Fuudo Wins Evo 2011 SSF4 AE

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Aug 1, 2011.

By Myke on Aug 1, 2011 at 11:16 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [​IMG]Spoiler Alert! A VFer wins the SSF4AE Championship at Evo 2011!

    VF fans all over are laying claim to a moral victory in Fuudo's excellent performance during the Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition Championship as he took 1st place at EVO 2011.

    When asked during interview at WCG 2009 what he thought the differences were between SF4 and VF5, he said:

    SF4 and VF5 requires a different mindset to play. It is important to understand and make use of all the set ups for SF4. Also, SF4 requires a lot of techniques to play effectively. Whereas VF requires a lot of yomi and how you can find other player's bad habits.

    Despite the differences, and whether or not his VFing background did help him get a read on his opponents, it's hard to deny his remarkable skill and clutch decision making during the AE finals. While many had not heard of Fuudo prior to EVO 2011, there's no doubt that they'd be taking him seriously from now on!

    Here are some links to get your Fuudo fix!

    » Interview with Fuudo at WCG 2009
    » EVO 2011 SSF4AE Top 8: Poongko (Seth) vs Fuudo (Fei Long)
    » EVO 2011 SSF4AE Grand Final: Latif (C.Viper) vs. Fuudo (Fei Long)

    Original image from shoryuken.com


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Aug 1, 2011.

    1. SDS_Overfiend1
      Congrats Fuudo. VF players should be proud. hopefully people will check his back ground and see the man is a legend in VF. Maybe it can open some eyes to the posibility of people wanting to play VF because of him.
    2. VFhayato
      Man! Great job bro! I have to get the videos to Evo 2011
      I only saw half of the videos
    3. AnimalStaccato
      Haha nice one, good on Fuudo!

      I just watched the grand final and Fuudo dominated him! That was a very convincing victory.

      Does anyone know if Gamerbee was in this tournament?
    4. Autobotdan
      So this could be a good thing and a bad thing. Do we really want to see world class Virtua Fighter 5 tournament players crossing over and dominating the Street Fighter and Tekken tournaments at Evo or do we want to see Virtua Fighter 5 Showdown on Playstation3 at Evo 2012 tournament? I am very happy for Fuudo and our Virtua Fighter community today but at the same time I am sad Fuudo needed to play a street fighter game to get recognition at EVO = (
    5. Rodnutz
      Excellent write up Myke! Word for word you hit everything right on the money and including his WCG 2009 quote was priceless!

      SRK needs to front page your write up because I can't imagine anyone there doing a better job putting some words together that best describe the mindset of Fuudo and introduce him to the US Street Fighter community. Hehehe I'm sure a lot of people will be shocked when they find out he is Japan's best overall VF player.

      Greatest moral victory for VF indeed...........
    6. DRE
      I totally agree with Fuudo on the SF thing, especially SF4. At the highest level, it's all about option selects and safe jumps after every untechable knockdown (and also option selects after poking/footsies) because they are so powerful. With VF it's all about making pure reads against people's wakeup, and the new throw system is now 100% yomi unlike the previous one.

      It's weird seeing Fuudo getting recognition at Evolution for SF instead of VF, but that tells you about the state of VF outside of Japan right now. Fighting games are more popular than they used to be, and people are hoping that sega will try to get in on the action, but as usual we get nothing.
    7. Cozby
      I wonder if this means Fuudo would be willing to travel to more international AE venues. Prefably the ones I'm in? Prefably Summer jam, currently the best throwdown on the EC? Maybe he'd be interested in playing VF with us? Damn I kinda wish I went.
    8. THE_WALL
      What a great outcome for the Evo tourney. A VF legend Fuudo takes it. There was someone from my state that took 9th Infested 801 his main is Abel but he also plays Makoto and Yun.
    9. Myke
      Thanks Rod! I've submitted a tip to SRK for this story so we'll see what happens. I think any kind of exposure for VF is a good thing in general.

      I really enjoyed Fuudo's performance in the finals. Very measured and controlled. The first Ultra to save himself against Poongko was brilliant (fist pump FTW). But then the dash-in Ultra to catch the twitch/abare/DP-happy Poongko was so freakin' tight! Awesome read from an awesome player.

      It's a shame nobody took advantage of the opportunity to play some VF5 with Fuudo though!
    10. Berzerk
      Great stuff! I was hoping to see this here and checked in on the site again today to suggest it... good job Mike.

      I was cheering for Poongko at EVO except for when he came up against Fuudo - the VF pride took precedence.

      It was generally very well noted by Seth Killian on commentary that the VF master Fuudo has shown the world his skills in SF also.

      The story is a great one to show skills in multiple fighters is a benefit and we see some of the sharpest players come from the VF scene in Japan.

      VF Exhibition at EVO next year?
    11. Sudden_Death
    12. Dennis0201
    13. MAtteoJHDY
      the end is just nuts, fuudo read latif VF style

    14. Rodnutz
      WTF that was my place! When the hell did you record this??????
    15. Sudden_Death
      Lol you guys were glued to the screen so I recorded this bit hehe
    16. Rayne
      I'd been trying so hard not to have the results spoiled. Good job vfdc for having it on the front page. Saying 'Spoiler Alert' doesn't exactly help when the spoiler's on the same line, right next to a picture of the spoiler ffs.
    17. Chanchai
      Well, in all fairness, VFDC posted the news on the following day :p (And we are now two days after Evo).

      For added entertainment, here is the rematch. Latif and Fuudo are playing first to 4 here. I won't spoil the results. Entertaining match, though I miss the crowd noise and atmosphere of the Finals.

    18. Chanchai

      Japanese players watching Poongku vs. Fuudo at the Gods Garden Evo2k11 Party
    19. Myke
      Lovin' the crowd reaction vids (NYC, Japan) and the interview was pretty cool too! Keep 'em coming! [​IMG]

      Was it high? Was it low? It was nothing! It was a piledriver!

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