EVO West Qualifier Results

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Dan, Jul 29, 2007.

  1. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    1st place Ken I. (Lei Fei)
    2nd place Renzokuken (Brad)
    3rd place Chanchai (Lion)
    4th place Plague (Akira)
    5th place *tie* Brisal (Wolf/El Blaze)/ Unsafe Dan (Sarah)
    7th place *tie* LA Akira (Shun) / Peter Suh (????)

    Notes: Peter Suh was DQ'ed for being unable to make it on time on sunday.

    Winners Bracket side was first Chanchi vs. Unsafe, Chanchai wins 2-1, Plague vs. Ken I, Ken I wins 2-0.

    Losers Bracket was Peter Suh vs. Renzokuken, Renzokuken wins by default, LA Akira vs. Brisal, Brisal wins 2-0.

    2nd round losers was Unsafe vs. Renzokuken, Renzokuken wins 2-0, Plague vs. Brisal, Plague wins 2-0.

    Winners Final was Ken I vs. Chanchai, Ken I wins 2-1.

    4th Place match was Plague vs. Renzokuken, Renzokuken wins 2-0.

    Losers Final was Renzokuken vs. Chanchai, Renzokuken wins 2-0.

    First Set of Grand Final was Ken I vs. Renzokuken, Renzokuken wins 3-1.

    Final Set of Grand Final was Ken I vs. Renzokuken, Ken I wins 3-2 in a very close final.

    I will post up props and comments later. A lot of people signed up but didn't show up. Of VFDC people, those that showed up were:

    Unsafe Dan
    LA Akira
    Ken I

    Tournament was around 20-30 people.

    Peace out.
  2. DancingFighterG

    DancingFighterG Well-Known Member

    Yo, this is DancingFighterG. Good too see Brad near the top!! Hope to see some vids.
  3. SweepTheLeg

    SweepTheLeg Well-Known Member

    Renzo's Brad is meeeaaaaaan.
  4. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    videos coming
  5. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Props for VF players:

    Brisal- hey man, thanks again for driving me around when I parked my car at aarons. It was cool talking about the old scene and girls and stuff.

    Aaron- it was unfortunate that you couldn't come out to meet or play us, maybe next time I suppose. I still would like to thank you for letting me park my car in your apartment lot and also offering your place. I hope to see you soon.

    Sweep/Dustin- Hey man, your eileen is really maturing. Much more smoother and less robotic, though eileen is still a beast even when played mechanically. You are definately learning at a fast rate, keep it up man. And sorry you couldn't make it to the finals, I told Plague and others that it was free without comic-con badge. Hope you make it to finals unlike unlucky me. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif

    Sebo- man... you need to believe in yourself more and try to chill out a bit. Your vanessa is really good and you need to think less of "oh I suck" and more of "what do I need to do to get better". Just keep playing and try honing your more basic skills like fuzzy and making sure your execution is spot on and you'll get over mechanical playstyles like Dustins.

    Renzo/Jeff - jesus fucking christ you're good.... seriously makes me wonder how good srider and ice-9 were when they left norcal. Your damn delays and perfect punishment/execution really kills any lazy play. Good shit on stomping pretty much everyone on your way to the top. You almost had Ken too, don't let it get to ya, you're really a master of adaption and solid play.

    Chanchai- damn we had a good match at the semifinals. I still have a lot to learn about dealing with lion but that was definately a match I don't regret playing, good game man. Good luck to you and northwest VF as well.

    Plague- unfortunately talis, despite our best tries I guess we both choked in the end. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif but still I think we did really good from where we started. Great games with you man, and lets keep pushing riverside group.

    LA Akira- man you really really really beat on me with that Jacky on Saturday, but boy did it help me out a bunch. Not to mention the serious girl advice you, brian, and jeff gave me before we went to bed. Man I really need to get in contact with that chick. I kind of felt bad about the finals for ya cause I know you wanted revenge on Ken I but I hope you learn from it and come back and beast on everyone in Finals with you Sherman Oaks Shin style!

    Ken I- you bastard, lol nah I'm just joking man. I knew ever since that damn Shin party you were really good. And try as I could in the following gatherings and the team tournament. I just couldn't touch your lei fei with my sarah. You got my respect for being so damn good at so many fighting games, and for being sextaro of course lol. Congratulations Ken.

    Shoo- Hey man, you should've played Goh vs. Buktooth. You would have easily won man. Why did you play Shun both matches you didn't know how to play him right. Oh wells, keep practicing and coming to gatherings, I know you have the potential to be really good. If my lame ass skills can take me somewhere with a little bit of dedication and hard work, you can go farther.

    It was a fun tournament minus some bad parts here and there, and I loved san diego and more importantly CHANCHAI'S GODLY PAD, seriously that place owned.

    Peace out, /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/b.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/g.gif~/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/g.gif > Gatling Kicks for life man!
  6. SweepTheLeg

    SweepTheLeg Well-Known Member

    I've been meaning to write this post, and now Dan has spurred me on!

    First off, Chanchai: Thank you so much for the hospitality -- I like playing VF in a San Diego mansion. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif Seriously, you were a fantastic host and you offered me so much quality constructive criticism, it was always a pleasure to play your Lion. Congrats on 3rd, that is quite an accomplishment with such a fine group of players.

    Dan: It's always fun playing a good Sarah, and our games were evenly matched. I like hearing "Oh, what the crap!" (trademark Dan) when Eileen lands something ridiculous. It was also fun reminiscing over the BS that is DOA4. I'm glad we're both part of this community now.

    Gerald: As always, thanks for teaching me something new and analyzing my stupid manuevers. The fuzzy lesson was awesome, I've been practicing every night (we'll see how that translates to a versus series)...Your Shun is scary man, I'm often at a total loss as to what to do. Looking forward to playing you again soon.

    Sebo: My summer sparring pal, it has been a fun couple months of training. I agree with what Dan said -- keep your chin up and analyze (which you clearly have a mind for!), although I resent him calling my play mechanical!! lol /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif Your dedication to VF is the real deal and I respect it very much.

    Plague: It's always a pleasure playing your high-pressure Akira. [/me guards in fright] You're always a cool dude, mellow and soft spoken with a fierce competitive spirit. It's been a pleasure getting to know you and to learn how to play against Akira (obviously a work in progress!)..Can't wait till the post-Evo world event at your place!

    Brisal: It's your favorite "masher"! I had fun facing your Wolf and Blaze. The fake escape advise was a low blow though! lol..Your throw escape boot camp has allowed me to escape WAY more throws now than I ever did -- I'll always be thankful for that. Looking forward to getting in some more games at your place @ Battle for SoCal 3.

    Renzo: Very impressive finish at the tourney. I loved the way you play VF -- you always knew when you could get PK punishment on me, timely evades, etc. Awesome play style, and one I am trying to emulate. Maybe you should just move to San Diego... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif It was fun playing your Brad and Jacky -- hopefully we can do it again @ Plague's post-Evo event. Congrats again and it was nice meeting you.

    Good games to everyone and thanks again for hosting Chanchai. It was an awesome weekend, I wish we had more of them!

    - Dustin/Sweep!
  7. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    I had a wonderful time in San Diego and Carlsbad! This was a really awesome group of guys to be playing VF with and chilling. And this was an excellent "training trip." I have a real long way to go, though I'm super happy with the results and all. But I can see a lot more of what I'll have to be doing.

    LA Akira stresses how much more responsive one can be to sound in VF. And he's right! So at some point, hopefully before Evo World, I'm going to put myself through some sound training. Example: Vanessa's "Take That" means you should duck. Lion's two distinct yells indicate whether it's a mid or a low attack. I'll be getting out the blindfold and practicing blocking on sound.

    I have a lot of fun playing VF the way I do, but for the sake of tournament play, I think I need to develop a pure style of VF. So I'll be working on my guarantees, safe poking, and then doing the other stuff when the timing really feels right. As proud as I am of landing /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/b.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif combos on people, I'll work on a much safer style of play. Doesn't mean that safe style of play will be in form at Evo World, I figure this type of thing will take months, but we'll see what I end up with in August.

    After March and then Evo West, I think I'm getting a bit more used to the tournament atmosphere but I can still get rattled. That said, I played better than I expected for most of the tournament so I can't complain, but it's still a crazy atmosphere for me. Must throw myself into live or die competition more!

    Now... onto the players...

    I really enjoyed our sessions! I also really appreciate the fact that you enjoy watching other people's matches and really think things through in VF.

    That said, try not to overthink too much. Be a bit more optimistic, especially in gathering play where you can really try a lot of stuff out. It's good that you have the discipline to draw a line on what doesn't work, but don't cripple yourself with the fear of your opponent's response: VF is a game where EVERYTHING HAS A PROPER RESPONSE. Don't be afraid to use something because someone has properly responded. Though definitely go with the flow of a match. I am expecting great things of your Vanessa in the future ^_^

    <u>Sweep the Leg</u>
    It was great meeting you and I can't believe you've developed so much into both a VF player and an Eileen player in one month. That's amazing and massive props to you! Your Eileen is also shaping up so nicely, but you do resort to attacking too much.

    It'll be a Nirvana like enlightenment when you get comfortable with the defensive options at your disposal. And remember, 45 seconds is a long time in a match, you have all that time to destroy your opponent. Your rushes are good, but the stronger your opponent, the more those rushes can end up being reckless.

    The other enlightenment will be feeling when you've got that initiative to really carry out a rush and when the initiative belongs to your opponent so you should stop the rush and try to regain the initiative (with defense).

    That said, you are not a masher--just someone who plays on the abare style of play, and you actually play it well--but I think even that side of your game will improve drastically when you get more comfortable with the defensive flow. It's Yin and Yang, and VF (and reading a match in VF) is much about flow!

    <u>Non-VFDC Players I played against at Evo West</u>
    I was surprised in our matches. Both were similar with similar tendencies, both are not traditional VF players and it threw me off for a bit. I'm posting this because I do want to respect them, but I also find that what I saw was something noteworthy. The Goh and Jeffry players knew their combos, knew safe attacks, and had pretty good spacing.

    What I realized in retrospect was that they were playing VF like Tekken and I was surprised how much that threw me off. Spacing dictated their attacks and defense more than anything. They didn't block at the usual times for VF, they blocked when you were at mid range, but would do a poke when you got to close range. Dash in throw would not work because of this, though P(MC) throw would. Low attacks were their weakness. They didn't block low and I had a field day destroying them at shin level.

    The big revelation to me is that it doesn't seem to be that hard to transition from Tekken to VF nowadays. You won't be a master of VF and there are definite obstacles, but there is some overlap of useful skills and mindsets. It was interesting.

    <u>Unsafe Dan</u>
    Evo West was the first time my Lion fought your Sarah. And man, I really do like your Sarah. Goat Cheese Blues + a rising SoCal Sarah in Unsafe Dan... SoCal is Tall-Skanky-Combo-Whore territory!

    I wish we had more gathering time to play each other. It was me who teased and put up the "we won't play each other until Evo West" thing, but I really look forward to playing in the future.

    About the match at Evo West, I think you played the better game in our match, and I barely came out of that one alive. I had to dig deep and start attacking what seemed like potential holes in your game and maybe lack of knowledge against Lion's stuff (though that's part of the game too).

    Can't wait to play again! Also, glad you got to see my night-owl nature when I played Aoi against you on Friday night lol.

    <u>El Brisal</u>
    Lion's no Akira, but I think we're going to be eternal early round rivals or something. We always run into the same section of the draw! Our match was one of my personal favorites, but I know it wasn't you in top gear. But it looks like we'll keep running into each other, so bring it!

    Your Wolf is so much fun to fight against and scares the crap out of me at times. Thank you so much for keeping the Wolf spirit alive!

    Your Akira vs. Wolf match against Plague was one of the best matches of the tournament imo.

    Also, I hope you come visit Portland sometime soon!

    <u>Ken I</u>
    Twice now you've knocked me out of the winner's bracket in a tournament. And you and Renzo were clearly the best in form at Evo West.

    Furthermore, you completely earned the win and for some reason, you never get the complete credit you deserve in competitive play. That said, I think it is your persona and you have fun making people thinking you are the darkhorse instead of the favorite. But because of that, I think you're often the favorite.

    While some can describe the match you and I had in the Winner's Bracket final as a bit messy, it was my favorite match to play. I decided I would try some things out and some of them worked. Looking forward to more matches man!


    The other player best in form at the tournament. I thought you were going to take it all after your match with Unsafe Dan. You probably played the most complete game in the tournament.

    Our sessions on Saturday night led me to believe that you were probably the favorite of the tournament actually. That and watching you practice too. Great job!

    Your Brad is scary as hell, and I have played decent Brads, so I have no excuse! Our Thursday night Lion vs. Lion match was so much fun for me because we kept doing crazy stuff! In fact, our Lion vs. Lion matches were some of my favorites in the weekend, even if we are just messing around. Gotta love some of the crazy stuff Lion can pull, huh?!

    The Grand Final between you and Ken I were the best matches of the whole tournament, hands down. On top of that, you did have him but you had trouble punishing him on certain opportunities. But it wasn't like you made any more slipups or mistakes beyond that. Your Brad looked awesome out there!

    Thank you for always being you. One of the level-headed crazy guys of SoCal! And a great teammate for your SoCal brothers! You are always so supportive and proactive in the scene--both on the SoCal and the North American front!

    I can't thank you enough for getting things done! We are so lucky to have you and Catherine. Westcoast VF just wouldn't be the same without.

    Thanks for the transportation too!

    Your match with El Brisal was one of the best of the tournament.

    Towards the end of the gathering, you were starting to punish sweeps a lot more. You guys probably don't have a sweep whore like me in SoCal, but I keep sweeping if I'm not getting punished for them. And now you punish them properly.

    Once your Akira gets the momentum though, you're so freaking scary. Your Akira becomes scary in a way similar to an Imprezza driving straight at me, or a big burly Plague coming my way for that matter. VERY SCARY! If we fight at Evo World, I'll do everything I can to not let you have that momentum. Be prepared to be gouged to death! (in-game, not real life).

    <u>LA Akira</u>
    Gerald, you're the man! Thanks for coming to Carlsbad early, that was extremely welcoming and so much appreciated! The drinks, food, and El Pollo Loco were awesome too!

    Even when you're a guest, you and Plague are great hosts. I can't thank you both enough for all that you guys do. Truly class acts!

    Sorry things didn't work out in the tournament, but I do think your game warrants a very high seeding. Your Shun is scary as hell, your analysis is almost always right on the mark, your reactions are still sharp and good.

    Man!!! I'm jealous that you'll be having VF paradise for a month! You're going to Japan, you'll have some play time there, you'll go to Evo World, then you'll have the after party... My gosh man!

    Keep up the amazing work, you're a completely different player from March and all I can see is continued growth in your VF game!

    There's actually more I would like to say. But I might have to save it for another time. I gotta get to work, but I want everyone to know I had ana amazing time down there! I'll have to plan a few more SoCal trips in the future...

  8. solfizz

    solfizz Well-Known Member

    Very well-thought out and exciting post Chanchai!

    This is drool-worthy information, making any non Evo-participant wanting to have been there!
  9. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    My Thoughts:

    AY: I would like to thank you for hooking me up with a place to crash on Thurs. night (Damn those airplanes)
    Sebo: unlike the others I would say keep up your stress level because it makes it easier for me to win plus it makes me laugh seeing you all stressed out /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
    Sweep:F your Eileen. What a G Damn mashing bitch...and yes its true you are getting way better and very annoying to me.

    EVO Organizers: GET A DAMN PS3 SETUP GOING so us VF'ers can get some practice in before the damn tourney. No one is going to steal your shit while we are playing on it. Also a few Samsung HDTVs wouldnt hurt either.
    Free entry sucks because people dont show up. $5 is all I ask. If you have a game in your Tourney then support the damn game no matter what....JUMPS off SOAPBOX


    Shoo: WTH?!?!? Why did you use Shun when you have been using Goh in all the gatherings. I think that was a big mistake. Not all is lost though and I look forward to playing you and your friends again.

    Ken_I: The fighting game Guru. Congrats on the win and perhaps next time you can feel my pain

    Unsafe_Dan: Your lucky. You avoided me all week, but congrats on the tourney and have fun in Hawaii. I will be thinking of you while Im in Vegas /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    Jeff/Renz Your Brad was out of control. Congrats on your place and I look forward to seeing you at World. Also I disagree Asian woman like Asian men. They just love White Men. GL /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    ChaiChanCHE yes I now have a out of state rival. You now join Shag and Plague as people I need to bitch slap. Screw your gayass Lion and the results will be much different at WORLD i guarantee it and I have never GUARANTEED anything ever

    La_Akira: Out of all of the people there you are the one I didnt want to eliminate. What can I say i got lucky and Im sure if we played 20 straight matches you would have won at least 1 match /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

    Plague: Superman has Luthor, Batman has Joker, Akira has Wolf. Our matches always tend to be close. Plus my strategy of throwing you that curveball with El Blaze didnt work (even though I was close). As always I will be back and next time I will be more fierce... START RUNNING NOW.

    To all who didnt make it you missed out. Tourney was SO SO, but the Mansion gatherings were real nice. Half of us had no more feeling in our fingers after Saturday.

  10. _Denkai_

    _Denkai_ Well-Known Member

    If only their was a way too have combined evo east and west (held in New york of course lol) sounds like you guys had fun
  11. CaliJared

    CaliJared Well-Known Member

    Congrats on top 8 Dan, we need to play soon.
  12. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    I won't be able to see ya at EVO finals if you go there, but whenever you got time jared we play like every week in like 3 different locations.
  13. CaliJared

    CaliJared Well-Known Member

    No Vegas for you this year? =( Can I have your seeded spot?! haha jk

    Why won't you be able to make it?

    Oh and let me know of the next gathering and I'll try to make it.
  14. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    I have family stuff that requires I be in Hawaii from 19-26th. Doesn't sound as bad when you think of it, but I still miss not being able to go to EVO Finals lol.

    Gathering wise, every thursday we have 2 different locations depending on your region.

    Riverside/San Bernardino/Inland Empire = plague's house
    Los Angles area = LA Akira's house in Sherman Oaks

    On weekends Brisal in Azusa usually does something and Sweep/Dustin does his San Diego stuff on the weekends too as well.

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