This is my confirmed method.

    For the other QOs like - evading 20 attacks in a row (!) -
    ya just have 2 hold ya enemy on distance and step left or right...

    Enjoy the game and good luck.
  13. Shirtless

    Shirtless Member

    Thanks for your input, SenseiSD, although I've passed that quest a while ago.

    I found it by far easiest to simply back up to a wall. Perform a [1][P]+[G] and then strike with a [3][P]+[K][P]. Just letting anyone struggling with this some more techs to work with...

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