First North American VF5:FS Tournament!

Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Jan 27, 2012.

By akai on Jan 27, 2012 at 3:39 PM
  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Sega, Southtown Arcade, & Iplaywinner presents the first VF5:FS Tournament outside of Japan. The tournament will be held in San Francisco on February 10, 2012! For more information check out the original story at Expect more news in the not so distant future!

    Planning to participate in the tournament? Discuss this in the VFDC tournaments and events section's VF5FS Tournament in San Francisco, CA - Feb. 10th Thread.



Discussion in 'News' started by akai, Jan 27, 2012.

    1. Chefboy_OB
      Now I have to find the time/money to make it out there suddenly. I want to be bitter, but it's FS. =D
    2. Chief_Flash
    4. Kiuju
      Ah man, thats two weeks from now. I don't know. Good to see that. Norcal from what I can remember had a lot of players, more than we had down my way at the time. Should be good.
    5. Aidan
      You guys are some really lucky bastards, you know that?
    6. Chanchai
      I doubt I can, but I'll try to make it. But with my wife expecting, I really doubt I can make it out there--but I might be able to justify a 2 day trip.

      It's very unlikely... but I really want to be there!
    7. SDS_Overfiend1
      This ain't even funny.
    8. AnimalStaccato
    9. sekaijin
      See you there.
    10. Tiripsem
      Darn my inability to travel on my own, but still it's nice to see Sega showing some kind of community involvement. Thanks to Iplaywinner too for streaming.

      Woo :O, congrats Chanchai! About your wife expecting of course. I'm sure you would be a likely candidate for champion if you went.
    11. Chanchai
      Man... don't think I can make it... so far the wife gave me a firm and desperate "noooooooo~~~!!!!! You can't go~!!!!!"
    12. Chanchai
      Thanks so much! We are very excited about the baby!

      Well, if I'm able to go I'll give it my best ^_^ But there are some people I would place as favorites and it of course depends on who is able to make it out there.

      Regarding the locals, you cannot underestimate Renzo! (Heck, he just won a Soul Calibur V tournament I think) This guy knocked me out of Evo West 2k7 in the Loser's Finals! Was a great fight though!

      Besides, bonus points to him for fighting Kayo Police!
    13. Dennis0201
      Completely no idea how this going to be, and probably Haunt will provide more details these days.

      In the meantime, I think we can start list how many people might be present. It gives us a number and maybe Haunt can negotiate with Southtown Arcade to give us the entire free day to play FS, is it possible? The tournament starts at 7PM, it's a bad time considering the traffic in SF. What I mean is if we are able to play since noon or whenever earlier, we actually have more time to hang out as well. Btw, it also helps someone from outside of Norcal so they can start to book the transportation right now.

      Two weeks period is kind of short notice, any Socal coming??
    14. akiralove
      OK, I'm glad Sega is doing something to promote the game, but a tournament on a game none of us have ever played? With 2 weeks notice?

      Are you still in the Socal area Dennis? for people that decide to go, will there be time to warm up & get somewhat familiar with the game?
    15. Slide
      This very very short notice.

      All I can say is maybe.

      Anyone in Socal going to carpool? Talis?

      uhhh, I don't even remember the last time I played VF, I'm probably past the point where I'm anywhere near competitive, but I would love to support the game that I was waiting so long to play. Also, I know I can't really complain cause I'm on the same coast as this, but I really wished this was in Socal, haha. But, it doesn't matter where it is, I'm just glad to see something like this is happening.
    16. sekaijin
      I'm going to do everything I can to fly in, but seriously, two weeks' notice is just stupid.
    17. Dennis0201
      Most likely I can be there, but I need to drive 4 hrs straight heading to SF. Plus, the traffic is very bad after 3PM around the area, so I wish that Southtown Arcade is available for us all day long to be able to actually play FS, not just the event time schedule. If thing goes well, I'll try to arrive around noon to avoid fucking traffic, and that's my plan so far.

      Basically, the tournament sucks, but we all understand the meaning behind of this. Yeah, I think it's a rare chance to see people from other states, so I really hope our CA players can participate together.

      Hopefully you guys can make it, this party will be fade if Talis, Slide, JTGC, Brisal, Betabow, Alex, GoatCheese, LA, anyone of you not showing! [​IMG]
    18. Myke
      Yeah, it's short notice, but I think the key point here is that this is the "first" tournament of hopefully a few (or many?) more leading up to the official release!? So if you're able to support the event by participating, and help others do so, then great!

      Hopefully those making the trip out will have plenty of casual time with the game as well.
    19. Mooseking_Lion
      Jealous as all balls >.<

      GL to all those attending, if it's streamed I'll be watching <3

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