Free training question

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by Han, Dec 11, 2002.

  1. Han

    Han Member

    In the Vanessa faq, second draf I read this:
    Note: if you want to practice doing the modified version (crouch dash, neutral+P) properly, go into free training against Jeffrey and set Jeffrey to perform P+K followed immediately by a low punch.
    I like to know how to set jeffrey up like that... Please can somebody help me out with this?
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    pick vanessa and jeffry as the enemy. Press start and go to record. Then make jeffry do P+K, d+P. Then press start, choose stop recording, and then from the main menu do playback settings. Choose action one, 100%, then playback start. Jeffry will do it over and over this way.
  3. Han

    Han Member

    Great! Thank you! /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

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