FS Vanessa channel links

Discussion in 'Vanessa' started by Mackfactor, Sep 10, 2010.

  1. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

  2. CJA

    CJA Well-Known Member

    AceBreaker is back to playing VF huh, imho nobody plays a more badass Vanessa.
  3. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

  4. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    CJA my fav was morimoto or sumthing.. hes good. btw thanks shadooo, keep em cummin
  5. Chefboy_OB

    Chefboy_OB Well-Known Member

  6. Ribx

    Ribx Well-Known Member

    Take all of this with a grain of salt.

    pecola416 is Pecola (ペコラ Pekora)

    THESuekiti/ ninarabi is ShakaRabbit (釈迦ラビッツ ShakaRabittsu)

    rtaki3952 channel has a few Vanessas like
    ShinbashiKumiNoTaki (新橋組ã®æ») (also a Lau player and the channel's owner),
    MarunageEigyouMan (丸投ã’営業マン),
    MonKichi (悶å‰[/size]) (I think he might be a top player, from the Golden name?...)

    865hana is Hana (å’„/ãƒãƒŠ). I think he's also HanaSonic (ãƒãƒŠã‚½ãƒ‹ãƒƒã‚¯ HanaSonikku),
    HanaTotosu (ãƒãƒŠãƒˆãƒˆã‚¹), etc. VF players love to change their names, apparentely.

    dbfetable is Dove (ダブ Dabu) (assuming I'm translating correctly)
  7. xTank_Girl

    xTank_Girl Active Member

    Any one know y they change Vanessa from 4 to 5?
  8. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

  9. ShadowGT

    ShadowGT Member

  10. Ribx

    Ribx Well-Known Member

    If you're looking for the arguably best Japanese Vanessa player videos, then look for Kaibutsu
    (ã‹ã„ã¶ã¤ or 怪物*).

    Here are some videos:
    Kaibutsu on Youtube

    Nico Nico Douga also has a bunch of them:
    Kaibutsu on Nico Nico Douga

    I believe his rank is either Gouraijin (轟雷神) or Bakuenjin (爆焔神)(3rd/2nd God Rank, from top), right now.

    In the vast majority of last year's videos he was in the Butei ranks (Ryuubutei (é¾æ­¦å¸) here).

    *Monster in Japanese
  11. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    There's also GoDokuNoDAN.

    Now, now, everybody calm down. I know what you're thinking, "erdraug finally snapped". And i did, once i watched the vanessa mirror @11:56 of his latest vid. It made me physically ill, like, my head was spinning for a couple of minutes.

    But hear me out, i had an epiphany:

    Godokunodan represents what's best in VF5FS vanessa.

    No, seriously! Godokunodan was playing VF5FS Goh - and he dropped him because he found even more broken shit in VF5FS vanessa! Goh! He dropped Goh "knee or throw, either way your lifebar is gone" Hinogami because he found a character that's even better!

    I mean, just look at him, he's using only the best, cheapest moves in vanessa's arsenal. Anyone watching his vids instantly knows what to look out for. So watching his vids is a good thing.

    But wait, Godokunodan is also good advice for vanessa players! As in "see that player? see all those yellow flashes? yeah, don't play like that."

    What i'm trying to say is that, sure, Godokunodan posts terrible vids with awful gameplay and even worse commentary. But watch his vids and tell yourself "i can play better than that!". And you will! Just by going to the combo section and learning the combos for vanessa's first combo starter you're already playing better than him.

    Godokunodan can bring out the best in you.
    Last edited: May 30, 2017
    Jason Elbow and SDS_Overfiend1 like this.
  12. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    The above post is full of fail. Tell me erdraug where were you at Evo 2012? Home eating croissants and grey poupon? Godokunodan was there. Did you hold the line against Shang and expose him for the spamming scrub he is? Nope, Godokunodan did that with his war on Shang vids.

    You didn't even go to Hypespotting , and that's in your own back yard. So far all you've contributed is useless strings and combos that can be broken up at their inception with 2p or an evade. You're nothing but a theory fighter and a poser. I haven't watched the insomnia vids yet, but I bet you didn't get off your lazy effeminate ass to go to that either.

    Godokunodan plays in local tournaments in New York City, home of some of the best VF players in the world. Erdraug ducks out and bails on local tournaments in France home of some of the lamest VF players in the world. Who is the true hero of Vanessa players? Take the facts above and decide.

    As for broken shit in FS Vanessa , please Take your head out of your ass And think. There are no broken moves in FS Vanessa, and very few in the entire game , just broken thinking(yours) . If some Idiot chooses to abare every chance he gets, he deserves to get hit with 1p or K,K until he dies. There's a block button for a reason .

    If you come out of the hole in the ground you're hiding in and play against human players, you would know you can't just use 20-frame combo starters every second, and a lot of combos drop online because you can't hit confirm, such as intrude hook , 6P,K,K in the video you posted above. Sometimes Quick pokes get the job done better. Those are the realities of fighting in actually offline completions and online.

    Also don't spew ignorant shit when you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Godokunodan didn't drop Goh. He used Goh in 5 out of the 13 videos he uploaded a day ago.

    If you think you're a better Vanessa player than Godokunodan , put your money where your mouth is and show up at Evo 2013 , instead of punking out like you did this year.
    Flyingguillotine likes this.
  13. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

  14. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    Yeah, erdraug, we all know you are Godokunodan, posting links to his vids. Hes using reverse psychology by insulting himself to draw away suspicion! Get him , guys!
    Flyingguillotine likes this.
  15. MDSPrime

    MDSPrime Grappler & Part time Ninja

    I can understand why he uses Vanessa over Goh, even though Goh is technically a much stronger character than Vanessa, and has better and easier options, Vanessa is still better in the fs system and better online too.
  16. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Thank you for your feedback Richkwondo. If you are aware of any other active Vanessa youtube channels feel free to recommend them.
  17. MakiLeSushi

    MakiLeSushi Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

  18. MakiLeSushi

    MakiLeSushi Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    I want to refresh a little this thread. Actually i m lookin for shark vanessa matches to make a playlist. I already did it with kaibutsu here is the link i will add more vids once i find it
  19. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Samyarizona, who/that has been in my RSS feeds since forever (seriously, first vid from 2010, then on hiatus since 2013) just uploaded two hours-long videos of Vanessa sparring (according to my google translate kills, training for Orion cup, whatever/whenever that is):


    Plus another stream featuring Punch The Senpu (LA) , Koedo (JA), Chibita (LI), Kichijoji Go (GO), if you can handle half a day of Vanessa grunting (what's WRONG with you?).
    jimi Claymore and Ares-olimpico like this.
  20. Ares-olimpico

    Ares-olimpico Well-Known Member Content Manager Lion

    Thanks so much @erdraug, is dificult watch Lions in action

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