Fun little game..

Discussion in 'General' started by replicant, Jun 23, 2003.

  1. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

  2. Locke

    Locke Well-Known Member

    Here's another game :

    Look for really tiny people hidden in the pics. Here are some tips :

    1) Click on all the tiny people before time runs out.

    2) There are only five stages, but should you fail to complete a stage, you’ll have to start all over again.

    3) Although there are some pretty obvious ones, most like to hide within their colour themes.

    4) You can use the magnifier (+) to zoom in, but time will be wasted.

    Try it and have fun.
  3. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    hah, that was pretty cute Locke. When you finish you get to download the cute chibi icons!

  4. Locke

    Locke Well-Known Member

    Cool. I am not aware of the chibi icons thing.
    I never get to finish the game. Just couldn't get pass Stage 3/4 /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif .
  5. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    that third level was the hardest. It took me the longest time to realize that when you clicked on the little men in the bedroom they immediately ran to another location and you had to click them two more times.

    The icons are cool though.

  6. Locke

    Locke Well-Known Member

    Here's another flash game someone sent to me...

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