Battle Audition 4th Season will end this weekend with the Final Battle Audition - Road to Kakutou Shinseiki VI event!
In the Trial Leagues, eight challengers (name in white) will compete against the "Ten Great Fighters" (Toushi Juu Ketsu) to determine the new Star Players (name in yellow). To determine the new ranks amongst the Star Players, the new Star Players will then compete with the "Three Champions" (San Toushi) Tomarion and Fullswing in the Star Player League (Fuudo will be unable to participate in the event).
This event will be at the AOU event and is expected to run from 10:30 AM to 3:30 PM JST, February 18, 2012. Trial League starts at 11:00 AM JST and the Star Player League at 1:15 PM JST. This event will be streamed live on not just one VF.TV Live channel but four!; Sega has made a specific website to display all four channels simultaneously ( Stay tune to VFDC for the most up-to-date information on the event!
For more information, please check the Kakutou Shinseiki VI Event - March 2012 Summary Thread.
Update: Stream is over! Embedded is the Star Player League (Main) Video
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Streamed on 4 channels (A-D) simultaneously
Trial League (Blocks A and B) - A (Main) / B / C / D
Star Player League - A (Main) / B / C / D
Check follow-up posts in the not-too-distant future for results and summary of events!
Final Battle Audition-Road to Kakutou Shinseiki VI
Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Feb 13, 2012.
Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Feb 13, 2012.
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© Jason Axelrod from 8WAYRUN.COM