EVO Launch Impressions

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by GaijinPunch, Aug 7, 2002.

  1. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Okay, now that EVO is OFFICIALLY out, and this is the final version (until Ver. B comes out, and they hopefully tone Jacky down), I thought I'd give me overall impressions of the game.

    Sega, IMHO, didn't do the hottest job w/ the beta tests, in that they were in beta testing for 3 damn weeks at three locations, always packed, and only allowed for best 2 out of 3 for 30 seconds. It basically just pissed me off, as standing in line to play VF4 hurts the flow, IMHO. Anyways, Sega hasn't been known for good sales or marketing...ever, so I guess it's expected.

    The overall balance of the game is better than Ver. C I think, however Jacky & Lau are still stronger than ever. Lau's new arsenal does look a lot kewler, and Jacky has some asthetic qualities, but these two characters, and their one-pattern tendencies just seems to ruin a lot of the game for me. I can't bitch, b/c 3 of my 4 main characters (Aoi, Shun & Lion) all have some nice new moves - Aoi being bumped up the most. But if you have a sig with something along the lines of "Jacky/Lau is for pussies" then EVO isn't going to change your mind. I was ragging on my friend who had like 75-80 "one pattern" feedbacks for his Lau -- I told him he was well on the way. Of course, he laughed and said he thought so too. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    Other charaters that I don't play seem to have some nice additions. Pai has some really kewl combos which lead into her new low throw. She's still really agile, and has great float combos. Sarah still bugs me, as she her moves seem to defy the laws of physics, and is sometimes hard to beat. I really hate that Flamingo. Kage has some wicked new items, and a few new moves, although he seems to have not gone through too many changes.

    Akira I've heard has been weakened drastically, but he still seems to win, and do too much damage for a lot of combos. He may be the hardest to use, but his easiest combo is one of the most deadly in the game, and that hasn't changed. I've never found Wolf or Jeffry interesting in the least, so don't have many comments, other than Wolf's new down throws seem fun. i do believe they're escapable though. I've STILL not played Vanessa, so more on her.

    1 Player mode is about 10x harder than Ver. C. Seems they want to make some cash on it. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif The mission mode is all right, but sometimes is you get hard missions. Like "win 3 times via ring out" on a stage that has breakable walls. Not that easy. Or "throw the opponent 12 times", "don't be blocked 12 times", etc. etc. Often you'll lose trying to succeed in the mission.

    For those that didn't read the top part, I've never been a fan of Sega's marketing, and this is no exception. Why, oh why does nobody use a PC in Japan? It's getting better, but the fact that thye put VF.NET on iMode ONLY for the first couple of months sucks. I use J-Sky, as I hate NTT DoCoMO. As such, I can't use VF.NET for a while. It took a few months for VF.NET to hit J-Phone for Ver. C, and another 4 months for it to go to the PC. VF.NET costs a lot of money if you surf it a lot, as the phones only run at 12kbps.

    As everyone knows, there are some very noticeable items in Evo. Unlike Ver. C where you simply 'unlock' them, the only way to get items in Evo is by either buying them in the shop w/ fight money, or winning them in a specific fight. I think I played about 60-70 matches yesterday, and not once did I get a fight that would've given me an item.

    EVO has definitely boosted VF popularity in Japan. The two game centers I went to last night had people playing until quite late, which is good. 8 months ago, those places were quite packed every day, and it DEFINITELY died off sometime in the spring. It looks like, for at least until the end of the year, it won't be hard to find competition in most parts of Japan.

    For anyone coming to Tokyo in the near future, be sure to drop me a line and I'll give you the grand tour.
  2. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Hey GP, just curious... since you say the 1P game is harder (you sure this is the game itself and not just the difficulty setting?), what's the best venue for learning and experimenting with all of the new techniques? I would think they'd be a bit difficult to implement in a heated battle. I'm just worried about getting there and being overwhelmed. (Like I won't be already with my mediocre skills -_-)

    Hmm, maybe my Vanessa tsukai tomodachi and I can go to an arcade when it's not busy, and she can show me the ropes...
  3. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Go to a crowded arcade to learn the commands, and a non-crowded one to practice them. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    When I say the CPU is harder, I mean the difficulty setting is higher, however -- I saw the settings... it was on normal. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif Lei Fei even does the dance a little bit.
  4. agios_katastrof

    agios_katastrof Well-Known Member

    Man, Lau should quit while he's ahead and just go open a noodle shop or something. I mean, isn't the man dying or something. Jacky, overpowered as he is, should just join the DBZ crowd. I mean, he's obviously a Super Saiyen (the hair gives him away). /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
    Jacky/Lau is for pussies.
  5. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Here's a quick update. Based on some ideas I've been hearing around the game centers I go to, I've come to the following.

    Most improved:
    Aoi - definitely much stronger than Ver. C, however, new strategies are definitely needed, as double-stop no longer crumbles, and the new one is a bit slower. She's still got some nice moves added, and overall is much more feared. I even know Jacky players that are learning her just so they know what the hell is going on. Being able to reverse pretty much everything in the game helps.

    Shun would come in second. Not only does he have some new tricky moves, getting in a [3][P][P][K] after floating someone is MUCH easier than in Ver. C. Also, let's face it - they raped him from Ver. B to Ver. C.

    Most changed:
    Vanessa. Definitely -- I played her once. Hard to do. Instead of MT, she has Offensive, which is new moves. [2][K][P][P] is only available in offensive, so you can't start a round with it per se.

    Most Weakened:
    I'm going out on a limb here, but I'm going to say Lei Fei or Wolf. Lei Fei, b/c his stances are slower, and you seem to be able to struggle out of his staggers easier. Also, he doesn't get in down attacks where he used to. Wolf b/c he can't always pick up the opponent and have a total guessing game. He's got down throws now, but they're escapable. A lot of people used to rely on picking up the opponent and throwing them into the wall. He does have some new goodies though.

    Most Persceptively Weakened:
    Akira: I've heard a lot of people whining about Akira being weakened. Sorry -- anyone that can do a 100pt combo from 1 float w/o the wall is not weak - anyway you slice it. Tell these idiots to stop crying and put their money in!

    Most Unwarranted Changes:
    Jacky: Sorry to all you Jacky players - but I can only wonder if I should have 30% of my life left from one combo in a Jacky match... and apparantly one with some pretty easy commands. The majority of the characters have been strengthened, but that really doesn't even anything out when you jack-up the already jacked up.

    Most Improved Aesthetically:
    Lau -- this is purely my opinion. He has some kewl new moves, and some halfway decent items. Kage would come in second b/c of his items.

    Biggest Pain in the Ass to Beat:
    Pai: If you thought she was tricky before, then you'll definitely hate fighting against the new one. She's got a new low throw as well.

    Biggest Waste of Resources
    Brad: There's nothing exciting about this guy. Just kicks & punches. They could've done so much more with a lightweight kick boxer that jumps around, and doesn't look like a nimrod.

    Biggest Disappointment:
    Not having VF.NET ready for J-Sky phones or PC's. Again -- my opinion, as I don't have iMode.
  6. Ellinas

    Ellinas Well-Known Member

    Sorry if it has been posted elsewhere, but can you do a small commentary on current popularity of characters? How have things shifted? Will we actually see shun players now, is the change enough? Aoi? A lot of the videos released show sarah players. Anybody doing well with brad and goh? Thx.
  7. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Well, there have ALWAYS been a lot of Sarah's in my neighborhood, and there are just as many now. Some acquaintances of mine were in a team called Sara!Sara!Sara! but has now changed to Cyberdine Systems (you know - Terminator 2 - Sara Conner,etc.).

    Anyways, I think as time goes by, many will pick up Aoi as a sub-character, but I don't think anyone is going to change to her. I know a lot of people are going to use her just for the practice. Shun... I think a lot of people that gave up on Shun for Ver. C will return. But me - I'm no fair-weathered fan. I've stuck with him through the good and the bad.

    Of the two new characters, Goh is definitely the more used, at least at the beta tests, and from the places I play. He's apparantly pretty difficult to use though. Catch throws & throw combos. No multi-hit combos at all. Unlike brad, who's relatively masher friendly.
  8. Wen

    Wen Member

    You mean Jacky has a 70% combo now? Seems a little out of place in VF to have a 70% combo unless it takes some difficult conditions? (Wall, wall angle, etc etc.)

    You sound like it's a generic 70% combo, could you elaborate a little? Thanks.
  9. TexasLion

    TexasLion Well-Known Member

    Thanks Gaijinpunch for the info. Glad to hear Pai has more moves that are useful. I used to play her in VF3, but in VF4 she seems to have a lot of useless moves that aren't all that exciting. Her new low throw looks quite awesome..looks like I'm picking her up again.

    Do you think Lion is the most unimproved? He seems like it because I haven't heard much from him in terms of new moves or playing differently.

    Sucks to hear Jacky is as strong as ever. All they need to do is tone down his damage on some of his moves and combos and he'll be on the same level as everyone else.
  10. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Well, Lion's definitely improved, but not as much as the others. Not like Aoi or Shun, but a bit better I'd say. He still needs another mid-starting combo if you ask me.

    I don't think damage is the key with jacky. Less staggering, and maybe making the high-damaging mids not guaranteed when a low sweep is blocked or something.

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