F**K**G fake cards...

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by GaijinPunch, Jul 16, 2002.

  1. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    This is *REALLY* fucking me off now. Okay, first -- Evo's coming out, so in two weeks, everyone, including the dickhead that doesn't know how close he came to embarassment tonight, have to start from 10-kyu. However, I tell my tale.

    Playing w/ my 8-dan Aoi -- against Ice 9 as it were. He runs out of coins, and is going to the changer. So, a Meijin (Adept) Akira jumps in, card and all. Before the match starts, he pulls that card out and throws in his 8-dan Akira (EXACT SAME FUCKING RINGNAME). Okay, he's like 4 ranks above me, w/ the difference between a 10-dan and Champion being extremely large. He beats me, and I'm knocked down to 7-dan. In theory, a person of much higher rank knocked me down. What the fuck is that?

    Geez. Sometimes I wish I was like other white pieces of shit in Tokyo and went and did something about it. But, being as I try to represent the race (anyone that's a minority would likely agree with me) and I didn't want to give Ice the wrong impression, I let it go (but did put a nice post about it on Kyasao's BBS).

    Jeez, if you're going to 'cheat' in the game and deceive people don't be so fucking stupid to let the opponent know. That's asking for an ass whippin'. I'm an extreme pacifist, but was pissed off enough that I almost went and showed him how well some foreigners can verbally abuse their asian counterparts in their own language. Another friend (Japanese of course) stopped me.

  2. wu_wei

    wu_wei Member

    I don't understand this.

    He intially began a game with a higher dan card and then replaced it with a like dan card (relative to yourself), right? why wouldn't he continue to play the adept card or why wouldn't he have played out his 8-dan card right away?

    I don't understand the "cheat" or the reasons behind the action. what did he gain?
  3. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    yeah I'm confused... does this stop you from getting a ranking match or somehow steal the ability to rank up from you?
  4. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    You are not the gaijin, GP-san, the Akira player was the stinkn barbarian. Shame on him.
  5. Mr. Noisy

    Mr. Noisy Well-Known Member

    I don't understand
    Why would someone have 2 cards for the same character, same ring name?
  6. vf4akira

    vf4akira Well-Known Member

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    I don't understand
    Why would someone have 2 cards for the same character, same ring name?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    When I was using VF.net, any card you registered on your phone had the same ring name. I registered my friend's card on my phone so he could change items and such and all of a sudden his card also had my ringname. I'm not sure if VF.net is still like this, but it would be nice if you could have a different name for each card.

    As for having two cards with the same character, I'm guessing the guy was trying to get a better win ratio so he could move to the >75% win ratio tier. I can't think of any other reason. I bet that guy was hunting for same dan ranks just to rank up faster w/o much risk of lowering his win ratio.

    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    Jeez, if you're going to 'cheat' in the game and deceive people don't be so fucking stupid to let the opponent know.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I think it's a little overboard to call it "cheating" but perhaps a bit deceitful. However, I totally agree with "don't be so fucking stupid to let the opponent know." /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    Oh well, it was bound to happen sooner or later.
  7. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Yeah, to each his own -- I really felt like telling him off.

    Anyways, for those that don't 'understand', here's how it works.

    You basically get one VF.net account. (It's actually 1 per mobile phone -- but who has more than one? Very few). On that account, you get 1 ring name, which is applied for all characters. You can only use 1 card per character. You cannot have two Akira, two Lion cards, two anybody cards for one account.

    This guy either was using his friends mobile phone, a work one, or even a seperate VFnet-PC account. It's debatable as to whether or not it's 'cheating', although it obviously goes against how Sega made the ranking system, no? If it didn't, you could have multiple cards for the same character per account.

    What he did, was before the match started, was a he put the 'wrong' card in (the Adept card) but he wanted to have a same dan-level figth with me, so he put his (fake) 8-dan Akira card in -- again, before the match. I was already 8-dan -4, so he knocked me down to 7-dan. As Evo's coming out soon (out already technically) I'm not so worried about it, but it's the principle. I feel so used.

    If people start doing that shit in Evo, I'm going to make a nasty scene... I can just sense it.
  8. akiraattack

    akiraattack Active Member

    unbelievble ganin punch, that is really freakin terrible. you had you emotions better on control then me. if It happened to me, I would have trashed the arcade to pieces I think haha. but hey I am only 4 th degree aKira so I can do that haha. I am no yoda yet. still fucking unbelivble. it makes you just want to kill the guy!
    so where is that katana sword when you need it!
  9. HighKing

    HighKing Well-Known Member

    I probably would've popped the guy right square in the face.
  10. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Agreed. I think if data transfers were available from Ver. C to Evo, I would probably have at least said something, or made him feel like a piece of shit. I generally don't get physical, but talking shit to a coward is no problem.

    Basically, the thing that really pissed me off the most was that he was dumb enough to let me know that it wasn't a real card. Nimrod.
  11. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    I still don't get the issue. Regardless of what card he uses, you're just trying to win correct? Did the card swap knock you down a rank, or would you get knocked down a rank even if he hadn't swapped?

    I guess nobody wants to hear my theory of "play the best possible opponents you can in the game and concern yourself only with winning". .
  12. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    I think you worry about Rank too much, a card doesn't say how good you are. It seems shitty to me that the Japanese have cards that can be cloned with high ranks. And that some players can manipulate the system like they did to you in your post. Although its mad cool, I don't think that vfnet gives an accurate reading on skill level. IMO. I'd love to have it just for fun though here in the states. later.
  13. gaishou

    gaishou Well-Known Member

    this would be typical gaijin behavior. but id be forced to break his card off in the slot then jack him in the head......i'm kidding. well maybe not, depends on the mood...... /versus/images/icons/mad.gif
  14. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    CreeD: I'm still not sure where you're not following. The guy had two Akira cards. 1 Adpet, 1 8-dan -- same guy. This is a very grey area, as more than a few people do it, but generally not out the open, and definitely don't blatantly give it away to people they don't know. If he used the adept card, and I would've lost, of course I wouldn't be knocked down. It's made that higher ranked people won't knock other people down --- the way Sega intended it. Instead, an Adept-ranked person w/ a 8-dan card came in, beat me, and knocked me down.

    Blonde_One: I see your point, but I don't know anyone that doesn't take their rank seriously. Whether it shows your true ability or not is besides the point (although I agree with you that it really doesn't) but nonetheless, it's there, it's part of the game... and you get those kewl outfits the higher you go.

    gaishou: I thought of snapping the card in two, and coming back with any objection as to "Why do you care --- you've got one higher ranked, and according to VF.NET, you can't have two!" /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  15. grynn

    grynn Well-Known Member

    I would have told (or tried to with my limited skills in japanese) to tell him how lame he is...
    But snapping his card would have been satisfying too /versus/images/icons/wink.gif
  16. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    If he used the adept card, and I would've lost, of course I wouldn't be knocked down. It's made that higher ranked people won't knock other people down --- the way Sega intended it. Instead, an Adept-ranked person w/ a 8-dan card came in, beat me, and knocked me down.

    oic. Yeah so using the 'nice' card would not have triggered a ranking match eh? Well I guess I can see how that'd be irritating. Of course if you're -4, someone else might have come along and done it anyway.

    I'd rather play adepts all day (even though my record will blow), but that's just me.
  17. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    I think the system works, but only because not enough people in japan have decided to fuck with it and break it.,,
    but I guess you also have a point, much as I hate to say it. Worry about winning, not about ranking. Or more specifically worry about winning against skilled opponents.
  18. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Well, I whacked a Shadowlord Lau & Vanquisher Lion a few matches before. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  19. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    <font color="00ff00"> Shadowlord Lau & Vanquisher Lion whoa! What character did you use? What flowcharts can you share with respect to these victories. What Round Opening moves did you employ? What favorite Oki tactics? Please excuse or ignore this post if you are too busy or have already posted this information. thx GP-san </font color>
  20. Neo

    Neo Well-Known Member

    Hi GP actually this happened to me too a guy with ringname Jin in katakana put in his Haoh Kage card and then a 6th Dan one against my Akira.......It was very annoying I didn't lose a rank the first game but it really annoyed me so I foolishly played again to try and beat him but I lost again, being angry didn't help much and my friends had to calm me down a lot.....

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