Evo West @ SD Comic Con - July 27th-29th, 2007

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Chanchai, May 18, 2007.

  1. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    What: Evo West (Part of the Evolution 2007 Championship Series - Powered by Yaris)
    When: July 27th-29th, 2007
    Where: The Omni Hotel - San Diego, CA
    Why: It's a big tournament and placing well will get you a seeded position at Evo World. Prize should be decent.
    Official Site: http://evo2k.com/
    More Info: http://forums.shoryuken.com/showthread.php?t=131707

    The location for Evo West has been announced. It will be at the Omni Hotel next to the San Diego Convention Center. The Omni Hotel is rented out that week, because the San Diego Comic Con is happening that weekend.

    I cleared it with my future boss and I will be able to go to Evo West.

    Furthermore, there's a chance that my family's condo in SD will be available at that time (not guaranteed, but it's a chance). If that is the case, well... I would be happy hosting a small mini-gathering around the time of the tournament.

    PhoenixDth and GoatCheeseBlues have been there (as well as Mike90210 aka Mike92123). They can vouch that a small gathering there is possible if it's available. Only thing is I couldn't let too many people stay there /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif But maybe a few ^_^ I would definitely save spots for Plague, HowBoutSum, Phoenix, GoatCheese, SileWilly, AkiraLove, and LA Akira if they took up the offer.

    I will say that despite my messy appearance, the place is pretty close to LA Akira standards of cleanliness. The biggest issue, if that place is available, is parking (Phoenix can vouch for that too). I would hardly call this a problem but... playing VF5 there will be on a big widescreen that might distort your sense of scale when you play on the TVs at Evo West :p But one of the coolest things--It's literally across the street from the Convention Center. You will look straight at the convention center if you go to the balcony.

    If that place doesn't work out, there is another place that might be an option but we'd have to be quiet since it's in a retirement neighborhood.
  2. shoobert

    shoobert Well-Known Member

    im hyped >_<
  3. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Hey big thanks for posting this out Chanchai, I was just talking to Plague and Mattk about this at the gathering tonight. While having it at the same time as teh comicon imo makes it really hectic, I still think EVO west is gonna rock. Hope to see you guys there and hopefull triple the amount at EVO Finals.
  4. CaliJared

    CaliJared Well-Known Member

    Further than I expected, but I'm still super excited.

    I can't wait until I can start playing this game consistently!

    Also, good to see you coming back to So Cal Chanchai.
  5. MrSlants

    MrSlants Well-Known Member

    Dude!! I choose that chick who dresses up as slave leia over video games any day!!!
  6. MarkMan

    MarkMan Well-Known Member

    I'm pumped! Can't wait!
  7. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Hey Unsafe_Dan, I am really looking forward to it. Comic-Con being there is gonna be a really weird dynamic. I mean, in theory, we could have our 10pm-3am gatherings of VF, but then who would have the energy after the insanity (and insane lines) of Comic-Con?!

    BTW, I hope to see you there! We barely got to meet at the SoCal Gathering. I don't know if we even played, can't remember. But always good to get to know a fellow VFer better.

    Jared, really looking forward to visiting SoCal again. Are you training for the DoA tournaments that will be happening in the summer? While I know Evo didn't put DoA4 in there, there are going to be lots of alternative DoA4 events happening around the Evo events, right? That said, it'll be great to see you playing VF5 again.

    EvoWest is going to be one crazy place.

  8. SweepTheLeg

    SweepTheLeg Well-Known Member

    I work right by the convention center -- I live in Point Loma (about 10 mins away), and can possibly put a couple people up for a night or two if needed. Look forward to seeing y'all there.
  9. CaliJared

    CaliJared Well-Known Member

    Yeah I'm mainly focusing on CGS right now (www.thecgs.com), and I'll be playing VF5 a lot more in the summer. Hopefully I'll give you and the rest of the guys a challenge by the time Evo West comes. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  10. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Well, I ordered my airline tickets and registered for the tournament.

    However, I still need to get a badge for Comic-Con and June 7th is long gone. I hope the current rate for badges won't kill me...

  11. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Im looking for a place to stay. Hook Me up
  12. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    I won't be able to go to this either as I doubt I can get anymore time off due to the week long doctor's note.

    However, since a lot of you guys will be there I will rep a band I like:

    July 27th, 9 p.m., at the Casbah (by the airport), The Fucking Champs will be playing. I would be going if I was old enough to drink (and I don't ever plan to anyway! WTF?!).

    2501 Kettner Blvd
    San Diego, CA 92101
    (619) 232-4355

    Or check their website.

    /plug for a band I think more people should like
  13. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    .... team Riverside want to carpool together?

    If we do that we can save gas and parking space at Chanchai's....

    (unless Chancahi doesn't want us /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif )
  14. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    if i dont get a place to crash... no go for me. Always Evo World
  15. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    I still have to work out the capacity of where I'm staying and where parking is acceptable.

    It seems like the condo (that's right across the street from the convention center) is rented out so that won't happen unfortunately. Unless some miracle occurs.

    Therefore, I think the place I'll be at is a 15-20 minute drive, but I'm not too sure. I've heard it's not too far from Oceanside...

    I haven't actually been to this house, but it belongs to my parents. I believe (as in, I'm not 100% sure) it's in a retirement community which would put a big hamper on parking (though certainly a better parking situation than the condo).

    I'll try to figure out how much space we have there, how many people could stay, etc...

    Certain people get more priority than others. I think we will be able to work it out but I have to admit, I'm not 100% sure of the space we're working with. If the condo was the option, then I'd know how many I could hold and the only issue would be parking.

    With regards to transportation, more likely than not, I'll be driving a nice Ford Expedition so that would provide some transportation to Comic-Con.

    The worst case scenario is if my parents end up going there that weekend. It's so doubtful, but things like that have happened. So I'll clear up some things with them and try to avoid that situation but they can change their minds at the drop of a hat.

    Side note, I'd be happy to pitch in a small amount (like $20-30 or so) towards a community fund to make sure that everyone who needs lodging, gets lodging. That said, it should probably be setup last second, if at all, just so nobody plans on trying to take advantage of that. Having been a player that nearly bummed around Los Angeles a few years ago for a weekend (Ice-9 saved my ass), I can totally understand how scary events can be when there's no definite lodging.

  16. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Well, just to get to Sweep!'s place is a good hour, and that is without the traffic at Del Mar (which sometimes makes the trips to the airport 2 hours), plus many of my shifts run late...

    but what times would the tourney be at? I might reconsider as a chance to play VF is always awesome.

    Hell, I can get at least 2 or more people to stay here at my place and use it as a launch pad (if my parents are cool with that) to carpool to SD.
  17. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Team Riverside definitely up for carpool. Also visitors can stay here at my house and get a ride. Renzokuken plans to do just that /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif

    OK, if someone already knows the answers to the following, please post them...

    What is the schedule for VF (days and times, please)?

    Do I need a Comic-Con badge if I am not going to Comic-Con?

    What does said badge cost (should I need it)?

    Can I buy it at the event (and will that require a huge-ass wait in line)?

    Should I (Plague) haul a VF5 set-up to Evo West?

    Here are some answers you all may or may not want to stuff not mentioned above... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crazy.gif

    People who want to ride with me: I plan to drive the day-of any VF portion - Example: drive to qualifier - qualify - maybe leave shortly after. Drive to finals - definitely to watch, hopefully to compete - drive back. This isn't set in stone and I'm not big fans of other games. I would like to split the cost of gasoline based on the number of people in the car/van. Example: If you are riding with five other people (including myself) in my van, please pay 1/6th the cost of gas.

    People who want to stay at my house: Usual situations apply - no sleeping space is reserved, but there are at least 4 soft places available. Shower available, too. If there is no VF at Evo West, say, on Saturday, then the house is open for VF all day. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif

    Current guests: Renzokuken

    If Chanchai is able to score the place he described, everything may change (or, maybe, it won't). Please be flexible and keep your mind open. NOTE! If changing things severely fucks with the schedule of any out-of-town guests (people buying plane tickets, etc), then rest assured that things will stay as they expect (or what will work in their best interests).
  18. MarkMan

    MarkMan Well-Known Member

  19. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Hey all,

    Sorry I haven't been able to communicate much info lately. Life has been crazy in a good way.

    That said, I have a place and if you were originally planning to stay there, let me know who you are. I know some people are coming with Plague, Renzokukan is definitely welcome, and LA Akira and Jeremy are coming too.

    Space is limited, so let me know if you are definitely planning to go to the place. It's out in Carlsbad, CA. I need everyone to be on their cleanest game, because I can't afford to let this place get dirty. Private message me (and CC to Plague) and someone should be able to get you the address.

    I will also private message my cell phone number to you.

    I will arrive at the airport in San Diego at 9:35am on Southwest Airlines. BTW, if anyone is around and willing to pick me up from the airport, I would so love that. Otherwise, I'll be taking a shuttle or cab from SD to Carlsbad (oh my poor wallet).

    Again, sorry for the delay in information.

    I definitely want to accomodate as many people as possible without leaving a mess. The VF community has always been good to me and I want to do what I can to return the favors.

  20. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Extra Note: I don't think there's any real type of internet at the place we're staying at. Maybe dialup, but I doubt even that.

    I could use an iPhone right about now :p

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